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Английский для агроинженеров.doc
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Active Vocabulary to Text а

aerate - проветривать

reclamation - мелиорация

blade - лезвие, нож

reversible - с обратным ходом

break - разбивать

roll - прикатывать

compact - уплотнять

roller - каток

conventional - традиционный

rigid - жесткий

cover - накрывать

root - корень

clod - ком

seedbed - грядка

cut - резать

secondary - вторичный

destroy - разрушать

set - устанавливать; набор

disk - диск, дисковый

slice share - лемех, нож

drag harrow - тяжелая борона

smooth - приглаживать

earth up - окучивать

sod - дерн

employ - использовать

spring - пружина, пружинный

furrow - борозда

stick - палка

firm - утрамбовывать; плотный

stubble - жнивье, стерня

flexible - гибкий

subsoil - глубинный

frost - подмораживать

surface - поверхностный

level - выравнивать, уровень

tillage - вспашка

mould board - плужный отвал

tiller - культиватор

moisture - влага

turn - переворачивать

penetrate - проникать

tine - зуб (бороны)

wax - глина

primary - первичный

weed - сорняк

pulverise - размельчать

wide - широкий

wind - ветер

ordinary - стандартный, обычный


1. Read the words.

a) nature, agriculture, future, structure, feature, temperature;

b) preparation, production, cultivation, rotation, aeration, operation, invention, pulverization, function;

с) session, profession, compression, transmission;

d) question, equal, quarter, equip, liquid, require, quantity, qualified, quite;

e) because, cause, pause;

f) draw, drawbar, crawler, saw;

g) know, show, low, below, grow, row;

h) now, down, brown, allow, power.

2. Form adverbs using suffix -ly. Translate them into Russian. Use 5 of them in your sentences.

Deep, wide, low, high, common, vertical, firm.

3. Form adjectives and use them in your collocations. Follow the pattern: rain - rainy; a rainy day.

Stone, root, stick, wax, air, fog, hill, wind.

4. What is the difference between the words given below? Which of them are the nouns? Use them in your sentences.

Wide - width, deep - depth, long - length, grow - growth.

5. Choose the verbs that suggest the way of units attachment. Use them in your sentences.

To mount, to carry, to attach, to consist of, to fit, to set, to trail, to turn, to bolt, to lower, to break, to level, to fix.

6. Choose the words from the right column that can match the words from the left column. Make up 5 sentences with your collocations.


to cut, to prepare, to carry, soil, to level, to plow, to cultivate, good, to finish; wet, dry, to pulverize, to cut


to loosen, to compact, to break, tines, grain, to drill, to aerate, to turn

7. Read and translate the following collocations. Make use of them in your sentences.

Disk plows, plow disk, tractor drawbar, mould board, plow, disk penetration, furrow slice, depth control, disk plow working width, vegetable material, crop production.

8. Read the Text and put 5 questions to it.

Plowing is usually the first step1 in seedbed preparation. This operation loosens the soil, turns vegetable material on the surface and mixes it with the soil. Besides this, the soil is aerated and pulverized. The farmers must choose2 the proper time for plowing. Plowing in autumn has some advantages. First, time is saved3. Then, heavy soils may be successfully plowed before rains, frosts and snow. During the winter they will accumulate4 enough moisture and organic materials necessary for high crop production.


1step – шаг -

2choose – выбирать

3is saved – экономится

4accumulate - впитывать

9. Read and translate the sentences in which Participle II is a part of the predicate in the Perfect Tense.

1. A modern plow is mounted on a tractor.

2. Recently our plants have produced some new types of plow disks.

3. Machinery used for seedbed preparation is called tillage equipment.

4. Heavy harrows have become very popular on hard soils.

5. Farmers have to use well-prepared equipment to cultivate the soil.

6. The plow has become the most common agricultural tool.

10. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Mind the verb to have.

1. Farmers have used plows for many centuries.

2. A modern plow has 6 mould boards.

3. We had to spend a few hours at the service station.

4. When shares have been worn they must be replaced.

5. Power harrows have some rows of tines.

6. The farmer has to attach the roll behind the harrow.

7. Rotary cultivators have a PTO-driven shaft with L- shaped blades.

11. Read the sentences, find the predicates and characterize them. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The pneumatic tyres have become very efficient.

2. Modern tractors usually have a 4-stroke engine.

3. Both conventional and reversible plows have been produced by our farm machinery plant.

4. The rotary harrow has been already attached to the tractor.

5. Disks have to be set at the correct angle.

6. After the reversible plow had reached the opposite end of the field, it turned on its frame automatically.

7. When the soil is frosted, the power harrow makes good seedbeds.

8. Mounted plows have some advantages over trailed types.

12. Answer the questions on Text A.

1. Why is seedbed preparation the most important farm operation?

2. What does primary tillage equipment include?

3. What types of plows do you know?

4. What is secondary tillage equipment?

5. When are harrows used?

6. What types of harrows are usually used in this country?

7. What is a roller?

8. When is it used?

9. What are rotary and disk harrows used for?

10. How are rotary harrows and cultivators driven?

11. What are the main functions of cultivators?

13.Choose the right variant.

1. Seedbed preparation is the most important farm operation because:

a) good crop capacity depends on it;

b) it prepares soil for drilling;

c) modern types of cultivation machinery are used for it.

2. The choice of tillage equipment depends on:

a) their cost;

b) soil and climatic conditions of the area;

c) those machines that the farmers have.

3. There are reversible plows with:

a) disks;

b) right-handed mould boards;

c) left- and right-handed mould boards.

4. Rotary harrows are commonly used on:

a) light soils;

b) sandy soils;

c) sod, dry and waxy soils.

5. Rotary cultivation machinery is rather:

a) cheap;

b) costly;

c) unreliable.

6. Cultivators are used to:

a) cover the seeds;

b) plow the soil;

c) clean stubble and cultivate interrows.

7. Cultivators have tines to:

a) apply fertilizers;

b) earth up row-crops;

c) loosen the soil and destroy weeds.