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7. Summarize the text “Soil Pollution”. Use the following beginnings:

The text reports on…

The text touches upon…

A careful account is given to…

It is reported that…

Much attention is given to…

The text points out that…

The text deals with the problem of…

The text provides information on…

The text defines the phenomenon of…

The text covers such points as…

The effects of… on … are considered.

8. Work in pairs. Speak and express your opinion on the facts below. Use the following expressions:

I agree (don’t agree) that…

I think that …

It was interesting to find out that …

  1. Pollution in soil has adverse effect on plant growth.

  2. Deforestation is one of the major current challenges.

Reading for Understanding

1. Read the text and choose the headline:

    1. Effects of Soil Pollution

    2. Soil

    3. The Sources of Soil Pollution

    4. What Can We Do to Help Soil?

Soil is the foundation of the worlds' ecosystems. As industry increases, pollution increases too.

What do you look at when you walk outside? The sky and the tops of trees? Birds and animals? Other people?

Next time you step out your door, look beneath your feet at the soil. Healthy soil is the foundation of thriving ecosystems; it supplies food, recycles nutrients, and supports growth. But soil can’t do anything unless it is clean, pure, and toxin free. Unfortunately, the world’s soil is becoming dirtier every day.

Soil can become contaminated in many ways. Chemicals, like herbicides and pesticides, are major polluters. Oil dumps, landfills, and industrial wastes can also add to the pollution. But how do these chemicals and oils get into open spaces far away from industrial sites and dumps?

Let’s take a plot of land in anywhere, USA, as an example. This land houses a small stand of trees, a nice meadow, and a small creek. Long before it reaches our plot, though, the creek runs beneath a hill by a factory. When it rains, water carries factory waste down the hill and into the creek, which carries it to our plot. In addition, there’s a farming operation a hundred miles away from our plot. The farmers use pesticides to protect their crops. However, some of the pesticides evaporate when temperatures rise; the next rainfall brings those chemicals to our plot as acid rain.

As you can see, pollutants can impact soil everywhere. And the effects are potentially disastrous: small chemical changes in soil can render an area inhospitable to plants eliminating the food chain’s foundation. Also, chemicals that runoff through soil into rivers and streams can contaminate drinking water. For farmers, pollutants can reduce crop yields and lead to heavy erosion.

Fortunately, the US and other countries have developed strong regulatory programs to minimize soil contamination. England, too, has a good set of soil guidance principles.

So what can you do? Most importantly, recycle. The less trash we put out, the less chance that trash will enter our soil. If you’re a gardener, use environmentally friendly insect control methods. And, if you can, buy organic food that wasn’t grown using harmful pesticides. It’s hard to worry about the soil’s health as new factories, highways, and buildings go up, but it deserves some serious consideration.


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