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engl_posob / Титова А.А. Мех 3 курсUNIT I.doc
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33 Заполните пропуски в следующем тексте, выбрав один из предлагаемых вариантов. Plastics

Plastics are usually produced by synthesis from such natural materials as water, air, salt, coal and natural gas. The technology is simple and cheap. While ... (solid, cheap, uniform) in finished state, plastics are liquid at some stage of manufacture, and it is easy to form plastics into various shapes. Plastics are different in ...(hardness, properties, needs), characteristics and ...(pressure, application, thermosets). Plastics are ... (reliable, available, thermoplastics),... (expensive, cheap, structural), durable. Plastics resist ... (weight, strength, corrosion). Plastics are machined like ... (metals, forgings, carbon).

Their …(lightness high weight, colour), strength hardness, chemical resistance, …(colour, durability, application) make it possible to use plastics in electrical and electronic equipment, transportation, agriculture etc.

The application of plastics is …( achieving, satisfying, calling for) the requirements o all industries. There is no industry now where plastics are not used.

U n I t I V The engine


1 Обсудите в парах, какие виды двигателей вы знаете и чем они отличаются друг от друга.

2 Прочитайте диалог и запомните название двигателей.

Andrew: Hi, Paul. How are you?

Paul: Excellent, thanks. And you?

Andrew: So-so. You know I've got a problem.

Paul: What is it?

Andrew: I have a test on car devices tomorrow. Do you happen to know what types of engines there are in motor vehicles?

Paul: Well, let me think. A lot of motor vehicles have petrol engines. There are some motor vehicles with diesel engines. Andrew: Are there any motor vehicles with gas engines?

Paul: I'm not sure but it seems to me that a few vehicles have gas engines.

Andrew: OK. And one more question to you. Are there any mixed fuel engines?

Paul: Well, I don't know exactly. I think only a few motor vehicles have such engines.

Andrew: Thank you so much for the information.

3 Закончите диалог.

- ... what types of engines there are in motor vehicles?

  • .... There are ... with petrol engines . And some motor vehicles ..

  • I wonder if there are ... with gas ....

  • ... a few ... have gas engines.

  • And there are some ..., aren't there?

  • Thanks for the information.


prime mover 1. первичный двигатель 2. тягач

to accomplish совершать, выполнять, завершать

piston поршень

stroke ход, длин хода, такт

cycle цикл, такт

crankshaft коленчатый вал

outward внешний, наружный

volatile 1.летучий 2. изменчивый

to ignite 1. воспламеняться, зажигаться 2. прокаливать

charge заряжать, заправлять, заливать

to squeeze сжатие, давление

sleeve втулка, муфт, ниппель

plug 1.пробка 2.вилочный контакт 3.свеча(запальная)

valve клапан, вентиль, задвижка

nozzle сопло, форсунка, выпускное отверстие

spark искра

spark plug свеча зажигания

to exhaust выпускать, откачивать

carburetor карбюратор

output пропускная способность, мощность

stationary неподвижный, стационарный, постоянный

intake 1. выпуск, подвод 2. приемное устройство

to attach прикреплять

gauge 1. колея 2. мера, шаблон, лекало

current ток, поток, струя

thereby таким образом, в связи с этим

to exert вызывать(напряжение)

gasoline бензин, газолин

tank бак, резервуар

pump насос

to compress сжимать

to escape избегать, просачиваться, улетучиваться

inlet вход, впуск

to expand расширяться

gear шестерня, зубчатое колесо