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11. Найдите предложения, • которых имеются причастия прошедшего времени. Определите их функцию. Переведите предложения:

  1. Igneous rocks form a large group of minerals which are eco­ nomically important.

  2. The igneous rocks formed by cooling occur either as intrusive or extrusive rocks.

  3. Orthoclase is particularly used in great quantities as raw mate­ rial in the production of porcelain (фарфор).

  4. The clayey mass obtained by the decomposition of orthoclase is usually white and is called kaolin. The product obtained is used in industry.

  5. Quartz occurs in the form of small grains. Quartz crystals found in the cracks and fractures of rocks are very hard and beautiful.

  6. Pure quartz sands are used in the production of glass.

  7. Actual observations of rocks exposed on the continent show that shale represents 46 per cent of the total, sandstone about 32 per cent, and limestone about 22 per cent.

12. Замените определительное придаточное предложение определитель­ ным причастным оборотом.

Образец: The igneous rocks which have crystallized from magma may rise through fissures to the surface of the Earth as lava. ->• The igneous rocks crystallized from magma may rise to the surface of the Earth as lava.

  1. The classification of igneous rocks which is given below is based on texture and composition of minerals.

  2. Igneous rocks were a hot molten mass which was known as magma.

  3. Observations have shown that the rock types which were pro­ duced by molten volcanoes, include, for example, rhyolite, andes- ite, basalt and other rocks.

  4. Andesite which was first found in the Andes Mountains in South America is the fine-grained rock, intermediate in composition between granite and basalt.

  5. Copper is second only to iron among the important metals which are widely used in modern engineering.

13. Найдите в тексте Л и выпишите: 1) причастия прошедшего времени в функции левого определения вместе с существительными, которые они определяют; 2) причастия прошедшего времени, входящие в определитель­ ный причастий оборот; 3) причастия прошедшего времени, используемые для образования глагольных форм группы Perfect; 4) причастия прошедшего времени, используемые для образования страдательного залога.

120 UnitS

14. Сосдввште главные предложения с придаточными:

1. Abyssal rocks belong to the a) that are economically important.

group of intrusive rocks

2. Uplifts in mountain belts 6) which usually cut through

have permitted erosion to plutonites.

the depths

3. Granites and dioritcs occur в) because they are intruded into

as batholiths pre-existing rocks.

4. Pegmatites (quartz, orthoclase r) at which plutonic masses are

and mica) occur in numerous formed, veins

5. Extrusive igneous rocks have д) where the changes in temperature

been formed as lavas are great.

6. Igneous rocks are rich in e) which come from fissures to

minerals the surface of the Earth's crust.

7. Physical weathering occurs ж) which are large irregular masses.

in the deserts and in high mountains

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