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Он сейчас работает.

is working – Present Continuous Active от глагола to work –


The text had been translated by 2 o'clock.

Текст был переведен к 2 часам.

had been translated – Past Perfect Passive от глагола to translate – переводить.

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 1

1. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

1.I ... a first-year student of the building department.

2.My father ... a locomotive driver.

3.We ... ... engineers after graduating from the University.

4.My friends ... always glad to see me.

5. ... his mother an architect?

6.They ... in Moscow last month.

7.There ... some pictures on the wall.

8. ... there a monument in the centre of the town?

2. Вставьте глагол to have в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

1. We ... a lot of free time.

2. ... you an English textbook?

3.They ... two lectures yesterday.

4.How many lectures ... you ... tomorrow?

5.She ... only two exams in January.

6.We ... two English classes today.

7.my friend ... ... a comfortable flat soon.

8.They ... no classes on Monday.

3.Определите, чем является "s":

а) окончанием множественного числа существительно-



б) показателем притяжательного падежа существительного; в) показателем 3 лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite, Смотрите образец выполнения № 1.

1.Open your textbooks at page nine and read the text!

2.The children's books are on the shelf.

3.It often rains in autumn.

4.My sister's flat is on the second floor.

5.He often goes to the library to take new English maga-


4.Определите время глагола. Переведите предложения. Смотрите образец выполнения № 2.

1.What is mother doing now? – She is cooking dinner.

2.My friend goes to the library every Friday.

3.She did not watch TV yesterday.

4.What will you prepare for breakfast tomorrow?

5.When we returned home our mother was sleeping.

6.I have never been to the Hermitage.

7.They have passed all the exams successfully.

8.By the time he came we had finished our work.

9.He does not play the piano, he plays the guitar.

5.Переведите предложения.

1.He couldn't skate when he was seven years old.

2.Now he is the best skater in our group.

3.You may take my English book.

4.He will be able to help us to solve this problem.

5.We must study hard to become good specialists.

6.They had to wait for the dean.

7.The train must arrive earlier.

8.East or West, home is best.

9.You must see this film; it is more interesting than the one shown yesterday.

10.We are allowed to go home.