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Chapter 2 – Schematic Capture Editor 27

Adding Power & Ground Symbols

Power and ground symbols are used in the Schematic to indicate a connection to a power source. These symbols are required for aesthetic purposes and are not translated to the PCB (because they do not have PCB footprints associated with them). The signals they represent are connected together at the translate stage by ‘implied’ connectivity. The power & ground symbols themselves can contain inherent net name properties that are automatically used when the symbol is attached to the net.

To add Power symbols

Using the Add Component browser on the Interaction bar <F9>.

The Schema library will still be selected after using it previously when adding the Letter component. If for some reason it isn’t, select it now from the library list.

In the Component list select 0V. You will see the symbol selected in the preview box. Remember, all of these symbols have no PCB Symbol associated with them, they are Schematic only symbols.

Drag the 0V symbol into the design from the browser. Move it near to C4 and click the mouse to release it.

Соседние файлы в предмете Автоматизация проектирования конструкций приборостроения