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3. Speak on the topic «Forms of money».


1. Read and translate the text. Natural Economy

Each village was self-sufficient, that is, most of the necessities of life were produced in the village itself. The needs of the villagers were few and simple. Food, clothing and shelter were their basic needs.

Arable-farming and cattle-breeding satisfied the needs of people in the way of foodstuffs, clothing and footwear. Wool from the sheep was spun into yarn and woven into rough cloth in the peasant’s hut. The hides of the cattle were made into leather for shoes and harness. The trees provided wood which was used in the building of houses and in making furniture and wagons. Smaller branches from the trees were cut and used as firewood.

In the village there was a forge where a blacksmith made and mended tools and weapons. There was also a wheelwright’s workshop and mill. Nearly every village had a stream which worked the mill and gave the people water.

There was very little trading at that time. There were no shops – the village artisans produced goods only to order: the farmers were not skilful, their crops were very poor, and they had not much to sell. The villagers produced most of what they wanted. Yet there were some things which the villagers could not produce. Iron and salt had to be brought in from outside.

2. Translate into English.

1. Якщо ми подамо акціонерам всі необхідні бухгалтерські звіти, вони зможуть оцінити вигоду довгострокового кредиту. 2.До вирахування всіх податків за допомогою метода альтернативної калькуляції вона змогла підрахувати приблизний прибуток. 3. Хоча фонди з різних джерел можуть бути використані для фінансування різноманітних потреб компанії, це є необачним вживати короткострокові надходження для придбання основних активів. 4. Впевненість інвесторів була підкріплена захистом фондів вкладників. 5. Банки підтверджували випуск цінних паперів у виді облігацій. 6. В якій банк нам звернутися, якщо ми хочемо випустити акції нашої компанії? 7. Інвестиційним банкам було дозволено випускати акції корпорацій. 8. Комерційні банки повинні були залишатися відокремленими. 9. Внутрішня контролююча система підприємства допускає врахування ефективності бухгалтерських принципів для визначення послідовності між поточним та попереднім періодами. 10. Багато банків шукали нові ринки та прибутки в період зростаючої глобалізації.

3. Speak on the topic «Borrowing and lending money».


  1. Read and translate the text.

The economy of Great Britain

Speaking about the economy of Great Britain it should be mentioned that as in many other countries the economy of Great Britain is based mostly on private enterprises. Different services and manufacturing are well developed, while the agriculture does not take the leading place here. Britain has the possibility to use oil and natural gas from the North Sea and this makes the country self-sufficient in energy. More than half of domestic oil production Britain exports to other countries.

We know that for any economy the international trade is very important. In Britain nearly 25% of national production of goods and services are exported. 1981-1989 were the years of economical growth in Britain. But unfortunately as it often happens after the growing comes the recession. In this case Great Britain was not an exception. Only in 1992 the rate of inflation went down. Today we can say for sure that manufacturing production of Britain grows much faster than in any other industrial country.

To keep the economy at high level the government controls the inflation and public spending and borrowing. Markets and promote enterprises are not left without attention. Privatization also takes its place. Nearly all major businesses are privatized now.

Another question worth mentioning is taxes. In Britain this problem is solve by reducing personal and corporate income taxes. Any of the industrial relations are legal. Small businesses are supported by the government. As we know Greta Britain is a member of European community, so it is a good place for investments.

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