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A – Comprehension Test 3

Restore this news story with the help of these words and word combinations.

crystal methamphetamine ice the Salvation Army's detox centre frontline people addicted to ice a spiked increase a bad reputation negative effects gone nuts get into punch-ups random acts of violence availability Afghanistan. a constantly evolving challenge drug policy firm line on the use of illicit drugs highlighting the danger

Text 14.

Concerns about volcano overreaction

At home

1.Discuss the following

a) How often do you travel by plane? What are the typical reason for flight delays or cancellations?

What was the last most memorable case, when European travellers got stuck in the airports?

b) What allegory and why did the artist resort to in this cartoon? Why?

2. Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text.

European airlines and airports are questioning whether…

As the air lockdown enters a fifth day…

Two bodies representing Europe's airlines and airports say…

The UK Government is considering setting up…

The crisis is starting to effect…

3 a). Form adjectives from nouns









3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. One of the greatest names in Vienna, Johann Strauss is remembered by this _______ statute in one of Vienna's many parks.

  2. Despite the growing diversity nationally, some religious groups clearly occupy a _______ demographic position in particular states.

  3. A _________ system is a system of government where an executive branch exists and presides separately from the legislature, to which it is not responsible and which cannot, in normal circumstances, dismiss it.

  4. Hypocrisy is a value that I think has been _______ by the Republican Party.

  5. He quitted the militia and engaged in trade, having brothers already established in a good way in London, which afforded him a _________ opening.

  6. In particular, the appointment powers of the two party leaders gives them some leverage in working with the members of their _________ parties.

  7. Cities that have an __________ library system are desirable places to live.

  8. The Iraqis could do worse than return to being a ____________ monarchy.

4 A). Match the words

1) blanket ban on

engine failure


the blanket ban

3) catastrophic

frustrated, stranded passengers

4) bank-up of


5) yell and jeer

pharmaceutical supplies

6) further immigration

within the royal navy

7) reassess

volcanic cloud

8) set up

a hub

9) reasonable lift capacity


10) effect

at police

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