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Работа над текстом

Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст, пользуясь словарем. 

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и словосочетаний: 

     Правоохранительные  органы, природный инстинкт, кинолог (проводник), охотиться (преследовать), образцы, награда, похвала, понимать (интерпретировать), командная работа, обнаруживать наркотики, гашиш, кокаин, героин, оружие, боеприпасы, взрывчатые вещества, грузовой автотранспорт, суда, самолеты, оборудование, заменить. 

Упражнение 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 

  1. What is canine enforcement?

  2. What are the main breeds selected for drug detection work?

  3. Why does British Customs use neither Alsatians nor Rottwellers?

  4. What is the basis for training?

  5. What is the dog’s motivation or reward?

  6. What is the main task of a trainer?

  7. How many types of detector dogs do you know?

  8. How does the dog know it is on duty?

  9. How are private cars normally searched if the dog is to be used?

  10. What three elements are to be checked when inspecting commercial vehicles?

  11. Why is it difficult for the dog to search vessels?

  12. Why is baggage sometimes searched behind the scenes?

  13. What is the procedure of passenger examination when the dog is to be used?

  14. Why can no piece of equipment replace the dog?

Упражнение 4. Кратко изложите содержание текста (8-10 предложений) в письменной форме, используя  ключевые слова. 

                           ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения  на русский язык. 

  1. New customs checkpoints have been set up at the borders with the Baltic States.

  2. Quantitative restrictions or other forms of import control have been adopted in many countries.

  3. The goods had been kept at the bonded warehouse for a month before the duties were paid.

  4. The new import tariffs on used cars will have been worked out by December.

  5. The cargo was seized because the false invoice had been discovered.

Упражнение 2. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. 

  1. He has not fixed the date for the next meeting yet.

  2. The government has increased duties on some types of industrial products recently.

  3. The Japanese customs has made efforts to train more detector dogs.

  4. The customs officer seized the cargo because he had discovered the false invoice.

  5. The specialists have estimated the size of the US market between $ 50 billion and $ 100 billion a year.

  6. The officer-in-charge will have signed all the protocols by 2 o’clock.

  7. The inspector has already confiscated 25 kg of drugs this year.

  8. I had checked the accompanying documents before I examined the cargo.

  9. The passengers had collected their luggage before the customs officer told them to go through the Green Channel.

  10. The congressmen will have introduced the new bill by the end of the month.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения  на английский язык. 

  1. Груз был  задержан, так как документы были оформлены неправильно.

  2. Сколько месяцев товар находился на складе временного хранения, прежде чем пошлины были уплачены?

  3. Мне только что сообщили, что в багаже пассажира были обнаружены наркотики.

  4. Судно уже будет проверено, когда вы прибудете в порт.

  5. Все таможенные декларации были заполнены, до того как нам сказали, что мы можем идти через Зеленый канал.

  6. Собаку учили находить наркотики и взрывчатку в течение 8 месяцев, прежде ее начали использовать в аэропорту.

  7. Только после того как чемодан был открыт, сотрудник таможни убедился, что в нем не было ничего запрещенного.

  8. Так как стоимость товара была явно занижена, таможенник предупредил, что она будет скорректирована.

  9. Валюта была конфискована таможенником, так как она не была внесена в таможенную декларацию.

  10. Новые ставки таможенных пошлин были установлены еще до 1 мая.

 Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующей форме. 

The Russian Customs Service (to carry out) the same functions as the Customs of any other developed countries: fiscal function, regulation of foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of customs statistics concerning foreign trade, etc.

      However, the main task of Russian Customs (to be) the protection of the economic interests of the country, national treasures and cultural and historical properties. Customs policy (to have) a far greater share and importance in Russia’s regulation of economic activities than in industrial countries with developed market economies.

Customs policy (to perform) already its historical role in western European countries. The increasing integration and GATT/WTO development (to bring) to zero the average customs duty payment in Europe. So, the Customs tariff, in practice (to be) not an economic and trade regulator any longer in Europe. The Russian Federation, on the other hand, (to be) in its tariff renaissance period.

The customs tariff’s main advantage (to be) that it (to bring) only quantitative changes and (not to break) the link between the internal economy and world markets.

During the period 1991-94, much (to do) to create customs legislation in Russia. Two important laws (to put) into power: “The Customs Code of the Russian Federation” and “On Customs Tariff”. All provisions and regulations of these documents (to be) of the world standards.

Russia (to have) the world’s longest border to police, much of it newly created. The creation of Russian Customs (to complicate) by the fact that, after the disintegration of the USSR, the best-equipped and best-staffed customs services (to be) outside Russia, which (to acquire) as a result 13,500 km of new borders with former Soviet Republics. Moreover the Russian Customs Service (to see) a five-fold staff increase over the past years. This (to match) by growing organizational complexity. The ideological imperative (to replace).

Today the Russian Federation (to have) a modern, multi-functioning Customs Service which (to be) able to take a deserving place in market economy regulation and (to be) competent to help in rapprochement between the Russian and world economies. Everyone (to treat) The Russian Customs Service as an equal and this (to mean) that the Russian Federation (to become) a full and equal member of the world community.


affection (n)


aircraft (n

самолет, самолеты                             

to alert (v)

испугать, спугнуть

Alsatian (n)

эльзасец (немецкая овчарка)

amphetamine (n) 


ammunition (n)


breed (n)


cab (n)


cannabis (n)           

гашиш, конопля

cocaine (n)                   


contents (n)


derivates (n)        


equipment (n)         


explosives (n)       

взрывчатые вещества                   

firearms (n)         

огнестрельное оружие

fuel tank (n)


handler (n)

кинолог, проводник                                    

harness (n)

шлейка, ошейник



to hunt (v)

охотиться, преследовать (зверя и т.д.)

inferior (adj)    

низший, худший

law enforcement agencies 

правоохранительные органы

luggage boot (n)


praise (n)    


to replace (v)     


to retrieve (v) 


sample (n) 


to screen (v)

просвечивать (с помощью рентгена)

wheel arches (n) колесные арки


Лексическая тема: «Law Systems. Legal Professions».

Грамматическая  тема: Согласование времен. Косвенная  речь

Text A


      Lawyers in private practice in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocatesself-managed cooperative type organization. The highest body of advocates’ self management is the general meeting of a college. The presidium headed by the chairperson is the executive board of each college. The presidium is elected by the general meeting for a term of three years. There are colleges of advocates in the cities, regions, republics or autonomous entities. Any college is represented by law firms or legal aid offices, which render all regular legal assistance to citizens: advocates counsel people, draft legal documents, represent plaintiffs or defendants in civil litigation, and provide defense in criminal proceedings.

   Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as in-house counsel (jurisconsult). These lawyers have all powers of an attorney, but they represent their single and permanent  “client” – their organization. They support and counsel it, provide expertise in administrative, employment, tax, insurance, contract, international and other legal issues, draft documents and contracts, act in negotiations, deals and lawsuits.

      Some lawyers may work as notaries. A notary is a public officer who certifies the document or its copy’s authenticity and witnesses official acts: wills, commercial papers, etc. Lawyers may serve as judges or prosecutors. A prosecutor usually initiates  a criminal case and conducts criminal proceedings, presents the evidence of the committed crime. A judge presides in courtroom and administers justice, resolves disputes between the parties, decides the case during the trial, directs the jury and gives the judgment.

      Legal careers also include teaching law and academic research work. In Russia there are 40 institutions of higher education in law (either a law school attached to a university or a separate entity called a “juridical institute”). There are also separate research centres in law, the most prominent of which is the Institute of State and Law under the Academy of Sciences of Russia.