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Пособие 2 ч. МТД (Истомина).doc
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IV. Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the Unit.

1. Древесностружечная плита – это панель, изготовленная из частиц древесины под воздействием тепла и давления.

    1. Композиционные материалы могут быть изготовлены требуемой ширины, толщины и плотности.

    2. Клееные конструкции помогают инженерам проектировать формы, которые нельзя получить из цельной древесины.

    3. Многие спортивные сооружения, церкви, сборочные цеха (assembly shops) построены с помощью клееных конструкций.

    4. Сначала производство ДСП рассматривалось как способ утилизации фабричных отходов.

    5. Древесные панели более устойчивы в размерах в плоскости плиты.

    6. Технологическую щепу для производства древесных плит получают из хвойных пород – сосны и ели.

    7. Технологическая щепа рубится несколькими вращающимися ножами, сушится и опрыскивается клеящим веществом.

    8. Древесные панели весьма универсальны и используются во многих отраслях промышленности.

    9. Использование древесных панелей в строительстве включает настил полов, обшивку стен, опалубку и многое другое.

V. Speak about:

1. Wood-based panels, their properties and use.

Unit 10 Revision


Sawmill Process

    1. Answer the questions.

      1. Do you know what is done with the tree after felling?

      2. Where is it transported?

      3. What is done with it at the sawmill?

A sawmill’s basic operation is much like those of 100 years ago: a log enters on one end and dimensional lumber exits on the other end.

- Logging fells the trees and log bucking cuts them to length.

- Logs are taken by truck, rail or river to the sawmill.

- Logs are scaled either on the way to the mill or upon arrival at the mill.

- Decking is the process for sorting the logs by species, size and end use.

- Debarking removes bark from the logs.

- The head saw, head rig or primary saw breaks the log into cants (unfinished

planks) with a smooth edge.

- Edging will take the cant and trim off all irregular edges leaving four-sided


- Trimming squares the ends at typical lumber lengths.

- Drying removes naturally occurring moisture from lumber.

- Planning smoothes the surface of the lumber leaving a uniform width and


- Shipping transports the finished lumber to the market.

Sawmills spread widely in Europe in the 16th century. Prior to the invention of the sawmill, board were rived and planed or more often sawn by two men with a whip-saw. Sawing was slow and required strong and enduring men. In the United States the sawmills were introduced after colonization of Virginia by recruiting skilled men from Humburgh. In England the sawmill remained largely unknown until the late 18th century.

The greatest improvement was the use of circular saw blades and soon thereafter, the use of gangsaws, which added additional blades so that a log was reduced to boards in one quick step. The introduction of steam power in the 19th century created many new possibilities for mills. By 1900 the largest sawmill in the world was operated by the Atlantic Lumber Company in George-town, South Carolina.

In the 20th century the introduction of electricity and high technology furthered this process and now most sawmills are massive and extremely expensive facilities in which every aspect of work is computerized. Today a mill can make many hundreds of thousands of boards per day.

Technology has changed sawmill operations significantly in recent years, emphasizing increasing profits through waste minimization and increased energy efficiency as well as improving operator safety. The sawdust and other mill waste is now produced into particleboard and related products or used to heat wood-drying kilns. Everything is used. While the bark may be ground for landscape barkdust, it may also be burnt for heat. Sawdust may be

pressed into wood pellets for pellet stoves. The larger pieces of wood that won’t make lumber are chipped into wood chips and provide a major source of supply for paper mills. Wood by-products of the mills will also make Oriented strand bond paneling for building construction, a cheaper alternative to plywood for paneling.

General understanding

Answer the questions:

  1. Is the basic sawmill operation the same as 100 years ago?

  2. What operations does the sawmill process include?

  3. When did the sawmills appear in Europe?

  4. What was the greatest improvement in the sawmill process?

  5. What was introduced in the 20th century and how it furthered the process?

  6. How has technology of sawmill operations changed in recent years?

  7. How can sawmills increase their profit?

  8. What is the sawdust and other mill waste processed into nowadays?

  9. How is bark used?

  10. What alternative to plywood is produced at the sawmills nowadays?