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Пособие 2 ч. МТД (Истомина).doc
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Exercise 1.

Match the English words in “A” with their Russian equivalents in “B”.


  1. ability 1. ручка

  2. to resist 2. способность

  3. conductor 3. проход, прохождение

  4. application 4. передача

  5. handle 5. проводник

  6. passage 6. сопротивляться

  7. transmission 7. применение

  8. to subject 8. обработка

  9. treatment 9. клетка

  10. cell 10. подвергать

Exercise 2.

Study the definitions of the following words and insert these words into the sentences given below.

to conduct -

allow heat (electric current) to pass along or through

to resist -

oppose; use force against in order to prevent the advance of

suitable -

right for the purpose or occasion

cavity -

empty space; small hole within a solid body

poor -

low in quality, very bad

grain -

natural arrangement or pattern of the lines of fibre in wood, etc. as seen on a surface that has been sawn or cut

kiln -

furnace or oven for drying

to subject -

cause to undergo or experience

1. The strength properties of wood differ greatly according to the direction of the _____. 2. Dry wood _____ to electric current. 3. Dry wood is a _____ conductor of heat. 4. Green wood contains a large amount of water in cell _____. 5. The conduction of heat through wood is of great importance in the _____ - drying of timber. 6. Hardwood species have a tendency to shrink more than softwoods, therefore hardwoods are more _____ for furniture.

7. Wood is _____ to ultrasound to detect latent defects. 8. Sometimes it is desirable that wood should first be _____ to chemical and mechanical treatment. 9. Unlike many materials wood is resistant to mild chemicals and does not _____ electricity and heat.


Exercise 1.

Find 5 sentences in the text with Participle I and Absolute Participle Construction and translate them into Russian.

Exercise 2.

State the functions of Participle I and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Being placed in a dry room wood loses water from the cell cavities and from the cell walls and shrinks. 2. Having completed the cycle of its development the cell dies. 3. Conditions being suitable for wood-destroying fungi, the service life of timber is very short. 4. High temperature destroys fungi existing in the wood. 5. Having been kiln-dried boards are light in weight and resistant to decay.6. Lumber being plain-sawn is cheaper and has less waste. 7. Numerous experiments having been made, scientists came to the conclusion that dry wood is absolutely resistant to an electric current. 8. Being placed in a humid atmosphere wood absorbs water and swells. 9. There are hundreds of species of trees possessing different properties. 10. Changes in the dimensions of the wood being dried may lead to different defects in the material.

Exercise 3.

Choose the necessary form of Participle I.

    1. Wood _____ less than 20% moisture is not subjected to attack by wood destroying fungi.

A. being contained

B. containing

C. having contained

D. having been contained

    1. There are three basic types of bakers in use, each _____ a different means of removing bark.

A. having employed

B. being employed

C. employing

D. having been employed

    1. Logs _____ to the sawmill from the forest are placed in the log pond.

A. being driven

B. driving

C. having driven

D. having been driven

    1. _____ wood does not conduct heat.

A. Having been dried

B. Having dried

C. Being dried

D. Drying

    1. _____ the properties of wood engineers began to use it to the best advantage.

A. Being studied

B. Having studied

C. Having been studied

D. Studying

Exercise 4.

Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: After the engineers had finished their experiment they went home.

Having finished their experiment the engineers went home.

1. The system which is being utilized now increases the safety and efficiency of the production. 2. When the substance had been heated to a high temperature it changed its properties. 3. When the engine was tested it showed that it needed no further improvements. 4. When the engineers had studied the properties of wood they began to use it to the best advantage. 5. When wood is dry it is not attacked by insects. 6. Wood which is placed in damp conditions swells. 7. If the lumber is carefully dried it will not check and split. 8. As a tree is a representative of the woody plants it has three main parts: roots, stem and crown. 9. If we look at the cross-section of an old tree we can determine the conditions of its growth.