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A - Comprehension Test 3

1) What plans are being mapped out by US and Russia trade officials?

2) What features of US-Russia trade have long disappointed Russia’s trade and economy officials?

3) What in particular has changed in the pattern of the US-Russian trade? What remains unchanged?

4) What did Russia’s vice-premier Sergei Ivanov tell the government commission on export control?

5) Why, according to him, is the US high-tech market particularly important to Russia?

6) What does the switch to an innovative economy entail?

7) What kind of business ties have existed between the two countries so far?

8) What are the main factors that hamper development of mutually beneficial trade in the sphere of high technologies?

9) What is Russia supposed to do to improve the situation?

10) What measures should be taken by the USA in the field?

Text 8.

Obama’s Landmark Cairo Speech

At Home

1. Find in the WWW information about the following:

a) On what grounds was Barack Obama awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? What religion is the most common in Egypt? How and when did it establish in the country? What initiatives have been put forward to lessen the tension between the West and Islamic world?

b) What is the implicit message of the political cartoon above?

2. Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text.

While he admitted one speech could not…

The band on his arrival in Egypt might have been….

Arab nations had been used as ….

There were also admonishments on democracy

3 a). Form abstract nouns from these verbs:









3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. British Prime Minister David Cameron said today that the United Kingdom would double its current contribution to polio_____________ .

  2. Nothing is as easy to make as a ____________ this winter to do something next summer; this is how commencement speakers are caught.

  3. What began as an attack on the West by Osama bin Laden soon became a dramatic ____________ between Europe and America.

  4. Jefferson's opposition to judicial review has not been accepted by history, but it still serves as an __________ against confusion between judicial and political functions.

  5. The ____________ between the two countries has improved.

  6. Online ______________ cannot be made on same day of travel.

  7. Today, people in Japan, and Tahiti, hold on to their dignity and don't want their _______ to be lost.

  8. Germans and Finns who have a less but still strong level of uncertainty ________and a medium level of power distance have the need for clearly specified competence to avoid uncertainty.

4 A). Match the words

  1. to fund

its own shortcomings

  1. to abandon

the past mistakes

  1. the massacre of

the groundwork

  1. to order the prison

schools and roads

  1. to fight against


  1. a beacon of

Islamic learning

  1. to hit

negative stereotypes of Islam

  1. to lay


  1. to acknowledge

final judgement

  1. a landmark


11) to confront

the right note

12) reserve


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