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A – Comprehension Test 2

Write about this news story with the help of these words and word combinations.

51-year-old an elite unit investigation into a cocaine smuggling ring Sydney's docks recruited a senior police officer border controlled precursor chemical an alleged conspiracy

a criminal syndicate based in the Netherlands ramifications to compel witnesses to testify there is growing concern it's about time fulfilling its charter

Text 12.

Ice use drops, heroin use rises

At home

1.Discuss the following

a) What are the most often reported kinds of drugs? What are the ways people use drugs?

Which drugs are considered to be the most dangerous for human health? Why? Why do governments and public try their best to solve the drug problem? Why do some countries legalize drugs?

b) Say what you see in the cartoon. What is the clear message of the cartoon? How did the artist express it?

2. Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text.

The centre's Louisa Degenhardt says there's been a trend…

The annual drug figures, though, show….

This is probably linked with increased production in places like …

For the Federal Government, it presents….

3 a). Form adverbs from abstract nouns









3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. More___________ , we understand that volunteering to improve the physical health of your neighbourhood by developing community centres creates a healthier, more stable community.

  2. Free market supporters argue that it is ____________ enforced state laws intervening in markets - state capitalism - which cause many of the problems.

  3. In politics, _________ after you've arrived at the White House, the rule of thumb is this: retreat from controversy.

  4. Prices have certainly risen since Bulgaria became a member of the EU, but compared with countries in Western Europe, travellers will find it a ____________ cheap destination.

  5. Foreign firms compete __________ in insurance, fund management, and venture capital.

  6. Likewise, every _________ held corporation maintains different methods for compensating its executives.

  7. The situation grew __________ hopeless.

  8. If the pro-European parties do not want to lose their constituencies, they have to react ___________ and slow down further Europeanization of politics.

4 A). Match the words

  1. crystal

illicit drugs

  1. the Salvation Army's

detox centre

  1. National Drug


  1. negative effects of

using drugs

  1. random acts of

evolving challenge

  1. constantly

and Alcohol Research Centre

  1. use of


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