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6 Соедините термин с соответствующим ему определением, данным в правой колонке.

Machine the rate at which work is performed.

Prime mover a device that uses force to accomplish something. Force is an effort that results in motion or physical change.

Work a machine whose input is a natural source of energy.

Power a combination of the force and the distance through which it is exerted.

7.Заполните таблицу.





internal combustion engine turbine

8 Прочитайте внимательно два последних абзаца и заполните следующую таб­лицу, в которой должно быть показано соотношение между единицами мощности в разных системах.

Единицы мощности



Полное название



horse power

лошадиная сила

33, 000 foot-pounds per minute









9 Распределите следующие слова в три группы:

а) обозначающие основные поня­тия физики и механики;

б) обозначающие источники энергии; в) механизмы, машины.

wind, power, water, force, work, steam, wind mill, petroleum, turbine, motion, weight, block, device, locomotive, input, output, steam engine, rate, effort, distance, generator, part, weight.

10Следующие глаголы часто соотносятся с понятиями физики и механики. Со­ставьте с ними глагольные сочетания, использовав материал текста.

Model: to transmit – to transmit motion/force to produce, to transform, to supply, to result in, to exert, to set, to perform, to result from, to measure ... in


11 Найдите придаточные предложения в позиции прилагательного.

1 It took the auto-works in Nyzhny Novgorod and Moscow a very short time to master the production mainly of lorries which were required at that time. 2 Automobile construction was practically non-existent in pre-revolutionary Russia where in 1910 only 10 passenger cars were built. 3 She couldn't believe that he had known nothing about their ex­periments. 4 That student design bureaus play a big role in developing scien­tific activity among students is very important. 5 Scientists and research engineers are engaged in work that is intended to provide a scientific approach to many purely industrial problems.

12 Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на значение which, которое может относиться либо к одному (определяемому) слову в главном предложении и перево­диться словом который, либо ко всему предложению в целом и переводиться словом что.

1 Every Volkswagen had a network of sensors leading to one central socket which can report the operating condition of parts in your VW directly to you. 2 The KAMAZ is incorporating six specialized enterprises which are known to the industrialized world. 3 The engineers design, build and test cars, which makes every new car durable and reliable. 4 All of the car equipment will be checked for operation in a short test run after which the car will return to the plant to undergo finishing operations. 5 Titanium is light, strong and corrosion resistant which makes it one of the most useful structural materials. 6 In testing grounds there are many stretches of roads which are built on the principle "the worse the better". 7 Science Weeks are usually held simultaneously with student scientific and technical conferences during which students are presented diplomas and prizes.

13 Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1 The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. 2 The Industrial Engineering Stream is intended for students whose interests lie mainly in the design and production side of mechanical engineering. 3 The Engineering Science Stream is meant for those who are analytically minded and who wish to study in depth the theoretical techniques used by engineers. 4 Friction is a force that tends to retard or to stop motion of one surface over another. 5 Each student design bureau is a self-contained organization which sometimes works on orders of various enterprises and institutions. 6 Today, scientists are making diamonds in laboratories – diamonds that are needed in all kinds of industrial processes in making the machines that will remake nature into a better world for us to live in.