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Some Facts from the History of Robots

Attempts to create a mechanical being looking like a man,

.and capable of carrying out work for him have permeated the history of civilization. The robots of today, industrial automations and mechanisms, have no similarity with man, but, being faster and more accurate when working, replace him in carrying out monotonous or hazardous work.

The word "robot", which has become an international technological term, was coined in 1920 by Czech writer Karel Capek. Robot is one of the very few Slav words (in this case Czech) borrowed in the English language. It comes from the Old Slav word "robu" which means "a servant". In modem Slav the word "robotnic" means "workman". "Robot" came into general use in English only after 1923 following the great success of a play by Czech author Karel Chapek (1890-1938). Capek's play was called "R.U.R." which stood for "Possum's Universal Robots". Since then, the term "robot" has come to mean a mechanical man, often in recognizable human form, as well as a non-human machine that does work formerly only handed by man.

In 1950 Isaac Asimov, one of the outstanding science fiction writers of our time, wrote "I am a Robot", in which he set forth the "three principles of a robot" that determined the character of robots. These three principles were (1) a robot must do no damage to man, (2) a robot must be subordinate to man, and (3) a robot must protect itself from damage. Asimov presumed that a robot must be subordinate to a man and useful for him, and this concept still holds good for today's industrial robots as well.


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залог . глаголаПереведите

предложения. Смотрите образец выполнения № 3.


1.This magazine is illustrated with a lot of pictures.

2.Our town was visited by many foreign tourists last year.

3.Their scientific reports will have been published by the end of December.

4.This text must be copied.

5.When I came to this town this house was being built.

6.She will be sent for at once.

7.The documents have been just received.

8.This school had been built by last September.

2.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1.She said that she had enjoyed the film very much.

2.He said he wanted to see the Winter Palace.

3.I remembered he had had no book on that question.

4.They said they would come back in the evening.

5.The teacher said the students were working in the labora-


6.My aunt wrote she wanted to stay in the South for two


3.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на тип условия.

1.I shall go to the concert if you buy tickets.

2.If there were no atmosphere, there would be no clouds, no


3.If I were free tomorrow I should see you off.

4.If he had attended all the lectures last term, he would have passed all the exams.

5.If she were asked to make a report, she would make it.

6.If we asked her to wait for us, she would do it.

4.Переведите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты.

1.Marie and Pierre Curie were the first to discover radium.

2.I wanted him to finish the work.

3.Do you know him to be a good driver?