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without milk. 8. Surely that prevents the day (to be) ordinary. 9. I intend (to do) it tomorrow. 10. Would you mind (to sit) over there? 11. Now I resolved, if possible, to avoid (to be) alone with any of these men, these strangers. 12. I can prove I am quite capable (to deal) with the matter.

Ex. 307. Translate into English using gerunds as objects.

1. Я дуже втомилася сидіти вдома. 2. Він здібний до вивчення мов. 3. Я отримую велике задоволення, коли читаю ваші вірші. 4. Коли Джон зателефонував, ми були зайняті підготовкою до полювання. 5. Я хочу що-небудь почитати. 6. Коли діти повернулися зі школи, я була зайнята приготуванням обіду. 7. Я пам‘ятаю, що мені розповідали про цей випадок. 8. Туди варто піти негайно. 9. Я ненавиджу приїздити в порожню оселю. 10. Вона не любила, коли їй несправедливо чимось докоряли. 11. Він слухав наказ, ні про що не питаючи. 12. Йому не подобалася моя ідея одній їхати на Кавказ.

Ex. 308. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions using gerunds as adverbial modifiers.

1. Cindy glanced up, then away, … answering. 2. Lize was able to make her own living … working at the factory. 3. Poirot looked up at the staircase … passing, and shook his head in a dissatisfied manner. 4. Tom considered … answering. 5. He found an endless excitement … looking at their faces and hearing them speak. 6. Can‘t we even laugh properly … having trouble? 7. Was he trying to escape … disguising hi mself? 8. Mayor Pennymann went on … noticing her interruption. 9. You might ruin all my life … breaking your promise. 10. … leaving the room Tom ran into his best friend Joe. 11. … shaking hands with a stranger he wanted to show his friendliness. 12. We might be fined … going too fast.

Ex. 309. Translate the sentences using gerunds as adverbial modifiers.

1. Він все обміркував перед тим, як відповісти. 2. Я стала багато писати, щоб поліпшити орфографію. 3. Почувши, що Олена приїхала, я вирішила побачитись з нею. 4. Коли він отримав листа від брата, він поїхав першим поїздом. 5. Він знайшов багато цікавих виразів, коли читав цю книгу. 6. Поснідавши, він повернувся до своєї кімнати. 7. Коли я вийшов з хати, я побачив свого шкільного товариша. 8. Я втомилася від того, що багато читала, і вирішила посидіти трохи в садочку. 9. Після двох годин читання він поклав валізу на коліна і почав щось писати. 10. Коли вона переписувала


слова, то деякі пропустила. 11. Я закінчила, сказавши, що швидко повернуся.

Ex. 310. Point out Gerundial complexes and comment on their functions in the following sentences.

1. Do you agree to our taking her up to town and putting her under the best control? 2. Her being sent to London was quite unexpected to us. 3. I like your being attentive in class. 4. I didn‘t know of your having been so deeply impressed by my words. 5. Excuse my interrupting you. 6. Excuse my having interrupted you. 7. We know nothing of his having published the article. 8. We were sure of the bridge having been destroyed during the stormy night. 9. We thought of their improving methods of production. 10. We have never heard of his having belonged to this scientific society. 11. Your being so indifferent irritates me a great deal. 12. His having failed at the entrance examination was a great disappointment to his mother.

Ex. 311. Translate the sentences into English using Gerundial complexes.

1. Уяви собі, їй хотілося знати, що його турбує. 2. Він наполягає, щоб я тримала вікна відчиненими незалежно від погоди. 3. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я попрацюю сьогодні у вашому кабінеті? 4. Я здивована, що ви залишили маленького хлопчика одного вдома. 5. Ви пам‘ятаєте, вона говорила вам, що її чоловік інженер? 6. Я не можу уявити, щоб ви так довго сиділи в читальному залі. 7. Здавалося, що мені не було потреби залишатися в Москві. 8. Цікаво, як вона потрапила в дім так, що ми її не бачили. 9. Те, що він був іноземець, який не знав жодного слова англійською, було вже погано. 10. Її думки були, нарешті, перервані тим, що двері тихенько відчинилися. 11.Те, що вона заперечувала очевидним фактам, працювало на користь її суперникам. 12. Ви не будете заперечувати, якщо я запишу вашу адресу. 13. Він наполягав на тому, щоб мене супроводили додому. 14. Дякую, що ви подзвонили моїй матусі. 15. Я втомилася слухати його вказівки. 16. Дякую, що ви прийшли вчасно.

7.4.3. The Participle

Ex. 312. Translate the sentences into your native language. Explain the use of Participle I. Replace the construction with Participle I by a clause.


Pay attention to the tense relation between the predicate and the participle.

A. 1. Which of the four men smoking by the fireplace is Ben? 2. They passed groups of farm-workers trimming vines and picking ripe apricots. 3. From time to time you will get letters notifying you of my movements. 4. There is a covered passage connecting the kitchen with the garage. 5. A gloomy darkness covered the little hill overlooking the two valleys. 6. When you enter the hall you will see a staircase leading to the basement. 7. A new road will soon be built joining the plant with the railway station. 8. What we really want (wanted, shall want) is (was) a good critical article revealing our drawbacks. 9. He speaks (spoke) like a man having his opinion of everything. 10. The horse leading the race was the winner of a similar event two months ago.

B. 1. She smiled remembering the joke. 2. Every now and then the man raises his head from the book looking at the clock on the opposite wall. 3. I hope you will write soon explaining your intention. 4. Closing the door gently he stole upstairs. 5. Receiving no reply by the end of the month we shall consider the order cancelled. 6. Taking a book from the shelf he sits down under the floor lamp to read it. 7. We shall go by train as far as Odessa, and then take a boat to Batumi finally returning by plane. 8. In the evening they caught some fish eating part of it and saving the rest for breakfast. 9. You can take the jet TU 104 from Khabarovsk reaching Moscow in about eight hours. 10. Being very unambitious he is satisfied with what he was.

C. 1. Having got what he wanted he took his hat and went away. 2.

Having seen so little of the country I‘m afraid I cannot give exhaustive answers to all your questions. 3. We shall not discuss our future plans before I come back having settled the business. 4. And saying so he left the room. 5. And having said this he threw himself back in his armchair and looked around triumphantly. 6. Having arrived two days before the opening of the conference they had enough time to do the city. 7. Arriving at the airport he went to have his luggage weighed and registered. 8. Knowing how fond he is of good music I brought him a few records. 9. Having known him from school I have never heard anyone speak of him without respect.

D. 1. Special mention must be made of the extensive research now being conducted in chemistry. 2. A party of specialists was sent to inspect the installations then being made at the new metallurgical plant. 3. That method of support was quite different from those being employed at the


time in other mines. 4. They were told that unlike twenty years ago, the machine tools being used at the factory were exclusively homemade. 5. Being asked what he thought of the innovation the engineer said he approved of it. 6. The yacht lay well out in the middle of the river being carried down by the current. 7. Having been examined by the customs the goods were let through.

Ex. 313. Translate what is given in brackets using:

A. Participle I, non-Perfect Active, as an attribute where possible.

1. We came up to the man (який стояв на дорозі) and asked him the way. 2. Go to the corner and ask the policeman (який стоїть там) to show you the way. 3. The man (який стоїть у розкладу) was our teacher last year. 4. Did you see in what direction the man (який стояв тут) went? 5. He wants to write a book (яка підбила б підсумки) his impressions of the trip. 6. A new power plant (яка буде постачати електрику) this district is to be built here in two years‘ time. 7. The people (які чекають на лікаря) have been sitting here for a long time. 8. The people (які чекали на вас) have just gone.

B. Participle I, non-Perfect or Perfect Active, as an adverbial modifier.

1. (Розповівши про все, що він знав) the witness left the box. 2. (Постукавши двічі і не отримавши відповіді) he decided that there was nobody in. 3. (Коли він штовхнув двері) he felt that it was not locked, and (відчинивши) he looked inside. 4. (Тихо зачинивши за собою двері) he tiptoed into the room. 5. Each time (розповідаючи про цей випадок) he could not help a smile. 6. (Приїхавши до готелю) she found a telegram awaiting her. 7. (Приїхавши сюди) only a few days before he knew those parts as if he had always lived there. 8. We took a trip in a motor-launch down the river and spent the whole day on the water (приїхавши додому) when it was dark. 9. I felt very tired (пропрацювавши цілий день) in the sun. 10. (Опустивши монету і піднявши трубку) he began to dial the number. 11. (Загубивши монету) he did not care to look for it in the darkness and took another one.

C. Participle I, non-Perfect or Perfect Passive, as an attribute or an adverbial modifier where possible.

1. The conference (яка відбувається зараз) at the University is devoted to the problem of nuclear physics. 2. Unable to attend the conference (яка відбувалася тоді) at the University, we asked to be sent the typewritten reports. 3. They are now at the conference (яка


відбувається) at the University. 4. They stood (біля машини, що заправлялася) and watched the meter. 5. The sight of (столу, що накривали) made my mouth water. 6. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (який повертали) in the lock. 7. (Коли їх занурили у воду) the flowers opened their petals. 8. (Оскільки їх тримали без води) the flowers faded.

Ex. 314. Substitute Participle I for a finite verb, where possible.

1. When he arrived at the gallery, he paid his entrance fee, picked up a catalogue and entered. 2. As they were promised assistance, t hey left more assured. 3. We shall drop you a line as soon as we have settled at the new place. 4. After he was shown in, he was asked to wait a little. 5. The parks and gardens that are being laid out in the city will very soon form a green belt all around it. 6. They started the construction of the dam early in spring and completed it before cold weather set in. 7. He lit a cigarette, leaned a porch rail and looked at the trees and the rain that was pouring down steadily and monotonously. 8. It has been planned to dig out a new canal here that will supply the whole area with water for irrigation. 9. When she was going down the steps, she suddenly stopped as she remembered that she had left the gas burning. 10. He stood at the counter and hesitated, he did not know what to choose. 11. After they had finalized the programme, they proceeded to the discussion of the items that dealt with financial matters. 12. As he had long been a resident of the city and knew the family very well, he at once recognized the young man whom he remembered as a boy. 13. He knows the language better than a foreigner usually does for he has been living in France for a long time. 14. If it is handled properly, the machine may serve longer. 15. Though he had lived there for a long time, he knew very few people in the neighbourhood.

Ex. 315. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct forms of Participle I.

1. (To reject) by the editorial board the story was returned to the author for revision. 2. (To reject) by publishers several times the story was accepted by a weekly magazine. 3. (To wait) for some time in the reception room he was asked into the office. 4. (To wait) in the reception room he thought over what he would say when he was asked into the office. 5. They reached the peak at dusk (to leave) their camp with the first light. 6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp (to leave) it at dawn. 7. The friends went out into the city (to leave) their cases at the left luggage department. 8. (To write) and (to leave) a note with the porter he


said he would be back in half an hour. 9. (To write) in an archaic language the book was difficult to read. 10. (To write) his first book he could not go far beyond his own experience. 11. (To be) away so long he was happy to be coming back. 12. (To be) so far away he still felt himself part of his community. 13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant never (to see) such a huge animal before. 14. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter he abruptly changed the conversation.

Ex. 316. Translate the sentences into English using attributive participle phrases where possible.

1. Літній чоловік, що працював у садку, не відразу помітив мене. 2. Висока людина, як з‘ясувалося, була інженером, який працював на цьому підприємстві кілька років тому. 3. Хлопця, який продавав газети, вже не було видно. 4. Дівчина, яка продавала проліски неподалік, здавалося, нагадувала чимось Елізу Дулітл. Очевидно, я був налаштований побачити в Англії те, про що колись читав. 5. Мешканці села, яких бачили того ранку, говорили, що вона йшла у віддалений кінець села, де була річка. 6. Всі, хто читав гумористичні оповідання цього письменника, не можуть не бути в захваті від нього. 7. Студенти, які читали це оповідання, говорять, що воно дуже складне для перекладу. 8. Мій товариш, який побував у Британському музеї, розповідає багато цікавого про цю подорож. 9. Туристи, які відвідали Музей образотворчого мистецтва одночасно зі мною, розповідали про своє захоплення. 10. Через деякий час молодик, що читав ілюстрований журнал, підняв голову і подивився на мене. 11. Людина, яка розпитувала про дорогу до Букінгемського палацу, раптово кудись зникла. 12. Молодик, який розпитував мене звідки я приїхав, здавався мені знайомим. 13. Він помітив, що літній джентльмен, який прискіпливо роздивлявся його, робив йому таємні знаки. 14. Людина, що принесла листа від Артура, хотіла поговорити з нею наодинці. 15. Вони іноді згадували своїх друзів, що працювали в штаті Вірджинія.

Ex. 317. Translate the sentences using Participle I as an adverbial modifier of time.

1. Залишивши речі на залізничному вокзалі, ми пішли на екскурсію. 2. Залишаючи місто, не забудьте приїхати сюди знову. 3. Залишившись наодинці, він почав розпаковувати речі. 4. Коли ми склали останній іспит, ми вирішили відсвяткувати це в кафе. 5. Коли


ви плаваєте у басейні, не треба забувати про обережність. 6. Маючи справу з найскладнішими завданнями, він завжди успішно їх вирішував. 7. Зробивши все від нього залежне, щоб врятувати життя людини, лікар присів на стілець і замислився. 8. Попрацювавши цілий день над курсовим проектом, стомлені студенти зайшли до своїх друзів випити кави. 9. Подякувавши друзям за гостинність, ми швидко зійшли сходами. 10. Роблячи все від нього залежне, лікар сам раптово відчув гострий біль у серці. 11. Стрибаючи через калюжі та наспівуючи веселі пісні, діти підійшли до кінотеатру. 12. Забувши про все, вони дивилися свій улюблений фільм і реготали.

Ex. 318 Replace the attributive clauses by phrases with Participle I1 where possible.

1. The animals that were caught in the snare struggled furiously. 2. There was a peculiar silence in the room that was broken only by the crackle of paper. 3. The melancholy tune, which is being played by the band, brings back all the sweet memories of my youth. 4. The CDs that are produced by the local factory are of exceptionally good quality. 5. He specialized in treating occupational lung diseases, which are mainly caused by dust. 6. And the answer that had so long been expected came at last. 7. The newspapers carried reports of a storm that had devastated several villages. 8. The machinery, which has been ordered from abroad, will be delivered by ship. 9. The opinions that were (are) expressed by the critics greatly differ.

Ex. 319. Translate the phrases given in brackets using Participle I1 where possible.

1. The number of apartment houses (які будуються) for the population of Kiev is rapidly growing. 2. What is the number of apartment houses (які були збудовані) in the past few years? 3. The houses (які будувалися) many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones. 4. The workers (які будували) this house used new construction methods.5.At the conference they discussed new methods (які використовуються) in building. 6. The new methods (які були використані) in the building of houses proved to be effective. 7. They decided to abandon some of the methods (які використовувалися) formerly in building. 8. The bricklayer (який використав) a new method


in building made a report at the conference. 9. Here are some samples of the products of this plant (які надсилаються) to different parts of the country. 10. These are the samples of products of the plants (які надсилали) us machinery. 11. These are the samples of products (які були надіслані) before the restoration of the plant.

Ex. 320. Translate the following word-groups into English. Pay attention to the place of Participle II.

Ілюстрований журнал; журнал, ілюстрований відомим художником; розбите скло; скло, розбите хлопцями; зламаний олівець; дерево, зламане вітром; зворушені голоси; діти, зворушені тим, що трапилось; загублений ключ; ключ, загублений вчора; газети, отримані з Лондона; лист, написаний незнайомцем; зачинені двері; двері, зачинені ззовні; дівчина, запрошена на вечірку; дерево, що впало; книга, що впала зі столу; вкрадені документи; документи, що були вкрадені в секретарки; закінчений твір; твір, що був закінчений поспіхом; хлопець, наляканий собакою; високорозвинена індустріальна держава.

Ex. 321. Translate the sentences using Participle II as an adverbial modifier of time.

1.Коли її залишили наодинці, вона почала писати нову новелу.

2.Коли Джейн почали розпитувати про її брата, вона дала зрозуміти, що не збирається розмовляти на цю тему. 3. Коли йому зробили

операцію, він одужав і почував себе дуже гарно. 4. Коли їм сказали, що треба робити, вони негайно почали роботу. 5. Коли тигра випустили з клітки, він почав кидатись на приборкувача. 6. Коли картина експонувалася в галереї, вона привертала увагу багатьох глядачів. 7. Коли їжа готується досвідченим кухарем, вона стає особливою. 8. Коли Джону поставили декілька запитань про його тещу, він не знав що відповісти. 9. Коли вам кажуть, що робити, відчуття ніяковості не залишає вас. 10. Коли злодія виправдали, він пообіцяв, що більше ніколи не скоїть злочин. 11. Коли папугу відпустила хазяйка, він замахав крилами. 12. Коли речення перекладено правильно, воно звучить природно й іншою мовою.

Ex. 322. Specify the syntactical conjunctions when, while, if, as if, as.

function of the participles using the as though, though, unless, until, once,


1. She was about to take a step, which … mistaken, might lead to further complications. 2. … so occupied, he vaguely gathered the impression of somebody darting silently across the road. 3. The man stood still for fully a minute … debating with himself. 4. I think we now may regard the matter … settled. 5. A promise accounts to little … kept. 6. … resolved to do something, lie wouldn‘t swerve. 7. … proofread several times the text contained a number of misprints. 8. It can‘t go to press … signed by the editor. 9. She screamed … badly hurt. 10. … waiting for you

I have looked through all the newspapers and magazines. 11. Your assistant called you leaving a message where he could be found … needed. 12. The article described him … having attempted nearly every kind of writing and … adorning them all. 13. He did not hurry … pressed for time.

Ex. 323. Point out the Nominative Absolute participial construction and translate the sentences into your native language.

A. 1. It being dark, we switched on the light. 2. My father being very ill, I had to call a doctor. 3. The project finished, I submitted it to the commission. 4. The conditions of work improved, we could continue our experiment. 5. The weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow. 6. All preparations made, we started the experiment. 7. My friends living far, I seldom see them. 8. There being nothing to do, we went for a walk. 9. We had a good time during the holidays, the weather being fine all the time.

10.The signal given, the train started.

B. 1. She had sunk into a chair and was sitting there, her small

fingers curling and uncurling themselves nervously. 2. The door being opened and Bunter having produced an electric torch, the party stepped into a wide stone passage. 3. ‗You don‘t respect me‘, said Dora, her voice trembling. 4. Together they ran back down the road, Mor still gripping her arm in a tight grip. 5. Men, their caps pulled down, their collars turned up, passed by. 6. Another time when we were going through Ferre Bay on our way back from a long excursion, it being a hot day and all of us thirsty, she suggested that we should go into the Dolphin and have a glass of beer. 7.

The patient‘s leg having been amputated, there was no doubt of his recovering soon. 8. The voices had receded and James was left alone; his ears standing up like a hare‘s; and fear creeping about his inwards. 9. The door and window of the vacant room being open, we looked in. 10. The lamp having been lit, Mrs. Macallan produced her son‘s letter. 11. This duty completed, he had three months‘ leave. 12. Time permitting, we shall start tomorrow.


Ex. 324. Replace one of the given sentences by the Nominative Absolute participial construction as in the model.

Model: The book was interesting. We read it with pleasure. The book being interesting, we read it with pleasure.

1. Our friend helped us. We could fulfill our work in time. 2. There were no trams at that late hour. We had to walk home. 3. The magazines have been brought. The students could start doing translations. 4. The experiment has been over. Everybody left the laboratory. 5. The speaker has finished the report. We began to discuss it. 6. The art exhibition has been visited by a lot of people. We were sure of its success. 7. The key has been found. We could enter the room. 8. There were a lot of people in the hall. We could not enter. 9. The text was not very difficult. Many words had been learned before. 10. The weather is fine. We shall start on a skiing trip.

Ex. 325. Translate into English using the Nominative Absolute participial construction with Participle I and Participle II.

A. 1. Коли мій брат написав листа, я пішов відіслати його. 2. Оскільки було темно, ми ввімкнули світло. 3. Коли дощ скінчився, ми могли продовжувати нашу подорож. 4. Після того як питання було обговорене, всі учні залишили клас. 5. Я повинна виконати цю роботу, тому що Петро захворів. 6. Надворі було холодно, тому вирішили залишитися вдома. 7. Було дуже темно, тому що на небі не було жодної зірки. 8. Стаття була написана важкою мовою, і вчитель допомагав учням перекласти її.

В. 1. Я побачив, що він сидить біля вікна і його рука лежить на столі. 2. Вона глибоко дихала, її губи були напіввідкриті, щоки рожевіли. 3. Вона плакала, не ховаючись і не відводячи від нього очей. 4. З Мері як вчителькою він швидко навчився розмовляти англійською мовою. 5. Я не можу спати, коли радіо ввімкнене. 6. На третьому поверсі засвітилося вікно: хтось пізно працював. 7. Я пішов від них пізно, відчуваючи полегшення від виконаної роботи. 8. Він лежав на спині із заплющеними очима. 9. Джулія, не маючи що робити, відвідувала лекції. 10. Вона побачила Пет, яка сиділа на підлозі серед фотокарток, що були розкидані навколо неї.

Ex. 326. Use the infinitive or Participle I of the verbs in brackets to form the Complex Object.


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