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Text 9.

Space mission looking for Earth-like planets

At home

1. Find information about the latest international missions into outer space in the WWW.

a) Open the following abbreviations:




b) What has changed since the father in the picture was a schoolboy? How does the cartoon reflect the state of affairs in education?

2. Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text.

A multinational space mission launched in Kazakhstan overnight is…

COROT will monitor the brightness of ….

Probably COROT will not be able to detect life, but…

3 a). Correct mistakes in the following word combinations. Explain the rule.

a 650-kilograms satellite

200 exoplanet

900 kilometre above the Earth

a 27-centimetres device

a 5-year projects

a 30-years old researcher

3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. The missile is reported to have a range of 2,400 kilometres with ________________________.

  2. I live in an apartment ____________________________ away from a church or mosque.

  3. Researchers expect that the genetic map specified in the first __________ll be completed on time.

  4. More than ___________________ have been discovered in the recent few months alone.

  5. Corot is a French mission, with some funding from ESA, that uses _______________.

  6. The anthology of essays from _________________ brings fresh approaches to the challenges of universal health coverage.

4 A). Match these words

  1. multinational

minute changes

  1. measure

space mission

  1. to detect


  1. ground-based


  1. to carry


  1. Earth-like


  1. Russian-built

to impossible

  1. close


  1. a whole new phase of

Soyuz rocket

4 B).Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. Why is it difficult ________________________________orbiting other suns?

  2. The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn is _______________________________________

between three space agencies and 17 nations, with a total cost of over $3 billion.

  1. Many planetary scientists now believe that meteorites can __________________primitive _____________ from one planet to another.

  2. Temperature control of a plethysmograph is used ______________________________

_________________in tissue volume.

  1. 14 Jan 2009 for the first time, astronomers have measured light emitted from extrasolar planets around sun-like stars using_____________________________.

In Class

1. Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets and do the exercises below.

2 .Match positions with the names



  1. Anne Barker

project's Assistant Director

  1. Philippe Goudy

COROT's project scientist

  1. Malcolm Fridlund


3 Divide these words and word combinations a multinational space mission, Earth-like planets, the solar system, COROT, stars, the French Space Agency, the Soyuz rocket, a satellite, the Earth, a tiny telescope, planets orbiting the stars, an eclipse, exoplanets, the sun, a project scientist into two groups. Explain what determined your decision. Write Keyword(s) in the heading line of the table below.



C - Comprehension Test 1

Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets again and tick the correct answer.

1.The people involved into project

represent are

A all French

B from multinational companies

C from Europe and Brazil

2. The mission will be looking for

A for characteristic blue light

B for other spaceships

C for a certain kind of twinkle

3. The French Space Agency

cooperates with

A The European Space Agency

B The Brazil Space Agency

C with European Airlines

4.The rocket blasted off from

A Pakistan’s cosmodrome

B Baikonur cosmodrome

C Tatarstan cosmodrome

5.The rocket will spend

A 0, 5 year on orbit

B 2, 5 years in orbit

C 25 years in orbit

  1. A special device will measure


A in the brightness of stars

B in the brightness of the sun

C in the rightness of the Earth

  1. The project's Assistant Director

says that the mission

A will be watching an eclipse

B is to see a planet

C is to fix changes of light of the star

  1. They are looking for planets


A support life

B may carry life

C six times the diameter of the Earth

  1. The planet requires

A to be large

B to be gaseous like Jupiter

C to be not too far from its star

10. The project scientist believes that the mission

A is a new phase of international cooperation in space

B opens a new stage of astronomical research

C will be futile

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