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manufacture special equipment to make different purification plants, to create "cleaner" engines, non-toxic fuels, better design of sea and river craft.

As a result, the methods of foreseeing the effects of new technology on the environment will be improved.

Though a tremendous amount of work face us, all this makes us optimistic.

7. Ответьте на вопрос: What measures are taken to prevent environment from pollution?


Вариант 2


1. Определите



залог . глаголаПереведите

предложения. Смотрите образец выполнения № 3.

1.She has given me an English book.

2.The ground is covered with snow.

3.Our University was founded in 1956.

4.The work must be finished in time.

5.The article had been translated by the end of the week.

6.He will be invited to take part in the conference.

7.He is laughed at.

8.The bicycle is being repaired now.

2.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1.Не knew that we were here.

2.I heard that he had bought a new car.

3.We knew that mother was sleeping.

4.I thought he would send us a letter.

5.He said he had not been here.

6.I knew he was a very clever man.

3.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на тип условия.

1.I shall tell him about it, if I see him.