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Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания, выделенные в тексте.

Упражнение 2. Задайте 10 вопросов к тесту «EU Customs Code». Найдите в тексте ответы на них.

Упражнение 3. Подготовьте краткое сообщение на тему «EU Customs Code».

Упражнение 4. Охарактеризуйте основные положения Таможенного Кодекса Евросоюза, используя следующие слова и выражения:

The Community Customs Code, acts of law, increasing transparency, the scope of customs provisions, a new electronic customs environment, common customs procedures, streamlining of customs procedures, the common regulatory and operational framework, modern processes based on electronic techniques in order to, convergence, necessary implementing provisions, made applicable, interim period.

Упражнение 5. Составьте диалог по теме, используя приведенные ниже слова и выражения:

the rights and obligations of persons with regard to customs legislation, factors on the basis of which import and export duties and other measures in respect of trade in goods, origin of goods, value for customs purposes, customs debt, rules on customs status, verification, release and disposal of goods, release for free circulation, special customs procedures, economic functions (transit, storage, specific use, processing), customs treatment of goods, the Customs Code Committee, adopt the measures implementing the Code.

Упражнение 6. Переведите статью на английский язык. Подготовьте краткий пересказ статьи по-английски.

Европарламент принял новый вариант таможенного кодекса ес

ПАРИЖ, 20 февраля 2008 г. /ПРАЙМ-ТАСС/. Европейский парламент на пленарной сессии в Страсбурге принял накануне новый вариант таможенного кодекса ЕС, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС. Окончательное его принятие во втором чтении стало возможным после достижения в июне 2007 г соглашения между государствами ЕС в данной сфере.

В ближайшее время новый кодекс вступит в силу. Согласно его положениям, многие таможенные процедуры на границах ЕС значительно упрощаются. Большое внимание уделено внедрению электронных систем для ряда процедур.

Как считает Еврокомиссия, в дальнейшем будет возможным переход полностью на безбумажную технологию в данной сфере. Вводится и система "централизованного растаможивания": она позволяет подавать таможенные декларации в любом выбранном таможенном пункте на территории ЕС, независимо от расположения стран назначения и транзита грузов.

Это упрощение процедур касается как импортных, так и экспортных операций. По мнению Еврокомиссии, новый вариант таможенного кодекса позволяет значительно сократить число таможенных процедур, одновременно улучшая отслеживание за перемещением грузов.

Новые процедуры и системы, считают специалисты, значительно облегчают обмен электронными данными между таможенными органами отдельных стран ЕС и различными другими таможенными инстанциям.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

Начало формы

  1. After buying a new car we all went to the restaurant (дополнение, обстоятельство цели, обстоятельство времени, подлежащее).

  2. We enjoyed drinking beer every weekend. (дополнение, часть сказуемого, обстоятельство времени, обстоятельство условия).

  3. It is no use reading in the dark (дополнение, обстоятельство цели, обстоятельство времени, подлежащее).

  4. In case of finding that man, call the police. (обстоятельство цели, сопутствующие обстоятельства, обстоятельства условия, обстоятельство образа действия).

  5. He entered the house by breaking the window (обстоятельство цели, обстоятельство времени, обстоятельства условия, обстоятельство образа действия).

  6. Russian masters built their houses without using nails (обстоятельство цели, сопутствующие обстоятельства, обстоятельства условия, обстоятельство образа действия).

  7. Before going home he washed lipstick off his jacket (обстоятельство цели, обстоятельство времени, обстоятельства условия, обстоятельство образа действия).

  8. Despite all the difficulties she kept on smiling (дополнение, часть сказуемого, обстоятельство времени, подлежащее).

  9. I am thinking of changing my job (дополнение, часть сказуемого, обстоятельство времени, подлежащее).

  10. Sleeping after lunch is the most pleasant thing in the world (дополнение, часть сказуемого, обстоятельство времени, подлежащее).

Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант.

Начало формы

  1. What was the reason … (to, on, for, of) leaving so early?

  2. No one could surpass him in the art … (to, on, for, of) cheating.

  3. We met, despite their objection … (to, at, for, of) our coming.

  4. The boy showed no surprise … (to, at, for, of) being shown a real elephant.

  5. He has a dreadful habit … (to, in, for, of) smoking in bed.

  6. The pupils showed great interest … (to, in, for, of) learning foreign languages.

  7. The disappointment … (of, in, for, at) being deceived could be easily read in his eyes.

  8. This is a good chance … (of, in, for, at) solving our problem.

  9. The criminals prepared a good plan … (to, in, for, of) escaping from the prison

  10. My daughter has no intention … (to, in, for, of) getting married.

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильный вариант.

Начало формы

  1. Yesterday I watched a very funny comedy. I could not help …… (to laugh, laughing) all the time.

  2. Don’t you remember …… (to take, taking) the money?

  3. My friend could not help me …… (do, doing) the test.

  4. Please, remember ……(to return, return) the key.

  5. This report needs …… (to be checked, to check, checking) .

  6. We need …… ( to find, to be found, finding) a way out.

  7. We stopped …… (to go, going) to work by car because the price for petrol went up.

  8. They were starving. So they stopped …… (to buy, buying) food.

  9. He tried ...... (to dig, digging) but each time his hand began to hurt.

  10. Your work requires …… (to be checked, checking, to check).

Упражнение 4. Выберите правильный вариант.

Начало формы

  1. The child persuaded his parents …… (for, into, of, at) buying a computer.

  2. We did not object …… (to, into, from, on) paying money.

  3. Bad weather prevented us …… (to, into, from, at) walking in the park.

  4. I am very proud …… (for, into, of, at) getting this high-paid job.

  5. They were surprised …… (for, into, of, at) finding the dog alive.

  6. My son is good …… (for, at, of, into) skiing.

  7. I am not interested …… (for, into, in, at) listening to your stories.

  8. Our company succeeded …… (for, into, in, at) making good quality products.

  9. Our children were disappointed with …… (not finding, finding not) pirates’ treasure.

  10. We used to …… (going fishing, go fishing) every weekend.

Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант.

Начало формы

  1. The fire had started before his …… (having run, running) out.

  2. Before my …… (having saved, saving) the file, the power was turned down.

  3. I apologize for not …… (having dropped, dropping) a single line since we met last time.

  4. I don’t remember …… (having seen, seeing) you at the conference.

  5. Your are responsible for …… (having ruined, ruining) all our plans. It was completely your fault.

  6. She was very proud of …… (having given, having been given) that job. The interview was rather tiring.

  7. After …… (having studied, studying) all the archived documents he wrote his brilliant report on the nuclear fusion.

  8. I object to my …… (having been hold, being hold) here illegally. I want to call my lawyer now!

  9. He was sent to prison for ...... (having robbed, robbing) 7 banks.

  10. We were looking forward to …… (having gone, going) to the party.

Упражнение 6. Определите, является ли предложение грамматически правильным (correct) или неправильным (wrong).

Начало формы

  1. His car’s stealing, he could get to work on time. (correct, wrong)

  2. Do mind mine taking your pen? (correct, wrong)

  3. I don’t like your working late at night. (correct, wrong)

  4. They were surprised at not having found the money in the safe. (correct, wrong)

  5. What about our having taken a taxi? (correct, wrong)

  6. She was afraid of her pet dying. (correct, wrong)

  7. Their quarrel resulted in Michael's driven home. (correct, wrong)

  8. Our marriage depends on my father's saying "Yes". (correct, wrong)

  9. The teacher did not object to I going home. (correct, wrong)

  10. There is no chance of our winning the game. (correct, wrong)

Упражнение 7. Определите, чем является выделенное слово – герундием, или отглагольным существительным.

Начало формы

  1. Her beautiful singing mesmerized us all. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  2. The howling of the wolves made us shiver. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  3. Jogging in the morning helps me to keep fit. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  4. After some crying the child was taken to hospital. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  5. Sleeping in the tent at night resulted in her catching cold. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  6. I like listening to classical music in the dark. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  7. We counted our blessings when we survived in the car crash. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  8. This is a new reading of the well-known story. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  9. My sister’s coming home late at night worried our parents. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

  10. Despite the wind blowing very hard the pilot decided to take off. (герундий, отглагольное существительное)

Упражнение 8. Выберите правильный предлог

  1. Why do you insist _____ our returning back home? at in on

  2. We had some difficulty _____ finding the right candidate for this job. at in on

  3. My friend is really good _____ driving cars. at in on

  4. I am sorry _____ keeping you waiting. of for to

  5. The hungry boy was accused _____ stealing apples. of for to

  6. Are you keen _____ singing? of on with

  7. The poor teacher is fed up _____ repeating the same thing over and over again. of on with

  8. We won _____ finding the shortest way out. in to by

  9. There is no point _____ telling the truth. in to by

  10. What does your mother have _____ our going to the club? by against to

  11. I feel _____ going out. Would you like to join me? like to for

  12. Touch your toes _____ bending your knees. like with without

  13. This is a device _____ making coffee. to for of

  14. In spite _____ facing problems he kept on smiling. to for of

  15. I am sick and tired _____ doing this work. of for with

  16. What would you say _____ making a barbecue? for to of

  17. They are not interested _____ investing their money into our business. on at in

  18. We are looking forward _____ hearing from you as soon as possible.

– to for

  1. What else can you do _____ mending cars? to like besides

  2. I am thinking _____ finding a new job. of on to

Упражнение 9. Герундий или Инфинитив?

Упражнение 9

Конец формы

  1. You can’t stop me _____ what I want. doing do to do that I do

  2. I must go now. I promised _____ late. not being not to be to not be

  3. Do you want _____ with you or do you want to go alone? me coming me to come that I come that I will come

  4. I know I locked the door. I clearly remember _____ it. locking to lock to have locked

  5. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help _____. laughing to laugh that she laughed laugh

  6. Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes _____ there. living to live

  7. I am tired. I’d rather _____ out this evening, if you don’t mind. not going not to go don’t go not go

  8. ‘Shall I stay here?’ ‘I’d rather _____ with us.’ you come you to come you came you would come

  9. Are you looking forward _____ on holiday? going to go to going that you go

  10. When Lisa came to Britain, she had to get used _____ on the left. driving to driving to drive

  11. I am thinking _____ a house. Do you think that’s a good idea? to buy of to buy of buying

  12. I had no _____ a place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy. difficulty to find difficulty finding trouble to find

  13. A friend of mine phoned _____ me to a party. for invite to invite for inviting for to invite

  14. Jim doesn’t speak very clearly. _____ It is difficult to understand him. He is difficult to understand him.

  15. The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid _____ . of falling from falling to fall to falling

  16. I didn’t hear you _____ in. You must have been very quiet. come to come came

  17. _____ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. Finding After finding Having find We found

  18. She noticed _____ away from the house. him to run him run him ran

  19. I’d advise _____ more exercise. to take you to take you taking


The Community Customs Code

Community customs law


the scope of customs provisions

The Modernised Customs Code

electronic customs environment

customs procedures

Member States


Customs Community Code


In the interim period

general provisions

the scope of customs legislation

import and export duties

in respect of trade

Common Customs Tariff

origin of goods

customs debt

customs treatment of goods

customs territory of the Community

customs status



disposal of goods

free circulation

relief from export duties;



specific use



to adopt measures

new provisions

the streamlining of customs procedures

to facilitate trade

prevent new threats

operational framework

electronic techniques


uniform application

risk analysis

risk management

a ‘one-stop-shop’

carried out centrally

to streamline


free zones



Таможенный Кодекс Евросоюза

Таможенный закон/право Евросоюза


ряд таможенных положений

Модернизированный Таможенный Кодекс

электронная таможенная среда

таможенные процедуры, режимы

Государства-члены Евросоюза

сближение, схождение в одной точке

Таможенный Кодекс Евросоюза


в промежуточный период

общие положения

область таможенного законодательства

импортные и экспортные пошлины

относительно торговли

Общий Таможенный Тариф

происхождение товаров

таможенный долг

помещение товаров под таможенный режим

таможенная территория Сообщества

таможенный статус



распоряжение товарами

свободное обращение

освобождение от экспортных пошлин



определенное использование



принять меры

новые условия

упрощение таможенных процедур

способствовать торговле

предотвратить новые угрозы

операционная среда

электронные методы


единообразное применение

анализ степени риска

управление рисками

система «одного окна»

выполненный централизованно


хранение на складе (СВХ – таможенный режим)

зоны свободной торговли, свободные экономические зоны

конечное потребление


Приложение №1

Грамматический справочник