.pdfпродовжує палити. 4. Я, бувало, пізно лягав спати та пізно прокидався. 5. Увімкнути світло? У кімнаті стає темно. 6. Вона пожалкує про це, я впевнений. 7. Зазвичай він вигулює собаку перед сном. 8. Дитина погано себе поводить. 9. Перш; ніж я піду, дайте мені попити, або я помру від спраги. 10. Ви не залишите кімнату, доки я вам не дозволю. 11. Що б ти робив, якби мене не було поруч? 12. З якої причини мені обманювати тебе? 13. Я зустрічався з нею. Бувало, вона купляла мені чашечку кави. Мені потрібно було б відмовитись, та я був дурний. 14. Чи не бажаєте ви зняти пальто?•
Ех. 112. Fill in the blanks with must not or need not.
I. You ... ring the bell, I have a key. 2. 'You ... play with matches', said Mother. 3.1 ... go to the shops today. There is plenty of food in the house. 4. You ... strike a match; the room is full of gas. 5. We ... drive fast; we have plenty of time. 6. You drive fast; there is a speed limit here. 7. You ... turn on the light; I can see quite well, *». You ... ask a woman her age. It's not polite.
Ex. 113. Fill in the blanks with didn't have to or needn't have.
1. You ... (bring) your umbrella, as we are going by car. 2. You ...
(water) the flowers, as it is going to rain. 3. I ... (translate) it for him, he did it himself, he understands Latin. 4. I ... (answer) the questions, which saved me a lot of trouble. 5. I knew I ... (lock) the door after me, but how was I to know you wanted to come out, too? 6. I ... (ring) the bell because the door opened before I got to it. 7. I ... (help) them at all, they themselves knew what to do. 8. I ... (write) to him because the news was already known to him. He phoned me shortly afterwards. 9. You ... (listen) to him. His information was misleading. 10. You ... (buy) such a lot of flowers. We've already got more than necessary. 11. He ... (get up) so early every day. It was only on that particular occasion that he did. 12. You ... (stay) if you didn't want to. We could have done without you just as well.
Ex. 114. Give negative replies to the following questions. Note. Mustn't in a reply means "не можна" (заборона), needn’t – "не потрібно" (немає необхідності),
can't – "не можна" (немає можливості), I'm afraid not – ввічлива відмова.
1.May I go out and play in the street? –.... It's dangerous to play in the street.
2.May I open the window? –.... It's cold outside.
3.Must he come here today? – .... He may come tomorrow.
4.May I take your textbook for a moment? –.... I must finish the exercise.
5.Must 1 bring the ear-phone? –.... It's the monitor's task.
6.Can I see the Dean? –.... He is busy.
7.Must we all come to the laboratory at 12? – .... You may come half an hour later.
8.May I write with your pencil? –.... It's broken.
9.May I take it at home? – .... The book is not mine.
10.Can I speak to the secretary? –... He is out.
Ex. 115. Complete these sentences using the modal verbs must, mustn't, can, can't, needn't; sometimes two answers are possible.
Model: You needn't wait any longer. You can go now. We mustn't make a noise. We must be quiet.
You must move your car. You can't / mustn't park here.
I. You mustn't leave the door unlocked. You ... lock it. 2. You can only smoke in the canteen. You ... smoke in this room. 3. We needn't do the washing up now. We ... do it tomorrow. 4. We can stay a bit longer. We ... go now. 5. You can't keep on using my tennis shoes. You ... buy your own. 6. You can keep those magazines. You ... give them back to me. 7. He must tell her this news. He ... keep silence. 8. He needn't go to the library I ... give her the book she needs. 9. You can do your homework in the evening. You ... do it now. 10. You needn't get up early. I ... cook my breakfast myself. 11. You mustn't be late. We ... take a taxi.
Ex. 116. Choose the most suitable answer: A, B, C.
1.It isn't cold. You ... wear a coat. (A. mustn't, B. needn't, C. can't).
2.You ... fall asleep when you drive a car. (A. mustn't, B. needn't, C. must). 3. You ... drive a car without a license. (A. needn't, B. can't, C.
mustn't). 4. He ... get up early. It's Sunday today. (A. must, B. mustn't, C. needn't). 5. You ... ring her up. She is coming tomorrow. (A. mustn't, B. needn't, C. must). 6. She is waiting for you. You ... hurry. (A. must, B. mustn't, C. needn't). 7. If you want to speak English, you ... be afraid of making mistakes. (A. mustn't, B. must, C. needn't). 8. The weather is fine today. You ... close the window. (A. must, B. needn't, C. mustn't). 9. You feel bad. You ... go to see a doctor. (A. need, B. must, C. can). 10. You ...
have a passport to visit most foreign countries. (A needn't, B. mustn't, C.
can't). 11. I... go to bed early on Sunday; we are going hiking on Monday. (A. can, B. needn't, C. must).
Ex. 117. Translate the sentences into English.
1. У мене немає цих книжок вдома і мені потрібно ходити до бібліотеки. 2. Мені не довелося їй писати. Мені не треба було писати їй. 3. Їй не потрібно зараз поспішати. 4. Нам не потрібно було залишатися там довго. 5. Вам не треба палити. Ви повинні більше приділяти уваги власному здоров'ю. 6. Їй не можна виходити. Вона ще хвора. 7. Ви не повинні говорити російськoю на уроках англійської мови. 8 Мені треба туди йти? – Ні. 9. Нам не потрібно буде їм телефонувати. 10. Йому не потрібно йти у їдальню обідати. Він може пообідати тут. 11. Вам не треба було звати лікаря. Але ви позвали. 12. Вам прийдеться їх провести. Вони не знають дороги.
Ех. 118. Change these sentences to express a) certainty, b) supposition, c) disbelief. Use modal verbs in the correct grammatical forms. Pay attention to the form of the infinitive.
Model: The flight has been cancelled.
(a)Certainty: The flight must have been cancelled.
(b)Supposition: The flight may / might have been cancelled.
(c)Disbelief: The flight can't /couldn't have been cancelled.
A. 1. The door is locked on the inside, 2. Jane sprained her ankle. 3. Helen has been held up by the traffic. 4. He is still lecturing at Moscow University. 5. The Browns will make a stop-over in Paris. 6. The treaty will be ratified in the near future. 7. They didn't get Mr. Carter on the phone. 8. Joseph didn't recognize you. 9. The case against Mr. Tucker will be dismissed. 10. Robert won't violate traffic rules.
В. The driver took a side-road. 2. You've left your passport at home. 3. There was a mistake in the calculations. 4. This point was added later. 5. Evans is digging in the garden. 6. The mechanic is testing the engine. 7. Jean has forgotten all about it. 8. Donald will go on holiday in June. 9. Guy will clear it up. 10. He has an alibi.
C. 1. Ann is so naive. 2. We missed our stop. 3. The Mortlakes have been away since October. 4. They are still debating the problem. 5. Mr. Hammond will be voted down. 6. Roy was fined for speeding. 7. Mr. Sanders will change his mind. 8. Nobody will get injured. 9. Mr. Blant was not elected. 10. The plane won't crash.
Ex. 119. Translate into English.
1. Очевидно, міс Грей – гарна акторка. 2. Очевидно, вона буде мати головну роль у новій п'єсі. 3. Очевидно, Максу ще не поставили телефон. 4. Можливо, ви забули паспорт вдома. 5. Не може бути, щоб вони не знали міфу про Ікара. 6. Можливо, Брауни вже переїхали на нову квартиру. 7. Напевне, він вирішив, що цю п'єсу не слід дивитися. 8. Не може бути, щоб Девід не привітав їх. 9. Очевидно, Мері розлучилася з Джоном. 10. Можливо, ми зустрінемо їх у Фоксів.
Ех. 120. Insert the appropriate modal verb.
I. He has insulted our family and he ... suffer for it! 2. You ... not have gone out without an umbrella in such rainy weather. 3. I'm afraid I ...
have sounded a bit unfriendly over the phone. 4. "I ... to have told Soames," he thought, "that I think him comic". 5. We ... live to their age, perhaps. 6. Here she ... sit, sewing and knitting, while he worked at the table. 7. Why ... you be different from other people? 8. "Good morning", said the girl, "I believe you... Tony. Have I guessed right?" 9. If you ... read without spectacles, and I believe you ... be so good, as to read this letter for me. 10. Captain Steerforth, ... I speak to you for a moment? 11. Ann felt she ... not stand much more of this discussion. She said she ... go on with her work and began to rise. 12. Why ... one make trouble for oneself when one is old? 13. ... you do me a favour and meet her at the station? 14. He was not old, he ... not have been more than forty. 15. The day we ... to start it rained worse than ever. 16. You ... not hurry. There is plenty of time. 17. Mother has fallen ill, so I ... to change my plans. 18. We didn't know what to do: the key ... not turn and we ... not get into the room. 19. I ... not to have left Cape Town last night. I wish I had not. 20. ... I speak to Mr. Pitt, please? – I'm afraid he's out at the moment .... you ring back later?
Ex. 121. Insert the appropriate modal verb.
We must make decisions all the time! But we ... never be certain whether we are right or wrong. The work you choose to do ... be suitable for you or it ... not. The person you marry ... be perfect match or ... be the worst possible choice. Suppose you have saved money for the future. You … invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you ... lose the bet in a foolish moment. You think you have a healthy diet, but the food you eat...
actually be very bad for you and ... be the cause of terrible illness. Perhaps you travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, but one of them ... be your last. Decisions! Decisions! But we don't learn from
experience. Experience is the quality that allows us to go on making the same mistakes with more confidence.
Ex. 122. Choose the most suitable modal verb in brackets.
1. I suppose the young ... (should, must, have to) learn for themselves. 2. It was inevitable that both Role and Noel ... (should, would) see a difference in Peri. 3. Why ... (should, shall) I be angry with the girl I love? 4. "I didn't know you were here", she began. "But I thought you ...
(may, might, could) be". 5. I was afraid to go near the room window when I went upstairs lest I ... (should, would, might) see him. 6. Neither this foolish talk nor any other talk ... (shall, will) part us. 7.1 tried to catch the bridle but the horse ... (would, will) not let me come near its head. 8. The fire alarm went and we ... (must, had to) be out of the building in two minutes. 9. The night-coach by which Susan ... (was, had to) go was on the point of departure. 10. And he says you ... (must, might) be in love for you sat on deck all night and scribbled verses all day in your table-book. 11. How (can, dare) you look me in the face and do it, sir? 12. We had enough foreign currency left, so I (couldn't, didn't have to) buy any more 13. You (can, have to) wear a uniform in the army. !4. You (must, have to) keep out of the room. It's private. 15. It isn't cold outside. You (mustn't, needn't) wear a coat.
7.2.1. The Indefinite Form of the Verb in the Active Voice
Ex. 123. Translate from English into your native language. Explain the use of the Present Indefinite tense.
1. Leaves become green in spring and yellow in autumn. 2. Ann always brings some flowers with her when she comes to the office. 3. In the evening my parents watch TV or listen in. 4. Time passes at different speeds according to what you are doing. 5. Actions speak louder than words. 6. We have a class in English Grammar from 9 till 11 on Saturday. 7. She speaks three foreign languages. 8. Come to my place on Thursday if you are free. 9. Tell him to wait when he comes. 10. The train arrives in a few minutes. Let‘s go to the platform. 11. The trains arrive and leave according to schedule. 12. My sister has a soft voice. She sings beautifully.
13. Do you hear that noise? 14. She knows how to tell the time in English. 15. They want to buy some new chairs. 16. The Sun rises in the East.
Ex. 124. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite tense.
1. My little sister (to go) to school every day. 2. Bad students never (to work) hard. 3. It often (to snow) in winter. 4. He (to wake up) at seven and (to have) breakfast at half past seven. 5. Mother always (to cook) in the morning. 6. There (to be) a girl downstairs who (to want) to talk to you. 7. My friend (to go) there nearly every week. 8. The children (to play) all the morning and (to sleep) in the afternoon. 9. She (to be) a school -girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 10. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 11. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 12. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 13. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 14. Your nephew (to read) English books in the original? 15. You (to understand) the words of this English song? — Yes, I (to think) that now I (to understand) them. 16. Whom you (to see) there? — I (not to know) this man but it (to seem) to me that it (to be) Doctor Sandford. 17. The girl (to sing) well but she (not to play) the piano. 18. How often he (to come) home so late? 19. How many foreign languages your grandfather (to speak)? 20. How long it (to take) your son to prepare a report in English?
Ex. 125. Translate into English.
1. Заходьте, будь ласка. Не звертайте уваги на безладдя. 2. Хто готує їжу у вашій сім ї? — Звичайно, мама. — Де ти звичайно обідаєш? — Звичайно, я обідаю дома, але інколи їм у заводській їдальні. 3. Я звичайно ходжу в кіно у суботу та неділю, бо в інші дні тижня я дуже зайнята. 4. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я запалю? — Анітрохи. — Бажаєте цигарку? — Дякую вам, але я не палю. 5. Скільки вам потрібно часу, щоб приготувати сніданок вранці? — Я не готую сніданок вранці, тому що в мене мало часу; я випиваю чашку чаю або кави і з їдаю бутерброд. 6. Як правило, я не маю часу вранці підмітати підлогу, витирати пил та мити посуд. Я тільки прибираю постіль та відчиняю вікно, щоб провітрити кімнату.
Ex. 126. Translate from English into your native language. Explain the use of the Past Indefinite tense in the sentences.
1. She studied English a year ago. 2. He finished his design last night. 3. We walked home yesterday. 4. Yesterday I skied in the country. 5. The students went to London two years ago. 6. It rained a great deal last summer. 7. She didn‘t come in time for dinner yesterday. 8. My daughter finished her report in time. 9. When did the last conference take place? 10. It took him some years to master English. 11. We saw the dean some minutes ago. 12. Pete didn‘t forget to put his clock forward and so was not late in the morning. 13. They took the book by Dickens last week. 14. When my son was in the country in winter, he played snowballs almost every day. He used to skate and ski too. 15. The man entered the room, sat down at the table, ordered some food, and began to read a newspaper.
Ex. 127. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite tense.
1. He (to stay) at the Institute after classes on Monday. 2. Some years ago she (to live) in the country. 3. She (to make) an interesting report at the conference. 4. Last year he (to work) at the factory. 5. Yesterday we (to go) home by metro. 6. It (to take) me half an hour to get home on Sunday. 7. We (to see) the film a week ago. 8. He (to do) his best to learn to speak English correctly and to understand it. 9. Last night we (to watch) a hockey match. 10. I (not to go) to work yesterday. 11. Tom (not to shave) in the morning because he (not to have) time. 12. When you (to come) to this town? — I (to come) here before the war. 13. Where you (to buy) this dictionary? — I (to buy) it at the Central book shop two days ago. 14. She (not to say) anything about it yesterday. 15. He (not to rush) because he (not to be) in a hurry. 16. Whom you (to meet) at the conference? 17. She (not to be) interested in the book because she (to read) it last year. 18. How many exercises you (to do) at the last lesson?
Ex. 128. Translate into English.
1.Моя подруга Марія прийшла до мене в суботу після роботи.
2.Ми вирішили повторити перед диктантом слова з п‘яти уроків. 3.
Ми повторили граматичні правила та зробили багато вправ. 4. Чи дивилися ви вчора кіно по телевізору? — Так. Чи сподобалось воно вам? — Не дуже. 5. Чи записала ти лекцію вчора на магнітофон? — Так, а що? 6. Коли ти приїхав? — Я приїхав учора. 7. Де ви жили минулого року? Ми жили в Києві. 8. В минулому році я не дуже часто ходив до театру, бо в мене не було часу. 9. Тобі сподобалася ця картина, чи не так?
Ex. 129. Translate the following sentences into your native language. Pay attention to the expressions used to (would) + V0 and to get (be)
used to + Ving. Use the models.
Model A: This is the town I used to leave in.
Це місто, в якому я раніше жив.
She would walk to the station when the weather was fine.
Вона, бувало, ходила на станцію пішки, коли погода була гарна.
1. In the evenings captain Brown would come to their place and they would play a game or two of chess. 2. She used to sit before the open window watching with the interest the busy life of the street. 3. The two sisters are no longer as much alike as they used to be. 4. It‘s a pity she can‘t sing as she used to any longer. 5. I used to get up early in the morning when I was a child. 6. She used to be my best friend but we aren‘t friends any longer. 7. He never used to smoke. 8. He didn‘t use to play chess, but now he plays very well.
Model B: John was used to swimming every day when he was at the University. Джон звик плавати кожного дня, коли він був в університеті.
1.We got used to cooking our own food when we had to live alone.
2.We were used to writing our exercises in our copy-books. 3. The man is used to reading his newspaper in the morning. 4. He got used to drinking
tea without sugar. 5. She was used to getting up very early when she was a student. 6. They are used to staying alone.
Ex. 130. Translate into English.
1. Зараз дитина вже не плаче так часто, а раніше вона плакала щоночі. 2. Марія звикла пити каву щоранку? 3. Коли моя матуся хворіла, я, бувало, сиділа біля неї годинами. 4. Вчора моя подруга витратила дуже багато грошей, тому що купила собі дуже дорогу сукню. 5. Я не ходила вчора на роботу, бо дуже погано себе почувала. 6. Вона не прийшла на вечір, бо ми її не запросили. 7. А хіба ти вчора не ходив до своїх друзів? – Ні, я був дуже зайнятий.
Ex. 131. Translate from English into your native language paying attention to the use of the Future Indefinite tense.
1. I shall become an engineer in two years. 2. He won‘t stay in town on Sunday. 3. They will invite them to the theatre tomorrow. 4. On
Monday he‘ll get up early. 5. She will enjoy skiing in the forest next week.
6. It will take you long to master this speciality. 7. The hall will be full of students in an hour. 8. They will understand you if you don‘t speak fast. 9.
It will be impossible for us to get into the hall when the lecture begins. 10.
When my wife is ready, we‘ll join you. 11. It‘ll take you less time if you go by car. 12. We shall know English well in case we go to the language laboratory every day.
Ex. 132. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite.
1. When he (to return), I (to give) him the key. 2. I (to stay) in bed till the clock (to strike) seven. 3. If I (to see) him, I (to be) very glad. 4. If you (to eat) all that, you (to be) very sick. 5. We (to stop) working as soon as you (to be) tired. 6. He (to buy) the house when he (to have) enough money. 7. As soon as the holidays (to begin), the beach (to be) very crowded. 8. He (to be) late for the train if he (not to start) at once. 9. Unless I (to have) a quiet room, I (not to be) able to do any work. 10. We (to have) to move upstairs if the river (to rise) any highe r. 11. He (to open) the door if you (to give) him the key. 12. If you (to want) to work here next year, you (to have) to study at the evening department.
Ex. 133. Translate what is given in brackets using the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite tense.
1. Ask him if he (поїде на море). 2. You will enjoy yourself if you ( поїдете на море). 3. They say (буде дощ); the clouds are gathering. 4. We shan‘t be able to go out if (буде великий дощ). 5. I don‘t know when he
(прийде). 6. Tell him to wait when he (прийде). 7. Tell Mother we (не скоро повернемось). It‘s much too far away. 8. I‘ll talk to him about if I
(побачу його сьогодні). 9. Ask him if he (одягне плащ); it looks like rain. 10. Please tell him the news as soon as you (зустрінете його).
Ex. 134. Fill in the blanks with shall and will where necessary.
1. Ask if they … go in for their examination on Tuesday. 2. I have no idea when I … finish reading this book. 3. The students … receive grants if they … study well. 4. We don‘t know when we … have a test in Grammar. 5. Tell me when the meeting of the first-year students … take
place. 6. My friend asks me if I … go to the library with him. 7. They … rest in the south till the classes … begin. 8. You must translate this text before the teacher … come. 9. They … take the children out if they … finish the work earlier. 10. I don‘t know if they … finish the work earlier.
Ex. 135. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Indefinite tense or to be going to form.
1. I (to help) you to pack your bags? 2. We (to have) the house painted in May. 3. What time you (to be) ready for the party? 4. Those people (to try) to cheat you. 5. I (to finish) this work tonight even if I don‘t get to bed until midnight. 6. I (to write) to you as soon as I arrive. 7. Perhaps the manager (to visit) the factory if he has the time. 8. I can‘t come to your party on Saturday because I (to get married). 9. I borrowed the money because I (to buy) a new car next week. 10. Look at those clouds: there (to be) a storm. 11. If you ask him, he (to do) it for you. 12. When summer comes, I expect the weather (to be) hot and it (to rain) little. 13. My God! Those two cars (to crash)! 14. That tree makes the house very dark. - Very well, I (to cut) it down. 15. I don‘t feel well, I think I (to faint).
Ex. 136. Translate into English.
А.1. Коли ми складемо іспити, ми поїдемо до моря відпочивати. 2.Через два роки я стану вчителем. 3.Ти поїдеш завтра на прогулянку з нами? 4. Вони матимуть перерву о дванадцятій чи об одинадцятій годині? 5. Ми не будемо складати іспит з історії України цього місяця, чи не так? 6. Ми збираємось складати його наступного семестру. 7. Не бійтесь, він не буде ставити таких запитань. 8. Я зроблю цей переклад, якщо не буду зайнятий. 9. Я збираюсь вивчати німецьку мову наступного року. 10. Ми будемо раді бачити вас у нас вдома.
В. 1. Я зроблю все можливе, щоб оволодіти англійською мовою. 2. Ви отримаєте насолоду, якщо підете на концерт цього актора. 3. Сьогодні я залишусь вдома на той випадок, якщо Джон зателефонує мені. 4. Щось сталося з моїм телевізором. Сьогодні я не буду його ремонтувати, тому що я не маю жодної вільної хвилини. Я