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Семестровая контрольная работа № 4 по английскому языку для студентов II курса экономического ф-та


IV cеместр

The Role of Government in Market Economies

I. Read the text

(1) Government plays an important role in the economy but there is a considerable disagreement among most Americans as to how active this role should be. The question of vital importance is whether the government should help private businesses if they go bankrupt.

(2) There has been a lot of debates since 1984 when the nation’s seventh largest bank, Continental Illinois of Chicago was on the verge of bankruptcy. Government leaders feared that if bankruptcy were to occur, public confidence in the banking system of the country might fail. The situation was rather risky and resembled the one in early 1930’s when the collapse of public confidence in the banking system provoked the worst depression in the American history. So, under the circumstances the Reagan Administration decided to save Continental Illinois. It did this by investing $ 4.5 billion in the bank and promising to give as much additional money as necessary to restore the bank to financial health. In exchange the government was to receive 80 percent of Continental Illinois stock.

(3) Critics of government actions argued that government purchase of a private organization such as Continental Illinois was contrary to the spirit of American free enterprise. They also insisted that government should not interfere with the matters of private firms whatever their type or size was, but should let them either legally earn their profits or go bankrupt when they fail to run their business. Supporters of government assistance alleged that the problem was far more serious than just a problem of one single bank. The Continental’s troubles threatened the economy of the country as a whole. For that reason the government was obliged to help Continental.

II. Translate passage 2 and 3 into Russian.

III. Give substantial answers to the following questions:

1. Why did the Federal Government of America decide to rescue the Continental Illinois Bank?

2. What are the two reasons that make people oppose to Government support of private


3. What are the two reasons that make people favour government support of private firms?

IV. Work out questions for the words underlined in the text.

V. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets for each of the following sentences.

1. If I had seen the movie, I ____ (tell) you about it last night. 2 .If he had left already, he ____ (call) us.3. She would call you immediately if she _____(need) help. 4. If he ____(get) the raise, it will be because he does a good job. 5.Had we known your address, we ____(write) you a letter. 6.The teacher made Jane ___ (leave) the room. 7. John allowed his daughter___ (swim ) with her friends.8.The policeman let the suspect ___ (make) the phone call. 9. I saw her____(come) in the room.10. He wanted me ____(help) him with the translation.

VI. Translate these sentences into English.

1.Я хочу, чтобы завтра Вы пришли пораньше. 2. Менеджер заставил его переделать эту работу заново. 3.Он не успел сделать эту работу. Если бы он не опоздал, он бы смог выполнить ее вовремя. 4. Она не умеет работать с компьютером. Если бы она научилась работать на компьютере, она бы быстрее нашла работу. 5.Если бы не плохая дорога, мы бы уже давно приехали. 6. Жаль, что вы пришли так поздно.

VII. Сhange the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.I told my father, ”I hope to pass my exam in economics” 2.Bob said, ”My uncle has just arrived from Paris” 3.The teacher asked me, ”Do you live far from the university?” 4.The policeman asked,” Who left the car here?” 5.The old man said to the little boy, ”Don’t run across the street” 6. I asked Fred, ”Did you buy the car ?”

Составила: Недоспасова В.Г.