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II Comprehensive check

Match the beginning of each phrase in the left-hand column with its end from the right-hand column:

1. Frankfurters were first sold a) looked like a teenager

2. John Pemberton made brown syrup b) at baseball games

3. Blue Jeans came to America c) who immigrated to America in 1870

4. American soldiers were given chewing gum d) a soda fountain drink.

5. Telephone was invented by Alexander Bell e) with the Gold Rush.

6. Dachshund sausages became popular f) in the U.S. in the 1880s.

7. Candler sold Coca-Cola as g) to keep them from getting thirsty

8. Ruth decided that girls needed a doll that h) Steve Wozniak (1950) and Steven Jobs.

9. Alexander Bell experimented with a machine i) to help the deaf hear.

10. The Apple Computer was invented by j) mixing coca leaves with coca nuts.

III Make up 5 questions of the different types to the text.

I Reading

a) Read the following text

Put down the unknown words (with their transcription and translation) into your vocabulary. Be ready to translate the text orally.

b) Find and write out all irregular verbs given in the text. Remember three forms of them

Thanksgiving Day

In the year 1620, a ship named the Mayflower brought 102 English men, women and children to the rocky coast of what is now Massachusetts, one of the 50 states of the United States of America. The ship's passengers were Puritans—members of a religious sect which was unpopular in Britain because its members wanted to reform the Church of England. They came to America to found a community where they could practice their religion without interference.

These Pilgrims - as they are usually known - came to an area uninhabited by other Europeans. The people living there were Native Americans, the people most Americans refer to as American Indians.

It was late in the year when the Pilgrims landed and founded the colony they called Plymouth. They had only the belongings that they had brought on the small ship. The winter was cold, and about half of the Pilgrims died. In the spring, with advice and help from the Indians, with whom they lived in peace, the Pilgrims planted corn (known also as maize) and other crops and prepared as well as they could for the next winter.

In October 1621, to celebrate the good harvest, the Pilgrims held a feast which featured, among many other foods, wild turkey, which is native to North America. They called this their day of thanksgiving, held to thank their God for his blessings.

The story of that Pilgrim feast is well-known among Americans. It is told and retold every year to young children in schools as one of the major American holidays approaches. The holiday is called Thanksgiving Day and is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.

Other nations have days of thanksgiving, too, but Thanksgiving Day has a special significance for Americans because it is traced back to that group of people who were among the first to come to the New World in search of freedom.

Today, families - often including grandparents and aunts, uncles and cousins and grown children who live away from home - gather together, usually at home but sometimes in a restaurant, for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. This almost always includes some of the foods served at the first Thanksgiving, roast turkey and cranberry sauce, plus sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. Other dishes vary according to family and regional traditions. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, for instance, wild rice is often served. In other areas, sauerkraut is sometimes on the menu. Often, relatives and friends contribute their own specialties to make things easier on the cook. Before the feast, families usually pause to give thanks for all their blessings - including the joy of being together on this day. And many families like to share the day with others, inviting to their dinner foreign students, military people stationed far from home, and people who have no families.

Many people attend religious services on Thanksgiving Day, and watching football games - sometimes in person but usually on television - is also a popular Thanksgiving Day activity. The next day, a Friday, most people return to work. But some people take the day off to begin shopping for Christmas gifts.

The day is one on which Americans also show increased concern for the poor. Gifts of food for a dinner are common, charitable organizations and churches provide food or serve dinners for the needy.