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Loans and risks

Before lending money, a bank has to assess or calculate the risk involved. Generally, the greater the risk for the bank of not being repaid, the higher the interest rate they charge. Most retail banks have standardized products for personal customers, such as personal loans. This means that all customers who have been granted a loan have the same terms and conditions – they have the same rules for paying back the money.

Banks have more complicated risk assessment methods for corporate customers – business clients – but large companies these days prefer to raise their own finance rather than borrow from banks.

Banks have to find a balance between liquidity – having cash available when depositors want it – and different maturities – dates when loans will be repaid. They also have to balance yield – how much money a loan pays – and risk.

2. Translate into English.

1. Впевненість інвесторів була підкріплена захистом фондів вкладників. 2. За даною угодою ми забезпечимо вам зовнішнє кредитування замість облігацій вашої компанії. 3. Банк повинен був виплатити великий штраф вкладникам, які не знали що купують акції компаній, в яких були фінансові труднощі. 4. Ми б не постраждали від нестабільності на акціонерному ринку, якщо б не мали заощаджень у приватному акціонерному пенсійному фонді. 5. Центр продукції є підрозділом, де можна простежити виготовлення основного продукту. 6.. Багато банків шукали нові ринки та прибутки в період зростаючої глобалізації. 7. Вони призначили йому зарплатню, яка буде залежати від виконаної роботи. 8. Не дивлячись на рівень виробництва, керівництво преміювало їх додатковими бонусами. 9. Якщо ми подамо акціонерам всі необхідні бухгалтерські звіти, вони зможуть оцінити вигоду довгострокового кредиту. 10. Основна задача головного бухгалтера полягає у визначенні двох крокового процесу розподілення витрат.

3. Speak on the topic “Difference between commercial and central banking”.

Білет 18.

  1. Read and translate the text.

What is Economics?

Economy is as old as hills. It is probably the first art which man acquired. When in ancient times some people went out to hunt while other stayed to defend the fire and still other traded some things for other ones, in al these cases we had economy.

But Economics as an academic discipline is new. The first important book on Economics was published in 1776. it was “The Wealth of Nations” written by Adam Smith (1723-1790). The author of this book was a Scottish economist. When he published the book Adam Smith was 53 years old. In the book he described the new world of industry and commerce. The fact is that his book founded classical economics modern for that time.

Since that time the subject developed rapidly. Now there are many branches of the subject. They are microeconomics, international economics, econometrics and so on.

There is an economic aspect to almost any topic we mention – education, health care, religion, employment, housing, transport, defence, etc.

Economics is a theory of how society works. It seems to be clear. However, it is difficult to define economics. There are many definitions.

The great classical economist Alfred Marshall defined: “Economics is the study of man in the everyday business of life”. J. Beardshaw, a British economist, gave more modern definition. It is: “The human science which studies the relationship between resources and the various users which compete for these resources.”

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