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Алябьева Ю.М., Клинг В.И. English listening com...doc
5.43 Mб

1. Listen to the text paying attention to the important details and making a list of professionally useful words. Write their Russian equivalents.

Key words: clone; bioengineering; virus; embryo; gene; uterus.


mammal – млекопитающее,

udder – вымя,

dormant state – спячка,

to fuse – объединять,

womb – матка,

ewe – овца,

to create a stir – произвести сенсацию,

embryo splitting – разделение эмбриона пополам.


Dolly Touches Off Cloning Debate

In late February 1997, a group of Scottish researchers told the world that they had achieved what hadn't been possible before. They had cloned a mammal, in this case a sheep they called Dolly. To make the clone, they had taken the genetic material from the cells of an adult and inserted them into an egg from which they had removed the nucleus, thus making a genetically identical "daughter". This was the first time the cells from an adult mammal were used to make a clone. And their work provided proof that the genes in an adult cell can be activated to make an entire new organism.

The making of Dolly was very labor - intensive, though. The researchers, at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, Scotland, first plucked udder cells from an adult sheep. After putting them into a test tube, they forced them into a dormant state by restricting their supply of nutrients. This trick apparently made the nuclei of the cells far more likely to take up residence in another cell and start dividing. Then, they took unfertilized eggs from female sheep and removed the DNA - containing nucleus from each one.

Dolly, the clone that started it all

They then fused together 277 nuclei from the udder cells into 277 of the nuclei - free eggs. But only 29 of these survived and were injected into the wombs of 13 ewes. Only one got pregnant and gave birth to Dolly, who contained only genes from the original udder cells, and none from its birth mother.

The birth of Dolly created a stir amongst the public, who feared such technology could lead to a race of cloned humans. It also caused scientific excitement. "It flies in the face of biological dogma," said Neal First, chairman of reproductive biology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. "Work in mice and other animals had convinced us all it couldn’t be done”.

Another technique - embryo splitting - can be used to create multiple twins, but scientists cannot be sure what traits they will have. By contrast, Dolly is an identical copy of an adult animal, whose characteristics are known and deemed desirable.

2. Give English equivalents:

создать клон,

генетически идентичный,

неоплодотворенная яйцеклетка,

деление эмбриона,

бросать вызов.

3. Answer the questions:

What happened in late February 1997?

Why was the making of Dolly very labor-intensive?

Why did the birth of Dolly create a stir amongst the public?


What do you think about cloning? Is it a miracle of genetic? Is it dangerous?

Cosmetic Surgery

1. Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more commonplace. Do you think this is a good or a bad thing?

2. You are going to hear a discussion about cosmetic surgery. Do you think these three people are likely to be for or against cosmetic surgery? Listen and find out.

3 Below are some of the points made in the discussion. Work with a partner. Try to remember who made each point. Then listen to the discussion again and check.

  1. True beauty comes from being intelligent and interesting, not from being physically perfect.

  1. Cosmetic surgery can give people more confidence.

  2. There's nothing wrong with trying to improve on what nature has given us.

  3. People should be grateful for what God has given them.

  4. It is selfish and indulgent to spend money on superficial improvements when there is so much poverty and sickness in the world.

  5. Cosmetic surgery can be more beneficial than a holiday, because the effects last longer.

  6. We should accept ourselves as we are.

  7. Having cosmetic surgery is similar to having your hair dyed or your teeth straightened.

  8. It is good to see life experience showing on people's faces.

  9. People who feel good about the way they look are more likely to do well in their career.

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