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engl_posob / Титова А.А. Мех 3 курсUNIT I.doc
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Text-based assignments


24 А) Выпишите из первого и второго абзацев текста:

  1. слова, обозначающие узлы и детали двигателя и топливной системы;

  2. глаголы и глагольные сочетания, описывающие рабочие процессы в д. в. с.

б) Уяснив значения слов и сочетаний с помощью иллюстрации текста 4 B и, при необходимости, политехнического словаря, дополните следующую таблицу по образцу.

Part (unit)

Its function

1 the engine


to produce power

производить мощность

2 the fuel tank

хранить топливо


топливный насос

4 the carburettor

Part (unit)

Its function


to ignite the charge



7 the inlet valve


обеспечить выход отработанных газов

25 Расположите глагольные словосочетания, служащие для описания работы д. В. С, в порядке, соответствующем рабочим процессам д. В. С, о которых вы узнали из текста. Дайте их русские эквиваленты.

to compress the mixture, to store the fuel in the fuel tank, to mix the fuel and air, to ignite the mixture, to pump the fuel into the carburettor, to draw the mixture into the cylinders, to carry the fuel to the fuel pump, to push the piston down, to produce the power.

26 Пользуясь информацией примечаний и рис. Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими словами (в соответствующей форме).

to compress, to push downwards, to push, to ignite, the cylinder to close, to start again, to open, to rotate, to return

inlet valve open both valves both valves exhaust valve

closed closed open

a) the induction b)the compression c)the power d) the exhaust

stroke stroke stroke stroke

The Four-Stroke Operating Cycle

The Induction Stroke

The cycle starts with the piston at t. d. с As the inlet valve opens, the

piston by the rotating crankshaft. The fuel mixture enters .... When

the piston comes to the top of the stroke, the inlet valve closes.

The Compression Stroke.

The rotation of the crankshaft ... the piston upwards again. During

the compression stroke, the fuel Both valves are now ... and thus

the mixture is prevented from escaping. The compression rapidly heats the mixture before ignition occurs.

The Power Stroke

The spark from the plug ... the heated mixture as the piston comes to the top of its stroke. The burning gases expand and force the piston downwards again. This stroke ... the crankshaft through half a revolution (180°).

The Exhaust Stroke

As the piston comes to b. d. c, the exhaust valve ... . The rotating crankshaft returns the piston to t. d. с again, expelling the burnt gas through the top of the cylinder. When the piston ... to t. d. c, the cycle ... ... . In a vehicle engine this cycle is repeated several thousand times a minute.


crankshaft коленчатый вал revolution зд.оборот

to expand расширяться vehicle средство передвижения