.pdflest she should fall behind the group. 9. The students have already begun to read up for their exams lest they should fail at them. 10. You‘ll have to work hard so that you may catch up with the group. 11. My sister entered a teacher‘s training college so that she might become a teacher because she is fond of children. 12. I‘m going to the library in order that I may prepare a good report on Byron‘s poetry. 13. The boys worked regularly in order that they might make good progress.
Ex. 266. Change the structure of the following sentences so as to use the Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases in subordinate clauses of purpose.
Model: He opened the door for her to go out.
He opened the door so that she should (might) go out.
1. She turned away to avoid her daughter‘s eyes. 2. The soldier stood up for me to sit down. 3. I kept a diary in the order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life. 4. They spoke in a whisper so as not to wake anybody in the ward. 5. We‘ll start earlier for them not to find us here. 6. You‘ll close the door or the window otherwise there will be a draught. 7. He‘ll have a car sent down to your place tonight to take you to the station. 8. They kept the gate closed for the cows not to get into the garden. 9. The boy stood aside for her to go by. 10. Father repeated it for us not to misunderstand him. 11. He watched Easter carefully not to let her commit some mistakes.
Ex. 267. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs in brackets using the Subjunctive Mood or modal phrases.
1. They came nearer to the stage in order that they (to see) the actor well. 2. You must do the exercise in a written form lest you (to make) spelling mistakes in the dictation. 3. Please, speak up so that everybody (to hear) you. 4. I shall leave a message for him lest he (to forget) about our conference. 5. Shut the door or the window lest you (to have) a stiff neck. 6. I prefer to keep in the shade lest I (to have) heart troubles. 7. Mother switched on the light in order that we (to read). 8. They began to disguise the guns lest the enemy (to discover) them. 9. Don‘t treat me to any icecream so as I (to have) a sore throat. 10. Let us hurry a porter lest we (to carry) such a heavy trunk ourselves. 11. Put the book into your bag in order you (to forget) it. 12. They started earlier so that they (to get) to the place before darkness fell. 13. She spoke in a low voice lest the other

people in the room (to hear) her. 14. We hurried up in order we (to catch) an early train. 15. Write down my telephone number lest you (to forget) it.
Ex. 268 Translate the sentences into English.
А. 1. Сестра принесла мені журнал, щоб я прочитала статтю про англійських художників. 2. Вона дала йому підручник з граматики, щоб він підготувався до контрольної роботи. 3. Пройдіть в іншу кімнату, щоб ніхто не заважав вам навчатися. 4. Я надішлю їй телеграму, щоб вона приїхала на конференцію вчасно. 5. Увімкніть світло, щоб у залі стало світліше. 6. Поясніть йому його помилки, щоб він не зробив їх знову. 7. Він йшов повільно, щоб ми могли його наздогнати. 8. Запакуйте картину, щоб вона не пом‘ялася дорогою. 9. Доповідач говорив гучно, щоб усі чули його. 10. Вона дала мені гроші, щоб я купила вам сувеніри.
B. 1. Дівчинка сховалася за дерево, щоб брат не помітив її. 2. Сходіть до лікаря, щоб він встановив вам діагноз. 3. У мене була висока температура, і сестра викликала лікаря, щоб він виписав мені лікарняний. 4. Лікар попросив, щоб чоловік роздягся до пояса, щоб його оглянули. 5. Вам треба бувати на повітрі, щоб у вас не боліла голова. 6. Вам слід видалити мигдалини, щоб вони вас більше не турбували. 7. Переживаючи, як би хворому не стало гірше вдома, лікар викликав швидку допомогу, щоб відправити його до лікарні.
7.3.3. The use of the Subjunctive Mood in simple sentences
Ex. 269. Read the following sentences and analyse the Subjunctive Mood. Translate the sentences into your native language.
A. 1. I have a brother who is a surgeon. He would never want to be anything else, he says. He loves it. 2. It would be absurd for him to marry so much beneath him. 3. With her social position, she would have had little difficulty in imposing her point of view in preference to yours. 4. I would have thought it better taste on his part to tackle me outright – instead of indulging in covert jokes at my expense. 5. He spoke of the small flat where he lived and where he was happy but would have loved a garden for Homer. 6. An observer would have found it difficult to say whether he was nearer to forty or fifty.
B. 1. If only father were alive! 2. If only it were true! 3. If only I could believe that! 4. If only he had told you the whole story! 5. If only she were with us. 6. If only I hadn‘t mentioned his name! How foolish of me!
7. If only you had done as I told you! 8. If only the weather were fine next Sunday!
C. 1. Be it so! 2. Come what will! 3. Long live our Motherland! 4.
May all our labour be devoted to man‘s happiness! 5. May success attend you! 6. Let peace and friendship among nations flourish on earth! 7. My sentence is that the prisoner be hanged! 8. Whoever he be, he must be punished.
Ex. 270. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs in brackets.
1. Come along, Jassie! It (to do) more harm to stay by yourself. 2.
I‘m thinking of good results we‘ve achieved together. We (not to manage) them alone. It‘s a pity to find us divided now. 3. She even didn‘t want to look in my direction: or else I (to come up) and (to apologize). 4. He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise he (to find) a better way out. 5. But Mrs. Jago‘s imitation of Lady Muriel was not exact.
Lady Muriel never (to call) men by their college titles. 6. I myself (not to agree) to that. 7. They all (to be) only glad to see you. 8. I (to send) her away long ago, only I thought you wanted her to talk her thoughts openly. 9. You must thank him, not us. Without him we (not to achieve) any success. 10. I (to give) a good deal for that assurance! 11. Are you glad to see me? – You are funny, Dick! As if you (not to know)! 12. If only I (to think) as you do! 13. I can‘t for the life of me understand why you didn‘t wait before they decided. I (to expect) you to discuss it with me. 14. I may travel out with Uncle, but it (to be) such fun to go with you! 15. If only I (to be) sure that the train will arrive in time! 16. The question is if we (to be) able to carry out this gigantic amount of work in such a short time.
Ex. 271. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Було б цікаво взнати, хто з нас прав: ти чи я? 2. Було б дуже приємно скупатися у таку спеку. 3. Було б гарно випити чашечку кави. 4. Було б важливо взнати його думку на це питання. 5. Вона б вчилася добре, але вона часто хворіє і не ходить на заняття. 6. Ми б з задоволенням допомогли вам, але ми дуже зайняті сьогодні. 7. Я б поїхав відпочивати на море, але мій лікар мені забороняє. 8. Було вже пізно, і було б природно, щоб хлопчик заснув, але він не спав і дивився у стелю. 9. Коли б я знав про цю новину раніше! 10. Ви маєте
симптоми запалення легенів. Я б рекомендував вам звернутися до лікаря. 11. Хай тобі щастить! 12. Коли б він тільки не був такий ледачий! 13. Якби я була впевнена, що це так! 14. Було б корисним спати з відчиненим вікном протягом усього року. 15. Роджер подивився на мене і сказав: ―Хай буде що буде, але я все одно візьму участь у змаганні‖. 16. Як би ви відповіли на це запитання? 17. Якби тільки йому зробили цю операцію вчасно!
7.3.4. Review Exercises on Mood Forms of the Verb
Ex. 272. Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. If you (to be) interested in life, it never (to let) you down. 2. The slip showed an overdraft of fifty dollars… ―Oh, the bank‘s not worrying, Mr. Wormold‖. Wormold thought, if the overdraft (to be) fifty thousand dollars, he (to call) me Jim. 3. If something (to happen) to me, I (not to want) you to learn from these files what a fraud I had been. 4. I‘m not t he crazy type. I (not to be) a seller of vacuum cleaners if I (to be) the crazy type. 5. Robert: ―Why didn‘t you come forward at the inquest?‖ Freda: ―If it could (to help) Martin, I (to go)‖. 6. Stanton: ―It must have been agony for her to go away and not hear any more‖. Gordon: ―She (not to go) if she (to think) she‘d have heard any more‖. 7. I (to be going to) have an awful headache if I (to stay) any longer. 8. I wasn‘t one of his pets like you and Martin. If the old man (to think) for a minute that I‘d done it, there (to be) none of this hush-hush business, he (to feel) like calling in the police. 9. The whole thing was over and done with. What (to happen) if I (to confess)? 10. Robert: ‖Is that true?‖ Stanton: ―I (not to say) it if I (not to know) it was true‖. 11. I‘m not in love with him. I (not to marry) him if I
(can). 12. I want to finish this picture today. You (to think) it awfully rude of me if I (to ask) you to go away? 13. I feel sure that if I (to live) in the country for six months, I (to become) so unsophisticated that no one (to take) the slightest notice of me. 14. If we (to be going to) be invaded by relations, there (to be) only one thing to do.15. ―I could teach him to sail‖. ―But, dear, that really (not to be) much use to him later on, unless he (to be going) into the Merchant Navy or something‖.
Ex. 273. Supply the correct forms for the verbs in brackets using the Subjunctive Mood or modal verbs.
1. If her aunt (to be) here now, she only (to laugh) at the girl‘s imagination. 2. And they trembled lest the father (to hear) of it. 3. She
gave parties so that the young actors (to get) to know managers. 4. Nevertheless she was little concerned that Nicole (to find) the handsome
Duke too attractive. 5. ―He (not to hold) the job he does if he (not to be) knowledgeable‖, replied Joss. 6. And Julia was convinced that if it (to be) possible to get the operation done secretly, he (to have) his face lifted. 7. If he (to express) disappointment, if he (to ask) her to cut the date she was supposed to have, she (may have) strength to break with him. 8. Her mother looked as if she (to see) better days. 9. He wished that this (to happen) in London where he could have called upon his colleagues to share the burden.10. Mrs. Andrews insisted that their phone (to put) in the kitchen so that she (to hear) it. 11. It was a rapid twirl as if she (to want) to draw your attention to something behind her back. 12. She loved Michael and gladly (to marry) him there and then but for his good sense. 13. To Major, Kelly arranged that I (to come out) with her and (to look after) her and her baby. 14. It seems funny that I never (to hear) of you before. 15. It is natural that the doctor (to avoid) calling at the house since the invalid is no longer there. 16. They left the dressing room so that Avice Crichton (to change) for the third act. 17. He wishes only to get me out of the way so he (to fill) my place with you. 18. It was raining and Smiley wished he (to bring) a hat. 19. He felt an extreme lightness as if he (to become) a spirit.
Ex. 2747. Translate these sentences into English; use the modal verbs in brackets.
1. Вона почала говорити про Ноеля, хоча почувала, що він не хотів би обговорювати те, що трапилося (would rather). 2. Він не бачив Маджарі тривалий час, а вони колись були добрими друзями (used to). 3. Мені слід було знати краще, перед тим, як погоджуватись на твій план (should). 4. Я так легко не здаюсь. Вважаю, нам було б краще поводитися так, наче ми закохані (had better). 5. Він не може знати. Він має підозру, що не все так чисто (can, might). 6. Я така знедолена. Що мені зараз робити, коли ти не бажаєш говорити зі мною (be to)? 7. Хібара! Та ні, ти не будеш жити в цьому страхітливому місці (shall). 8. Це твій дім, і ти залишишся зі мною (shall). 9. Ти коли-небудь пробачиш мені (will)? 10. Якщо ти скажеш це, батько, я вб‘ю себе (will). 11. Ти не насмілишся покинути мене (dare)! 12. Побоюючись, щоб його не впізнали, містер Потт робив вигляд, що читає газету (should). 13. Мій брат може бути дуже приязною людиною (can). 14. Навіщо ти поліз на дерево? Ти міг би розбитися (might). 15. Що мені брати з собою в дорогу (shall)?
Ex. 275. Translate these sentences into English using modal verbs or their equivalents.
А. 1. Дійсно, ви могли бути більш уважним. 2. Нам не слід погано думати про неї. Вона, певно, чимось засмучена. 3. Мені відповідати негайно? - Ні, можете спочатку подумати. 4. Я повинен був прийти до неї о третій, але залишив вдома її адресу і мені довелося повернутися. 5. Вам потрібно (слід) прочитати цю книгу в оригіналі. 6. Відвідувачі зоопарків не повинні годувати тварин. 7. Дівчинка не приготувала домашнє завдання, і їй не дозволили дивитися телевізор. 8. Вважаю, Том повинен отримати цю роботу. У нього є всі дані для неї. 9. Джону не треба голитися, він має бороду. 10. Я не знаю, чому вони поїхали рано. Їм не треба було так рано виїжджати. 11. Вам не потрібно завтра йти до офісу. Він буде зачинений. 12. Мені не треба було готувати так багато їжі для вечірки. Голодним ніхто не був. 13. Вона сумлінно навчається, тому вона повинна скласти іспит.
B. 1. Ми не повинні витрачати ні хвилини, якщо хочемо схопити злочинця. 2. Ми повинні поспішати додому, бо може бути пізно. 3. У будинку нікого не було, напевно, постріли попередили злочинця. 4. ―Є тільки одне місце, де мій чоловік може сховатися‖, - відповіла місіс Стейплтон. 5. Він знає дорогу туди, але в такому тумані навіть він може збитися зі шляху. 6. Було зрозуміло, що до ранку нічого не можна буде зробити. 7. Він оселився на півночі Англії, але невдовзі був змушений бігти звідти та змінити ім‘я. 8. Шановний мій Ватсоне, ви не повинні сердитися на мене. Я змушений був збрехати вам. 9. Це небезпечна справа, і я не зміг залишити вас одного. 10. Це, мабуть, Шерлок Холмс, і я сподіваюсь, що ви відкриєте нам очі на цю справу. 11. Мабуть, Стейплтон прийняла збіглого каторжника за сера Баскервіля.
Ex. 276. Translate the following sentences into English paying special attention to the use of the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs.
A.1. Як би мені хотілося знати якомога більше іноземних мов.
2.Зараз просто необхідно, щоб людина володіла хоча б однією іноземною мовою. 3. Шкода, що я не вивчав французьку в інституті.
Якби я знав французьку, я б читав французьких авторів тільки в оригіналі. 4. Поверни мені, будь ласка, підручник, я змогла б підготуватися до занять. 5. Дуже важливо, щоб ви звертали більше
уваги на свою вимову. 6. Якби ви постійно не пропускали заняття, ви б робили менше помилок. 7. Якби не допомога товаришів, він би не зміг провести експеримент вчасно. 8. Староста хвилювалася, щоб ми не запізнилися на лекцію з літератури. 9. Він розмовляв англійською, як рідною мовою.
В. 1. Його батько наполягав, щоб Майкл отримав освіту, необхідну для джентльмена. 2. Джулія майже пожалкувала, що вистава не провалилася, як всі попередні. 3. Перший рік їхнього шлюбу був би дуже бурхливим, якби не рівний характер Майкла. 4. ―Не тримайте дівчину так, ніби мішок з картоплею‖, - кричав Ленгтон Майклу. 5. Джулія вирішила про себе, що вона буде поводити себе так, ніби між нею і Томом нічого не трапилося. 6. Том поводився з Джулією так, ніби вона була для нього не більше, ніж мати його друга. 7. Майкл побоювався, щоб Роджеру не було нудно з ними в їх будинку за містом. 8. Він запросив Тома провести свою відпустку з ними, щоб Роджер міг мати друга для прогулянки та гри в теніс. 9. ―Якби в Майкла було трохи здорового глузду, він би заплющив очі на деякі речі‖, - гадала Джулія. 10. ―Трохи дивно, що на такі кошти він у змозі платити за квартиру, одягатися так, як він одягається‖, - підмітила її приятелька. 11. Я хочу сказати, що якби Джулія заводила один скандальний роман за іншим, ніхто б тоді не звернув увагу на її поведінку. 12. Джулія відмовилась від подорожі до Відня. Вона боялася, що буде тягарем для сина. Цілком природно, що йому цікавіше з друзями однолітками, яких він завів у Відні. 13. Джулія не рухалася. Здавалося, що вона не розуміє, що він поряд. 14. Джулія не була впевнена, що якби їй трапилася нагода повернутися назад у юність, вона б нею скористалася. 15. Евіс шкодувала, що вони не змогли провести більше репетицій. 16. Джоан сказала Джулії, що якби вона замовила за неї слово в театрі, це б їй дуже допомогло. 17. Доллі подарувала їй безліч подарунків. Майклу ж вона подарувала пару запонок, щоб він не ображався. 18. Якби я змогла отримати роль дублерки, це надало б мені можливості відвідувати репетиції. 19. Критики говорили про Джулію так, ніби це вони її відкрили.
7.4.1. The Infinitive
Ex. 277. Translate into your native language. Explain the use of the infinitives.
1. Lady Franklin was horrified at herself. To have asked his name, to have been told his name, and to have forgotten it! 2. She seemed to be paying no attention to what was going on around her. 3. He suddenly awoke from his queer trance; there was a decision to be made. 4. Goodbye, Mr. Jackson. Glad to have been of service to you. 5. I say, don‘t you think you ought to be going? 6. He was very tired, and to have been caught napping had irritated him and hurt his pride.7. There are a great many things to be taken into consideration. 8. She told them to take off their shoes so that their footsteps could not be heard in the flat below. 9. ―We are very sorry to have disturbed you‖, began Peter. 10. There was nothing to be done, but to wait for the next express, which was due at four.
Ex. 278. Supply the forms of the infinitive according to the following models.
Model A: The Active Perfect form: to write – to have written.
To sing, to sleep, to stop, to get, to stay, to have, to prefer, to be, to continue, to grow, to find.
Model B: The Active Perfect Continuous and the Active non-Perfect Continuous forms: to stay – to be staying – to have been staying.
To go, to run, to arrive, to study, to cut, to live, to come, to copy, to dye, to tie, to swim, to listen, to lie.
Model C: The Passive Perfect and the Passive non-Perfect forms: to translate – to be translated – to have been translated.
To write, to give, to prove, to buy, to look for, to bring, to attack, to take care of, to burn, to forget.
Model D: Give all the possible forms of the given infinitives.
To work, to lay, to carry, to choose, to stand, to show, to laugh, to smoke, to like, to break, to strike.
Model E: Supply all the missing forms of the given infinitives.
To be done, to have been talking, to have made, to have been tried, to be leaving, to be spoken of.
Ex. 279. Build the form of the infinitive according to the description; take any verb that can have the form.
1. The Passive non-Perfect form. 2. The Active Perfect Continuous form. 3. The Active non-Perfect non-Continuous form. 4. The Passive
Perfect form. 5. The Active non-Perfect Continuous form. 6. The Active Perfect non-Continuous form.
Ex. 280. State the form of the given infinitives.
To be doing, to have been done, to be done, to do, to have written, to have been written, to have been writing, to be writing, to be written, to be mentioned, to have known, to have been dealt, to be shouting, to smile, to be dancing, to have been told, to have been travelling, to be asked, to shut, to have said.
Ex. 281. Use the Active or Passive non-Perfect infinitives.
1. I hate (to bother) you, but the man is still waiting (to give) a definite answer. 2. He hated (to bother) with trifling matters when he had more important questions (to decide). 3. She would never miss a chance (to show) her efficiency, she was so anxious (to like) and (to praise). 4. The idea was too complicated (to express) in just one paragraph. It seemed it would take not less than a page (to put) it into words. 5. Is there anything else (to tell) him? I believe he deserves (to know) how the matter stands and (to tell) all about it. 6. The book is likely (to publish) and (to appear) on sale pretty soon. It is sure (to sell) well and (to sell) out in no time. 7. What he took to writing for was not (to earn) a living but a name. All he wanted was (to read) and not (to forget).
Ex. 282. Use the infinitive in the required form in the Active Voice.
1. How fortunate he is (to travel) all over the world and (to see) so much of it. 2. The man appears (to know) practically all European languages; he is said (to learn) them while travelling. 3. The river was reported (to overflow) the banks and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 4. The girl pretended (to read) a book and not (to notice) me. 5. You seem (to look) for trouble. 6. It seems (to rain) ever since we came here. 7. It is so thoughtful of you (to book) the tickets well in advance. 8. That woman is still sitting. She seems (to wait) for over an hour. 9. They happened, at the moment, (to stand) near a small conservatory at the end of the garden. 10. An intimate friend is said (to dine) with them that day. 11. For about ten days we seemed (to live) on nothing but cold meat, cake, and bread, and jam. 12. Well, funny things seem (to happen) now.
Ex. 283. Use the appropriate form of the infinitives in brackets.
1.The man seemed (to study) me, and I felt uneasy in his presence.
2.Perhaps it would bother him (to speak) about the quarrel. 3. He is
supposed (to work) at the translation of the book for two years. 4. The only sound (to hear) was the ticking of the grandfather‘s clock downstairs. 5.
The book was believed (to lose) until the librarian happened (to find) it during the inventory. It turned out (to misplace). 6. The strength of the metal proved (to overestimate) by the designer. The engineer claimed (to warn) against its use for the purpose all along as he had been always sure it was likely (to deform) under great load. 7. We seem (to fly) over the sea for quite a time and there is yet no land (to see). 8. Not (to answer) would have been a wrong step. 9. We don‘t seem (to acquaint), at least I can‘t remember ever (to meet) him. 10. The third key remained (to test).
Ex. 284. Use the correct form of the infinitive as a part of a compound verbal predicate.
A. 1. He seemed (to lose) all the friendliness he had shown at our previous meeting. 2. ―I happen (to be) her lawyer and she telephoned to me‖, I said to the man. 3. It became clear that Charles was still idle. He seemed (to read) scarcely any law. 4. The cat seems (to miss) for about three weeks. 5. He appeared (to forget) that they had had the first serious difference of opinion in the whole of their married life. 6. ―Dr. Salt, what do you think you‘re doing?‖ ―People seem (to ask) me that for days‖, said
Dr. Salt mildly. 7. Not going home, in fact, seemed lately (to become) the pattern of his life. 8. My mother thought that his hobbies would get him nowhere. In this she turned out (to be) wrong. 9. It seemed (to snow) in the room. The floor, the chairs, the desk were covered in drifts of white. It was torn paper. 10. She leant far over the banister and strained her ears. All the family seemed (to talk) at once. 11. The general seemed (to age) a great deal. 12. Charles met me the first day I came to London, and our friendship seemed (to establish) for a long time. 13. He did not even seem (to understand) what the fuss was about. 14. In front of one window there was a small table and Harry was sitting at it peering at a pile of papers which he seemed (to copy) or (to translate). 15. When I arrived there, I didn‘t see the dog. Not much else seemed (to change). 16. Then I caught sight of her on the far side of the square. She seemed (to say) good-bye to someone.
B. 1. George must (to be) pleased that he has passed his examination. 2. I found this baby bird at the foot of a tree. It must (to fall) from a nest. 3. You needn‘t (to send) a telegram; a letter would have done.