.pdf4. I should (to send) him a birthday card but I forgot to. 5. He didn‘t mean to be rude; you shouldn‘t (to be) so angry with him yesterday. 6. It‘s three o‘clock and I‘m feeling very hungry; I should (to eat) more for lunch. 7. It may (to rain), take a coat. 8. If you are in love, it ought (to make) you happy. 9. The doctor said it was appendicitis and she ought (to operate) on.
10. I can‘t think why they didn‘t try to help him. They may not (to realize) that he was drowning. 11. He might (to thank) us. (We are offended that he didn‘t). 12. He may (to be) on the next train. Let‘s wait. 13. I wonder how the fire started. – Oh, someone might (to drop) a lighted cigarette or it might (to be) an electrical fault. 14. I wonder why they didn‘t go. The weather may (to be) too bad.
Ex. 285. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose; look at the model.
Model: They sent me to Spain. They wanted me to learn Spanish. They sent me to Spain to learn Spanish.
1. I am buying paint. I want to paint my hall door. 2. He opened the lion‘s cage. He intended to feed the lion. 3. He rushed into the burning house. He wanted to save the child. 4. He rang the bell. He wanted to tell us that the dinner was ready. 5. The farmer put a scarecrow up in the field. He wanted to frighten the birds. 6. He sent his children to his sister‘s house. He wanted them to watch the television programme. 7. I am saving up. I want to buy a car. 8. I keep my hens in a field surrounded by wire netting. I want to protect them against the foxes. 9. You should take your holidays in June. In this way you would avoid the rush. 10. They evacuated everybody from the danger zone. They wanted to reduce the risk.
Ex. 286. Replace the subordinate clauses by attributive infinitives.
1. There weren‘t many children in the neighbourhood who we could play with. 2. He fell asleep with full determination that he would go and see for himself. 3. He is a man one can trust. 4. We didn‘t know the way to the station, and there wasn‘t anyone who we could ask. 5. He was the first person who came to the bar and the last who left it. 6. It isn‘t a thing you can joke about. It‘s a serious matter. 7. He will always find something that makes him laugh at. 8. They decided that it was a nice little town where they could live quietly for a while. 9. He‘s not a man who you can easily frighten. 10. There‘s nothing that we might discuss now. Everything is
settled. 11. He was the first man who guessed what George was driving at. 12. No doubt it was the best time when he could find them all at home. 13. A good housewife will always find something that must be done about the house. 14. The old general wanted nothing but a grandson who he could dandle on his knee.
Ex. 287. Translate these sentences into English using attributive infinitives.
1. Це саме гарна нагода помиритися з ним. 2. Мені нема в кого запитати поради. 3. Ось свіжа троянда, яку ти можеш причепити до волосся. 4. Це був незручний час для перерви. 5. Я не впевнений, чи є тут хто–небудь, з ким можна порозмовляти. 6. Мені дали текст, який я повинен був перекласти без словника. 7. Немає про що сперечатися. Ми практично говоримо про одне і те ж. 8. Він саме та людина, щоб зайняти вакансію. 9. Ось ключ, яким відмикається шухляда.10. Питання, яке буде обговорюватися на наших зборах, дуже важливе, на мій погляд. 11. Я не бачу ганчірки, якою витирають дошку. 12. Це саме та книга, щоб читати перед сном. 13. Ми від‘їжджаємо завтра вранці, а в нас ще купа справ.14. Він відповідав першим. 15. Він із гіркотою зрозумів, що нічого неможливо було зробити.
Ex. 288. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of result. Look at the model.
Model: The storm was so strong that I couldn‘t go out. – The storm was too strong (for me) to go out.
The text is so short that it can be translated in an hour. – The text is short enough to be translated in an hour.
1. It was so dark that he could see nothing before him. 2. You are so experienced, you ought to know better. 3. She was so excited that she couldn‘t utter a word. 4. He was so angry, he wouldn‘t speak to me. 5. His English vocabulary is very poor; he can‘t make himself understood. 6. She knows English so well that she can read Somerset Maugham in the original. 7. Mr. Burton was so cruel that he could send a man to death. 8.
The story ‗A Friend in Need‘ is so tragic, it can‘t be merely ironical. 9.
The man was so down and out that he could not get a decent job. 10. The man was not very strong and so he was unable to swim the distance. 11. It was very late, nobody could save him.
Ex. 289. Translate the sentences into English using infinitives of result.
1. Він досить розумний, щоб зрозуміти це. 2. Течія була така сильна, що він не міг підпливти до берега. 3. Оповідання було занадто хвилюючим, щоб не дочитати його до кінця. 4. Її вимова була занадто досконалою, щоб бути природною. 5. Він був такий розлючений, що вистачало єдиного слова, щоб звести його з розуму. 6. Я переглянув дві частини, але в результаті знайшов лише п‘ять прикладів. 7. Наступного ранку вона прокинулася і виявила, що вона одна в будинку. 8. Після тривалої подорожі він повернувся додому і зрозумів, що гостювати добре, але вдома краще. 9. Він пройшов через усі кімнати і побачив лише кішку на кухні. Квартира була порожня. 10. Вона відчинила двері і побачила, що батько ходить по кімнаті дуже розлючений.11. Час від часу він прокидався і знову засинав. 12. Після тривалої відсутності вона повернулася додому і зрозуміла, що нічого не змінилося: вони не пробачили її. 13. У котрий раз обміркувавши ситуацію, він зрозумів, що виходу немає. 14. Вона відчинила двері і побачила, що всі вже зібралися і чекали на неї.
Ex. 290. Translate the sentences into English and state the functions of the infinitives.
A. 1. З нею приємно розмовляти. 2. Питання було надто складне, щоб його обміркувати за годину. 3. Ти б краще не набридав йому зі своїми питаннями. 4. Це питання було занадто складне, щоб вона могла його вирішити. 5. Він не та людина, від якої можна чекати на допомогу. 6. Було б краще переконати його працювати, аніж змушувати. 7. Діти, мабуть, вже забули про цю прикру подію. 8. Вам слід було попередити мене заздалегідь. 9. Його телефонний номер легко запам‘ятати. 10. Ви пам‘ятаєте, хто першим увійшов до кімнати? 11. Навряд чи він та людина, яка дасть вам інформацію, що вас цікавить. 12. Ми зробили вигляд, що не помітили його помилки.
В. 1. Перше, що треба було зробити, – це порадитись з лікарем. 2. Я прикинувся, нібито не помітив його і продовжував говорити. 3. На цей факт треба звернути особливу увагу. 4. Чи є в домі хтось, хто може піклуватися про хвору людину, поки не прийде сестра? 5. Вони вирішили більше ніколи про це не згадувати. 6. Тепер нам залишається лише надіслати оголошення до газети. 7. Він був такий вражений, що не міг вимовити жодного слова. 8. Дитина вибігла назустріч матері. 9. Я бачу, що ви шукаєте причину, щоб відмовитись від своєї обіцянки. 10. Ви приїхали, щоб взяти участь у конференції?
11.Питання було занадто складне, щоб його вирішувати поспіхом.
12.Він віддав свій рукопис до редакції на редагування, 13. Ця п‘єса
залишає бажати кращого, я очікував від неї більшого. 14. Єдине, що він хотів, - це знайти місце, де можна було б переночувати. 15. Знати мову добре – означає оволодіти нею повністю в усіх аспектах.
Ex. 291. Point out the Complex Object with the infinitive. Translate the sentences into your native language.
1. The pills my doctor has given to me make me feel rather odd. 2. I want you to say to yourself that he died a gallant death in the service of his country and we must be proud of him. 3. I had seen my father leave the house that morning. 4. Just as he was falling into unconsciousness he heard the door open and quickly shut. 5. George was sure that fresh air and exercise would make us sleep well. 6. He appears to be asleep. 7. Lady Franklin seemed to expect an answer. 8. Professor Lee was expected to join the expedition in North Africa, but he had fallen ill. 9. He was heard to say that it would rain and ordered the door to the balcony to be shut.
Ex. 292. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Object as in the model.
Model: We knew that they would soon come. We knew them to come soon.
1. I noticed how he nodded to her. 2. The old lady liked when people greeted her politely. 3. I like to hear that my mother goes upstairs. 4. We expect that he will deliver a speech at the conference. 5. I felt that somebody touched my shoulder. 6. They expected that I should say everything myself. 7. On entering the room we saw that they were completely embarrassed. 8. I felt that she understood the language I spoke. 9. I heard that he loved his little daughter very much. 10. My little daughter wants that I‘ll take her to Cuba. 11. His boss warned him that he shouldn‘t dress casually. 12. I expect that my favourite newspaper will publish a series of science-fiction stories. 13. She thought that we had influenced their decision. 14. We know that this ancient building was destroyed and rebuilt several times. 15. They expect that these rivers would be soon connected by means of canals.
Ex. 293 Translate the sentences into English using the Complex Object.
1. Я чув, як хтось зайшов до кімнати. 2. Я бачив, як вони вийшли з дому разом. 3. Ми не очікували, що він повернеться так
швидко. 4. Ніхто не чув, як дитина відчинила двері. 5. Це примусить тебе обміркувати, як виправити помилку. 6. Ми хотіли, щоб вони розповіли нам що-небудь про Лондон. 7. Я часто чув, як вона запитувала одне й те ж. 8. Цікаво, що змусило його відмовитись? 9. Ми бачили, як діти побігли до садочка. 10. Я хочу, щоб усі переклали цю статтю.
Ex. 294. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Subject as in the model.
Model: It was said that his sister had come on Sunday. His sister was said to have come on Sunday.
1. It is believed that the expedition will return next Sunday. 2. It is supposed that the students have already submitted their term papers. 3. It was said that the performance had been a success. 4. It is supposed that the coming conference is of great importance for our work. 5. It is likely that the meeting will take place tomorrow. 6. It seems that he possesses a valuable collection of pictures. 7. It seems that he is seriously ill. 8. It is known that the coastline of the British Isles is irregular. 9. It is reported that great construction work is going on in their city. 10. It is likely that my watch is five minutes fast. 11. It is certain that he has done his best to find her address. 12. It was reported that our team had been invited to take part in the sports events.
Ex. 295. Translate the sentences into English using the Complex Subject.
1. Здається, ви розчаровані новим фільмом. Що вам не сподобалось? 2. Очікується, що зима цього року буде лютою. 3. Вони скоріш за все одружаться. 4. Навряд чи він одужає до понеділка. 5. Виявилося, що ми вже знайомі. 6. Вважається, що чоловік та жінка, які живуть багато років разом, схожі. 7. Повідомляють, що експедиція досягла північного полюсу. 8. Кажуть, що чутки про його шалений успіх перебільшені. 9. Він був відомий як гарний лікар. 10. Скоріш за все, вони прийдуть вчасно. 11. Виявилося, що його батьки про це знали.
Ex. 296. Translate into English using the Complex Object or the Complex Subject.
1. Його змусили звернутися до лікаря. 2. Здається, що ви чимось збентежені. 3. Виявляється, що він нічого про це не чув. 4. Я ніколи не бачила, як танцює Джейн Бак. 5. Я спала і не чула, як вони пішли. 6. Батьки завжди хочуть, щоб їх діти виросли чесними людьми. 7. Я вважаю, що це було несправедливо з вашого боку. 8. Хто дозволив вам розпоряджатися моїми речами? 9. Він відчув, що сили повертаються до нього. 10. Ніщо не могло примусити його змінити своє рішення. 11. Я випадково почула останні слова, які ви сказали. 12. Я хочу, щоб усі зустрілися ще. 13. Вона відчула, як хтось торкнув її за плечі. 14. Вона уважно спостерігала за тим, як стрибають інші гімнастки.
Ex. 297. Paraphrase the following sentences using for-phrases with infinitives.
Model: He stepped aside so that I might pass. He stepped aside for me to pass.
There is nobody here with whom he can play. There is nobody here for him to play with.
1. She held out the telegram so that I might see it. 2. It‘s quite natural that you should think so. 3. The first thing he must do is to ring them up. 4. Let us wait till they settle this matter! 5. This is the problem you should solve all by yourself. 6. I shall bring you the article that you may read. 7. I gave an umbrella to the children lest they should get wet through. 8. I‘ve put on weight. I can‘t wear this dress any longer. 9. It is unbelievable that a man should go so far beyond his limit. 10. He spoke loudly so that everyone might hear him. 11. There is nothing that I may add. 12. It is very unusual that he should have said such a thing. 13. It‘s high time you knew Grammar well. 14. This is a boy you can play with.
7.4.2. The Gerund
Ex. 298. Find gerunds in the following sentences and state their noun and verb characteristics. Translate the sentences into your native language.
1. Traveling abroad can be exciting enough, but just now it is more exciting being here. 2. She stopped answering my letters and I wondered what the matter might be. 3. Can you recall having mentioned the fact to anyone? 4. Thorpe was terrified, terrified of having to touch something, and even more, of being touched (S.H.). 5. Young Jolyon, on the point of leaving the club, had put on his hat, and was in the act of crossing the hall,
as the porter met him (Glsw.). 6. After having been rejected by a dozen of magazines, they (the stories) had come to rest in the Globe office (J.L.). 7. I wonder at Jolyon‘s allowing the engagement (Glsw.). 8. I understand perfectly your waiting to leave (F.F.). 9. People will talk, there is no preventing it (Ph.Sh.). 10. The host broke the awkward silence by inviting the guests to proceed to the dining room. 11. This is laying the blame at the wrong door. 12. On being told the news she gave a gasp of surprise. 13. The idea is worth considering.
Ex. 299. Open the brackets using the correct form of the gerund.
1. After the accident, the injured man recovered consciousness in hospital. He remembered (to cross) the road, but he didn‘t remember (to knock down). 2. This carpet always looks dirty in spite of (to sweep) every day. 3. He didn‘t return the book he had borrowed after (to promise) to do so. 4. I am still thirsty in spite of (to drink) four cups of tea. 5. He got into the house by (to climb) through the window without (to see) by anyone. 6. I think he was foolish to buy a car before (to learn) how to drive it. 7. Peter is a much better chess-player than I am, and he was very surprised when I beat him yesterday for the first time. He isn‘t used to (to beat). 8. He went to bed at 9 p.m. in spite of (to sleep) all the afternoon. 9. He complained of
(to give) a very small room at the back of the hotel. 10. The little girl isn‘t afraid of dogs in spite of (to bite) twice. 11. The little girl didn‘t go near the dog; she was afraid of (to bite). 12. The baby went to sleep a few minutes after (to feed). 13. The little girl never gets tired of (to ask) her mother questions, but her mother often gets tired of (to ask) so many questions. 14. They lived in a small town for ten years and then moved without (to make) friends with any of their neighbours. 15. The little boy was punished for (to tell) a lie by (to send) to bed without his supper. 16. Mary was chosen a year ago to act in the school play. She was very pleased at (to choose). 17. Jack doesn‘t like boxing. I don‘t know if he is afraid of (to hurt) his opponent or (to hurt) himself. 18. He was taken to hospital unconscious after the accident. He died in hospital without (to recover) consciousness. 19. I always treat people politely and insist on (to treat) politely. 20. She didn‘t get out of bed until ten o‘clock in spite of (to wake up) at seven.
Ex. 300. Choose between the infinitive and the gerund to use it as a direct object.
A. 1. Her sister-in-law certainly needed (to look) after. 2. We can‘t afford (to waste) time. 3. I can‘t help (to like) Sophie. 4. Arthur had managed (to do) it his way. 5. I couldn‘t resist (to buy) such a lovely hat. 6. She says she can‘t imagine not (to hear) his key in the lock. 7. I couldn‘t understand why, the previous summer, he had given up (to attempt) (to see) Roger. 8. He denied (to know) anything about the missing document. 9. You certainly mustn‘t miss (to see) this wonderful film. 10. I wondered if you felt like (to come) out for a dance. 11. She put off (to break) the news to her father. 12. He got out of bed and prepared (to shave).
B. 1. Dick was very anxious (to go), and I was rather hurt (to find) Clare apparently equally keen (to do) so. 2. Words have weight, sound and appearance; it is only by considering these that you can write a sentence that is good (to look) at and good (to listen) to. 3. His brother‘s emotion was not easy (to discern). 4. His proposition was worth (to consider). 5. Everyone in this room is competent (to express) an opinion. 6. The picture is definitely worth (to buy). 7. You see, a lot of us are prone (to forget) it. 8. The girl was very wise (to take) her advice. 9. He was busy (to work) at the new play. 10. I was fascinated (to watch) the two of them together. 11. Charles was slow (to see) what Mr. March was feeling. 12. The little girl was busy (to tear) out pages from the telephone directory. 13. It must be admitted that this writer is not hard (to imitate).
Ex. 301. Translate the following sentences into English using infinitives or gerunds as direct objects.
1. Роботу все ще важко було знайти (hard). 2. Її руки тремтіли, ніби вона ось-ось заплаче (ready). 3. Її посмішка швидко зникла. ―Твій прихід – чистісіньке божевілля‖ (crazy). 4. Він потиснув мені руку: ―Я жалкую, що змушений іти‖ (sorry). 5. Ця пісня варта того, щоб її записати на магнітофон (worth). 6. Він швидко зрозумів, що трапилось (quick). 7. Важко було спостерігати за їх суперечкою (hard). 8. Раніше чи пізніше, але ви обов‘язково про це почуєте (certain). 9. В такий день щось неодмінно мало трапитись (sure). 10. Він був дуже задоволений, що застав брата вдома (delighted). 11. Скоріше за все, я не зроблю цього (likely). 12. Такі результати отримати неможливо (impossible). 13. Він глибоко пишався знайомством з нею (proud).
Ex. 302. Choose between the infinitive and the gerund to use it as a direct object after verbs that admit of both forms.
1. She tried (to take) an interest in my work. 2.When I learned to write I tried (to alter) words or the order in which they were set. 3. Why didn‘t you try (to find) yourself a job? 4. She tried (to knit), but her fingers were numb. 5. Margaret and I were upset and the others went on (to try) (to cheer) us up. 6. The article went on (to say) that Miss MacLean was born in Dublin and still had relations living there. 7. He proposed (to go) to the theatre that night, but Elisa said she was tired. 8. I propose (to buy) a boat with the money. 9. I must remember (to tell) the others not to mention it to Willy. 10. Yes, I remember (to see) the letter on the mantle piece. 11. The general never forgot (to take) his boys out for a drive one Sunday day in June. 12. Don‘t forget (to lock) the door when you decide to go to bed. 13. I liked (to play) with the dog. 14. I liked (to have) lodgings of my own where I could be by myself.
Ex. 303. Supply the necessary prepositions for the gerunds used as prepositional objects in the following sentences.
A. 1. Jones insisted … shaking hands. 2. I take all the blame … not seeing further than my nose. 3. She glanced up … marking a pile of papers, and said: ―Hello, Hugh‖. 4. Unfortunately, I haven‘t succeeded … making such an impression on you. 5. He made a point … never sounding disappointed. 6. His mission had very little to do … winning the war. 7. He had never had much difficulty … getting jobs. The trouble had always been … keeping them. 8. She thanked him … taking her out. 9. He did not object … seeing Mark. 10. If he persists … marrying the girl, it will mean absolute ruin for him. 11. She took … wearing jeans. 12. When asked what his father did in life, the boy answered, ‗My father works … keeping the world … having another war‘. 13. I shall look forward … seeing your book. 14. I thought … taking a trip up the Scandinavian coast.
B. 1. The man of letters is accustomed … writing. 2. I became aware of the specific benefit I was capable … getting from the travel. 3. Mrs. Attlee was very skilful … directing the table talk away from her daughter. 4. Some people were nice … turning me down. 5. I‘m sick … doing things for you. 6. You seem upset … losing Jones. 7. I don‘t say I‘m proud … cheating him out of 300 dollars. 8. Your colleagues are good … keeping a secret, aren‘t they? 9. He is usually fairly careful … making his statements. 10. He is quite excited … being among us again. 11. It was five minutes later than my usual bedtime and I felt guilty … being still up. 12. She was very quick … finding out things. 13. Dolly seemed relieved
… not having to make a scene. 14. I tried to be as nice as possible …
refusing. 15. You seem very fond … saying things behind my back. 16. But he was slow … replying. 17. He selected a dingy little place where he felt sure … not meeting any acquaintances.
Ex. 304. Use the required form of the gerund in its function of a prepositional object in the following sentences.
1. Since the age of four, I have been used to (to live) with ideas. 2. I was not used to (to entertain) by a sensitive and nervous host. 3. How proud I was of (to invent) the code. 4. I was tired of always (to wear) charity clothes. 5. In the morning she was ashamed of herself for (to be) so rude the night before. 6. He‘s merely used to (to tell) what he wants to know. 7. He was grateful to Finch for (to persuade) him to come. 8. But they are used to (to deal) with real men. 9. She wasn‘t fond of (to interview). 10. At the time I was very keen on (to get) an independent income.
Ex. 305. Translate the sentences into English using gerunds as prepositional objects.
1. Ти справді вмієш тримати язика за зубами (good). 2. Я пишався тим, що був корисним для нього (proud). 3. Я знав, що він не здатний приймати рішення (capable). 4. Лікар звик слухати різних людей (used). 5. Шкода, що потурбував вас (sorry). 6. Я більше ніж ти зацікавлений у тому, щоб її знайти (interested). 7. Я впевнений, що ти здатний контролювати цю ситуацію (capable). 8. Мені набридло робити те, що мені дуже важко робити (tired). 9. Я був здивований з того, що він взагалі одружився (surprised). 10. Я був трохи розчарований тим, що не зустрів Чарльза (disappointed). 11. Вона була вдячна йому за те, що він зрозумів, що вона не хоче говорити про себе (grateful). 12. Він був роздратований на неї за те, що вона втягнула його в цю сварку. 13. Йому подобалося гуляти під дощем (fond). 14. Він не здатний брехати (incapable).
Ex. 306. Open the brackets using gerunds as objects; add prepositions where necessary.
1. She was afraid (to miss) Miller in the crowd. 2. He was fond (to say) ―The superstition of today is the science of yesterday‖. 3. Thank you
(to call). 4. On the way home Sally insisted (to stop) in front of our college. 5. I remember (to hear) her complain to Joe. 6. The box was stoutly made and resisted (to open). 7. I am sick and tired (to drink) tea