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Английский язык. Лопатина Т.Я

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Сборник тем и упражнений для развития устной речи студентов 1 курса

всех специальностей

(темы «Семья», «Университет», «Российская Федерация», «Екатеринбург»)



Ш 143.24 923 Л 17

Данное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для развития навыков устной речи студентов 1 курса всех технических специальностей университета по темам «Семья», «Университет», «Российская Федерация» и «Екатеринбург».

Пособие содержит, наряду с текстами для чтения и аудирования, упражнения лексико-грамматического характера и активный словарь по каждой теме.

Данный сборник предназначен для работы со студентами под руководством преподавателя, но может быть использован и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Утверждено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков, протокол №

12 от 29 декабря 2005.

Составитель: Т.Я.Лопатина – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УрГУПС

Рецензент: Н.Г.Тимкова – заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков УрГУПС

©Уральский государственный университет путей сообщения (УрГУПС), 2006



Active Vocabulary


to be married (single)


to be hospitable

to have a family of one’s own

to be full of life and energy


to be full of common sense

to mark family anniversaries

to be (un)practical

to graduate from the Universi-

to be on good (bad) terms with smb.


to be on pension/ retire from work

to go to school

to be taken to the kindergarten

to be five years my senior

to be of school age (under school age)


to be as like as two peas


syn. to take after, to resemble, to look like, to be very much alike

the exact image of smb.

to get together

to propose to smb.

to share the news

to go out with smb.

to marry smb.

to be married to


to get married


to divorce smb


to be divorced to get divorced

husband/ wife/ partner single-parent family double-parent family distant / immediate relatives orphan/ spoilt children

to get acquainted at first sight

to fall in love with somebody

to take care of / to look after / to do the cooking to bring up

family background/ history to keep house

to work about the house niece/ nephew/ widow convinced bachelor



I was born in 1988. Ekaterinburg is my native town. I live here with my family which is rather large. We are eight: my mother, my father, my grandparents and four children.

I’m an only daughter in the family. I’m 18 (years old). I’m a first-year student of the Ural State University for Railway Transport. I study at the Electrotechnical Department and I’m going to be a railway engineer.

My younger brother Victor is of school age, he is 12. He is the youngest in the family and the pet of my parents. He is the exact image of my father. He goes to school, he is in the sixth form.

My elder brother’s name is Nick. He is five years my senior. Last year he graduated from the Ural Polytechnical University. He is an engineer now and works at a research institute. He is married and has a family of his own. His wife is a librarian. They bring up two nice children under school age. They are the same age – they are twins. They resemble their parents very much. Every day they are taken to the kindergarten. I’m fond of my little niece and nephew. They are nice children, not spoilt at all.

My eldest brother Denis is under thirty, but he is a single man. He is a military man and calls himself a convinced bachelor. But not long ago he got acquainted with a nice girl, fell in love with her and may be he’ll propose to her. So hopefully they’ll get married.

My father is a businessman. He is very practical and full of common sense.

As to mother, she is a housewife. She keeps house and has plenty of work to do during the day.

My grandmother is a teacher, but she doesn’t work at present. She is on pension. My grandfather is about 70 years old, but he doesn’t want to retire from his work. As a matter of fact he is full of life and energy.

My great grandparents are not alive. They died many years ago. I have many relatives in Ekaterinburg. My aunt and uncle and my cousin Mary live next door to us. They are very hospitable, and all our relatives often get together in their flat to share the news and to mark holidays and family anniversaries.

Text-oriented activities


Meet the Clarks

The Clarks live in a semi-detached house with a garden in London. They are four in the family: the father, Mr Clark, the mother, Mrs Clark, and their two children.

Mr Clark is a tutor. He works at London University. He teaches English Literature. He is a quiet man, rather shy, a good listener, not much of a talker. He is in his early forties, a little above medium height. Charles Clark is fond of music. He plays the piano well.

His wife Mary is two years her husband’s junior, tall and slim, with a lovely face. She makes up very little. Mary works in a service industry for three days a week. She likes her job, as it gets her out of the house. Charlie is proud of his wife, as she is kind and gentle and cooks perfectly.

Their daughter Kitty is a pretty little girl. She takes after her mother. She is eight years old and goes to primary school in London.

Her brother Bobby is a dark-haired boy of fifteen. He is not like his sister. He is the exact image of his father. He is quiet and hard-working. Bobby does well at school and he is going to enter the University. He likes to play chess, tennis and football.

The Clarks are a friendly family. The most popular evening entertainment is watching television or video. Their most popular hobby is gardening.

Word Study

1. Read and give Russian equivalents of the following:

he is not much of a talker

he is a good listener

he is in his early forties

above medium height

she makes up very little

it gets her out of the house

she works in a service industry

he is proud of his wife

she is gentle


he does well at school

he is quiet and shy

two years his junior

he is fond of music

she is tall and slim

a lovely face

he is not like his sister

a dark-haired boy of fifteen

she takes after her mother

she goes to primary school

evening entertainments

to enter the University


to play chess

he is the exact image of his father


2.What do you call your mother’s sister?

-I call her my aunt.

What do you call your father’s brother?

What do you call your brother’s daughter?

What do you call your mother’s sister?

What do you call your father’s sister?

What do you call your sister’s daughter?

What do you call your mother’s father?

What do you call your father’s mother?

What do you call your sister’s son?

What do you call your uncle’s daughter?

What do you call your aunt’s son?

What do you call your father’s father?

What do you call your mother’s mother?

What do you call your uncle’s son?

What do you call your aunt’s daughter?

What do you call your wife’s mother?

What do you call your husband’s mother?

What do you call your wife’s father?

What do you call your husband’s father?

What do you call your wife’s sister?

What do you call your husband’s sister?

What do you call your wife’s brother?

What do you call your husband’s brother?

What do you call your father’s second wife?

What do you call your mother’s second husband?

Oral Practice

1.Interview Charles (Mary, Bobby, Kitty), asking questions on the text.

2.Pretend you are Charles (Mary, Bobby, Kitty). Speak about your family.


Ages and Stages



0-1 approximately

a baby


a toddler


a child (this period is your childhood)


a teenager (14-early teens)


an adult


in your twenties (24-26-mid-twenties)


in your thirties (38late thirties)


people are middle-aged, in middle age

60 or 65

retirement (when people stop work, they are




old age (you can also use elderly)

Note: The period between 14 and 17 approximately is called adolescence.

What stage of life are these people at?

1.Paul isn’t 2 yet, so he is still a ____________ .

2.Albert was a bus driver for 40 years, but stopped work 2 years ago, so he is now

_______________ .

3.Susan is 25, so she is in her ______________ .

4.Caroline is 50 this year, so she is now in her ___________ .

5.Ron is 33 and his wife is 32, so they are both in _______________ .

6.Joan is 75 this year, so she is quite ________________ .

7.John was born 6 weeks ago, so he is a __________ .

8.Leyla is 13 this year, so she will soon be a ___________ .

9.David is 18 this year, so legally he becomes __________ .

10.15 is often a difficult age for boys going through ____________ .


Present Simple

1. Read the text about Jim Morgan:

Jim Morgan is a football player. He plays for Arsenal. He is 25 years old and is married. His wife’s name is Sandra and she is a typist. They live in a rented flat. He drives a Rolls Royce and in his spare time he plays table tennis and listens to pop music. At home he helps with the baby. He reads the Daily Mirror.

Questions: What does Jim Morgan do? How old is he? What is his wife’s name? What does Sandra do? They live in a rented flat, don’t they? What car does Jim drive? What does Jim do in his spare time? Does Jim help his wife with the baby? What newspaper does he read?

Now imagine that you are Jim Morgan Tell about yourself.

2. Tell about David Pratt and John Evens:


David Pratt

John Evens










Wife’s job




own house

own flat








classical music


Help in the house


washing up


Daily Express

Daily Mail

3. Listen to the text about Alan’s working day.

Alan’s a lorry driver. He’s twenty-eight years old. He works five days a week. He gets up at six o’clock every day. He eats a big breakfast. He drinks two cups of tea. He leaves for work at half past six. He has lunch in a transport café. He comes home at five o’clock. In the evening he goes to the pub. He goes to bed at ten o’clock.

Questions: What does Alan do? How old is he? How many days a week does he work? What time does he get up? How many cups of tea does he drink? when does he leave for work? Does he come home at five or at seven? What does he do in the evening? What time does he go to bed?

Now tell about these people:



Peter and Paul





the office/five days a week

school/ five days a week


eight o’clock



orange juice


the office/8.15

school/ 8.45

in the canteen

at school

home/ 5.30

home/ four o’clock

evening classes


eleven o’clock

nine o’clock

Now tell about yourself:

What do you do? Where do you study? How many days a week do you study? What time do you usually get up? Do you eat a big breakfast? Which do you prefer for breakfast: tea or coffee? What time do you leave home for the University? How do you get to the University? Where do you have lunch? What time do you come home from the University? What do you do in the evening? Does your mother (brother) work? What does she (he) do? What is her (his) working day like? What does your mother (brother) like to do in her (his) spare time? etc.


1. Look at the texts. Where do you think they are from? Who wrote them? What sort of relationships is described?

There was a lot of shouting late last night. The kitchen bin was knocked over and the back door kept being slammed. I wish my parents would be a bit more thoughtful. I have been through an emotional time and I need my sleep. Still I don’t expect them to understand what it is like being in love. They have been married for 14 years.

We’ve been married for three years, but my husband’s thoughtlessness gets me down. He never lets me know when he is coming home, and sometimes I have dinner waiting and he simply doesn’t turn up. He always says he met a friend and they sat talking in the bar or he had to work late. We have endless rows about it,

and I end up in tears. Most of the weekend he is out with his hobbies and I get a bit lonely. I’m starting to feel he’s a complete stranger to me.

2. You’re looking through your friend’s family album and asking questions about the people in the pictures.

Translation Practice

Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the wordcombinations with the verb “to marry”:

to marry smb

to be married to smb to get married

to marry smb off

to marry one’s daughter to smb

1.Он женился в прошлом году.

2.Она вышла замуж в возрасте 20 лет.

3.За кем замужем твоя сестра?

4.Насколько я знаю, они женаты, не так ли?

5.Когда они поженились?

6.За кого мистер Смит выдал свою дочь?

7.Он женат на моей двоюродной сестре.

8.Мой дядя – убежденный холостяк. Он вообще не хочет жениться.

9.Мой брат старше меня на четыре года, но он еще не женат.

10.Ее старшая сестра замужем за врачом. Она вышла замуж в возрасте 20


Drill in Subordinate Clauses of Time and Condition

1.Дети будут сиротами, если она умрет.

2.Как только они закончат университет, они поженятся.

3.Когда он уйдет на пенсию, он будет жить за городом.

4.Если он на ней женится, у Ани будет мачеха. Я буду рада, если она полюбит свою падчерицу.

5.Если они поженятся, то проведут медовый месяц в Испании.

6.Как только он закончит академию, он поедет за границу.

7.Я выйду за него замуж, если он будет любить моих детей.

8.Она сразу же влюбится в него, как только познакомится с ним.

9.Если он не сделает мне летом предложение, я познакомлюсь с другим парнем.

10.Как только он купит квартиру, они поженятся.