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практикум для перевода.docx
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АбсолютнЫй причастнЫй оборот и его перевод


  1. Изучите следующую информацию.

Абсолютный причастный оборот состоит из подлежащего, выраженного существительным в общем падеже или местоимением в именительном падеже и причастия в любой его форме. В абсолютном причастном обороте союз отсутствует. От остальной части предложения этот оборот всегда отделяется запятой. На русский язык абсолютный причастный оборот переводится в зависимости от места расположения в предложении, а именно:

        1. Если стоит в начале предложения, то переводится обстоятельственным предложением, вводимым союзами: когда, так как, если, после того как, хотя. Выбор союза диктуется контекстом. Например:

The temperature being 100°, water boiled quickly. Так как температура была 100°, вода закипела быстро.

The temperature being 10°, water boiled quickly. Хотя температура была 10°, вода закипела быстро (например, в вакууме).

Следует также иметь в виду, что если глагол-сказуемое употреблен в будущем времени, то этот оборот обычно переводится с союзом если. Например:

The temperature reaching the boiling point, the heater will be automatically switched off. Если температура достигнет точки кипения, нагреватель автоматически отключится.

Если глагол-сказуемое употреблен в настоящем или прошедшем времени то этот оборот переводится с союзами когда, так как, поскольку. Например:

The temperature reaching the boiling point, the heater was switched off. Когда (так как) температура достигла точки кипения, нагреватель был выключен.

        1. Если абсолютный причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, то на русский язык он переводится с союзами причем, при этом, а. Например:

This is a device used for detection and measurement of light, its principle of action being simple. Это – устройство, используемое для определения и измерения света, при этом его принцип работы прост.

Примечание 1. В абсолютном причастном обороте инговая форма глагола to be (being) может опускаться.

The work (being) finished, we went home. Когда работу закончили, мы пошли домой.

Примечание 2. Абсолютный причастный оборот может начинаться с предлога with, который не переводится.

With the experiments (having been) carried out, we started new investigations. После того как опыты были закончены, мы начали новые исследования.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

  1. Molecules are constantly in motion, the motion becoming more rapid with an increase of temperature.

  2. Two objects being at the same temperature, the average energy of motion of their molecules is the same.

  3. The fundamentals of electricity are the fundamentals of electronics, both being branches of physics.

  4. In the steam engine the fuel burns comparatively slowly, the heat being used to generate steam.

  5. Power is the basis of civilization, all industry and transport being dependent upon power in some form.

  6. Pressure removed, the air springs back to its original position.

  7. A long series of experiments having been carried out, they are said to have determined what equipment modifications would be necessary for operation to be continued.

  8. The phenomenon of radioactivity having been discovered, the chemical elements were regarded as retaining their identities throughout all chemical and physical processes.

  9. Several techniques proposed here are going to be widely used to record the information presented, photography being the most effective one.

  10. Advantages and disadvantages in propellant systems having been thoroughly studied, a good deal of problems proved to have been answered.

  11. The method of preparation being the best of the methods described, we used it in our work.

  12. In a finely powdered state this substance is attacked by cold water, nitric acid reacting only slowly.

  13. The mixture of fuel and air prior to the ignition is of heterogeneous nature, atomization, vaporization and mixing occurring simultaneously.

  14. With the ingenuity already developed, mankind will solve the power-from-the sun problem.

  15. The operation principle is based upon photo-electric effect, the latter arising as a result of energy transfer from light incident on a substance to electrons.

  16. The device consists of two electrodes, one of them being coated with photo-emissive material.

  17. The material most often used for coating the cathode is cesium silver (цезиевое серебро), the latter being particularly sensitive to the red end of the spectrum.

  18. The anode being maintained at a positive potential with respect to the cathode, the electrons are attracted to it.

  19. The electric current passing through the device, we can measure light intensity incident on the cathode.

  20. Special cameras may be used to photograph the ocean bed, the photographs showing rocks and living organisms at depth.

  21. Petroleum being of organic origin, it is still a matter of some doubt whether of vegetable or animal origin.

  22. The occurrence of metals is unequal, some of them being plentiful, the others existing only in small quantities.

  23. All preparations being made, they started the experiment.

  24. With the experiment having been carried out, scientists started new investigation.

  25. This is a device used for detection and measurements of light, its principle of action being simple.

  26. All the waves in a laser beam having the same wavelength, it has a very definite colour, the red colour being one of the most widely seen colours in them.

  27. The strain of the body exceeding a certain value, the body does not recover completely.

  28. A body is under tensile stress, the forces acting upon it tending to increase its length.

  29. An external force acting, the body changes its state of rest to a state of motion.

  30. The elastic properties of various materials are different, the ratio of stress to strain being always the same for a given material within the elastic limit.