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4 B). Fill in the gaps with the help of the elements or whole expressions given above:

  1. Many raw milk producers are opposing new dairy standards set to take effect this week in California, saying they could _________________________________________ of raw milk.

  2. The Third world countries are too economically weak _________________________________.

  3. Greek Orthodox Church sued __________________________________ Jewish hold on Old City property.

  4. As far as Simi Valley imports all of its drinking water, city officials are looking _____________________________________while also encouraging residents to conserve.

  5. The Arab summit meeting in Damascus will _________________ regional __________________.

In class

1. Listen to the Webcast Oil row threatens European supply.

2. Match the names with the positions.



  1. The presenter

  1. Andris Piebalgs

  1. The EU Energy Commissioner

  1. Peter Cave

  1. Europe Correspondent

  1. Rafael Epstein

  1. an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute

  1. Tim Williams

3. Group these word combinations into these columns following the principle: who is/are actor(s)? what action ?

threatens to disrupt supplies, shut off the pipeline, doubled the price, had been feuding over gas and oil prices, cut off the vital Druzhba oil pipeline, must diversify its energy supplies, should work with biofuels, should look in the hydrogen economy, must do everything to secure the interests of Western consumers, is/are having to think about energy security, a need to try and develop a more coherent response on energy, use energy as a political tool




4. Give the synonyms to the words: to feud, a stand-off c - Comprehension Test 5

1. In January 2007 Europe had to contemplate

A Russia's oil production future

B new oil and gas supplies agreement

C the future of its oil and gas supplies

2.Russia’s energy policy triggered the situation as

A Belarus insulted Russia

B Russia increased the price for fuel twice

C Russia increased price for all exported goods twice

3.The reaction from Belarus was

A a price hike for oil on its territory

B they rose price for oil carried across the country

C a massive purchasing of oil from abroad

4. With all that Europe has to

A adjust their economy to the situation

B be dependent from oil.

C give up search for sources of alternative energy

5. Angela Merkel promised

A to fix prices as high as in Moscow

B to exert pressure on Moscow

C to discuss the options with Moscow

6. She also believes that Germany

A is to shut down nuclear reactors

B shouldn’t close down nuclear power stations

C it is wise to cease the work of nuclear power stations

7. President Vladimir Putin told his government

A to continue talks with Belarus

B did everything to secure its strategic resources

C should do everything to guarantee trouble-proof supplies to EU

8. There is a need for Europe to try and develop

A a more consistent approach to energy issues

B a more coherent measures to punish Belarus

C a more coherent response to Russia’s initiatives

9. If Europe doesn’t work out a clear energy supplies strategy

A Russia will stop being a big player

B Russia will do it for the European countries

C Russia will dictate its political will to all countries

10. European countries will always look for alternatives as

A no country wants to be dependable on Russia

B no country wants to have foreign supplies

C no country wants to rely on a single foreign supplier

11. The reporter suggests that Russia might deal with Western countries

A altogether

B separately

C only with countries of Eastern Europe

12.Tim Williams believes that Russia’s domination in the European oil and gas market

A will lead to the growth of funding nuclear energy projects

B renew investments in nuclear weapons development

C may contribute to renewed investment in fossil fuel research

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