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Английский язык. Лопатина Т.Я

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Perfect Passive

6. Make up short dialogues using the words prompted.

Prompt: dust/ the furniture

-Has the furniture been dusted yet?

-Not yet.

1.hang up/ the picture 2. cut/ the grass 3. fix/ the brakes 4. mend/ the shoes

5. type/ the documents 6. photo-copy/ the letter 7. find/ the book 8. clean/ the room 9. iron/ the suit

7. When the students went back to school after the summer holidays, a lot of things had been changed.

e.g. New desks ( buy).

New desks had been bought.

1. A lot of trees ( plant). 2. New lights ( put in). 3. The classrooms ( paint).

4. A tennis court ( build). 5. The fence ( take down). 6. Five new classrooms( add). 7. New equipment ( buy) for the chemistry lab. 8. Showers ( install) in the changing room. 9. New blackboards ( put up) in the classrooms. 10. The whole school ( modernize).

8. Read the text.

An Earthquake

An earthquake was reported in San Francisco at 7:18 this evening. Most of the damage was felt in the downtown area. Electric lines were cut but telephone service was not interrupted in most areas. It appeared that no damage was done to the new earthquake-proof buildings, but, unfortunately, windows were shattered in some of the older buildings and the famous old clock in Union Square was destroyed. The clock, which is 100 years old, was popular with tourists. No injuries were reported so the Red Cross was not called to help. Also, no damage was reported in the suburbs.

Now choose the correct answers according to the text.

1.The earthquake was reported

a)at night

b)during the day

2.Electric lines

a)were cut

b)weren’t cut

3.Telephone service

a)was interrupted

b)wasn’t interrupted

4.Windows were shattered in some of the

a)old buildings

b)new buildings

5.The old clock

a)was almost destroyed

b)was destroyed

6.How many injuries were reported?

a)No injuries were reported

b)A lot of injuries were reported

9.Put the verbs in brackets into the past passive. Retell the text.

Did you know that the greatest explosion in the world ( cause) by a volcano? Krakatoa, an island in Indonesia, erupted in 1883. More than half the island

( destroy). The explosion ( heard) in India and Australia. Rocks ( throw) more than 55 kilometres high into the air. Surprisingly, only a few people ( kill), but a huge wave, 35 metres high, ( create) by the explosion. Several small islands (cover) by the wave. 163 villages ( destroy) and 36,000 people ( drown). Dust ( carry) all round the world, and the weather everywhere ( affect) for many years afterwards.

Active Vocabulary

Guess or find in the dictionary Russian equivalents for the following:

occupy; stretch; to border; to comprise; to vary; barren desert; high-peaked mountain; deep valley; to be located; plain; lowland; mountain chain; to separate from; to flow into; to be situated; current; vast; mineral resources; to include; oil; iron; lead; non-ferrous metals; quarter; wealth; approximately; to be engaged; agriculture; grain; dairy products; granary; legislative; to be vested; to consist of; Council.


The Russian Federation

In area, the Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometres. It occupies most of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Russia stretches from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and from the Arctic ocean in the north to the Black Sea in the south. It is bordered by Norway and Finland in the north-west, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and the Ukraine in the west, Georgia and Azerbaijan in the south-west, and

Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China along the southern border. The federation comprises 21 republics.

The land of Russia varies from thick forests to barren deserts, from highpeaked mountains to deep valleys. Russian Federation is located on two plains, the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. The longest mountain chains are the Urals, separating Europe from Asia, the Caucasus, the Altai. Russia’s most important rivers are the Volga, Europe’s biggest river, flowing into the Caspian Sea, the main Siberian rivers ( the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena), and the Amur in the Far East, flowing into the Pacific Ocean. The total number of rivers in Russia is over two thousand. The world’s deepest lake – Lake Baikal, with the depth of 1600 metres, is situated in Russia, too.

The climate in Russia varies from arctic in the north to continental in the central part of the country and subtropical in the south.

The current population of Russia is about 146 million people, 82% of the population are Russians.

Russia is a highly-industrialized – agrarian republic. Its vast mineral resources include oil and natural gas, coal, iron, zink, lead, nickel, aluminium, gold and other non-ferrous metals. Russia has the world’s largest oil and natural gas resources. Three quarters of the republic’s mineral wealth is concentrated in Siberia and the Far East.

Approximately 10 million people are engaged in agriculture and they produce half of the region’s grain, meat, milk and other dairy products. The largest granaries are located in the North Caucasus and the Volga and Amur region.

The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people.

Russia is a constitutional republic with President as Head of State. The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly, consisting of the Council of Federation and the State Duma.

1. Arrange the words in pairs of synonyms.

a. to take space

1. agriculture

b. to extend

2. plain

c. to comprise

3. current

d. to be located

4. quarter

e. lowland

5. to occupy

f. present

6. to include

g. one fourth

7. to stretch

h. not exactly

8. dairy products

i. to be busy

9. to be situated

j. milky products

10. approximately

k. farming

11. ferrous

l. containing iron

12. to vary

m. to change

13. to be engaged

2. Arrange the words in pairs of antonyms:

a. to join together

1. wealth

b. fruitful

2. vast

c. highland

3. to include

d. to be free

4. to separate from

e. small

5. barren

f. to exclude

6. lowland

g. metals containing iron

7. to be engaged

h. poverty ( the state of being poor)

8. non-ferrous metals

3. Give the corresponding words for the following definitions:

1)a line separating two countries;

2)a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants;

3)an area of land between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it;

4)( of a liquid) to move freely and continuously;

5)supplies of smth that a country has and can use;

6)a large amount of money, property, etc;

7)practice of cultivating the land and keeping animals for food;

8)involved with the making of laws;

9)to be given to smth as a firm or legal right;

10)a group of people elected to manage affairs in a city or a county;

11)not good enough to produce crops;

12)to change according to some factor.

4. Translate into English using your active vocabulary:

1)Граница между Францией и Испанией идет по ( вдоль) гор.

2)Парламент наделен властью создавать законы.

3)Обычно цены на молочные продукты меняются с временами года.

4)Сибирь богата углем, нефтью, железом и другими полезными ископаемыми.

5)Многие пустыни покрыты песком.

6)Северный Кавказ является одной из крупнейших житниц Российской Федерации.

7)Федеральное Собрание России облачено законодательной властью.

8)Извините, но менеджер сейчас занят клиентом.

9)Все крупнейшие реки Сибири текут к Северному Ледовитому океану.

10)Кровать занимала большую часть его маленькой комнатки.

5. Answer the questions:

1. What is the total area of the Russian Federation?

2.How far does Russia stretch?

3.What countries is Russia bordered by: in Europe? in Asia?

4.How many republics does Russia comprise?

5.What two plains is Russia located on?

6.What longest mountain chain separates Europe from Asia?

7.What are the most important Russian rivers? What is their total number?

8.What is the world’s deepest lake? How deep is it?

9.What is the current population of Russia?

10.What do Russia’s mineral resources include?

11.Where are Russia’s largest granaries located?

12.What is the population of Russia’s capital?

13.Define the political structure of the Russian Federation.

Supplementary Reading

Read the following text. Be ready to do the tasks after it.


When Ivan the Terrible was Tsar of Russia, Queen Elizabeth 1 sent English merchants to find out if they could trade with Russia, a land completely unknown to the English in those days.

The Englishmen who went to Russia sent back many reports to the Queen about Ivan the Terrible, especially about his cruelty and rough ways. One of these, George Tuberville, wrote letters to his friends in England, telling them about coarse and crude habits of the Russians. The land was so cold, he wrote, that in winter it was not possible to dig graves, so that anyone who died in November, for example, could not be buried until the following May. He said that the Russians drank a great deal, and that they did not mind much what they ate as long as they had plenty to drink. The Russians were suspicious

( подозрительный) and secretive, and would not allow any foreigner to meet or talk with the ordinary Russian people, but only with officials.

George Tuberville wrote in his letters that the Russian women did not please him at all. He complained that the Russian women wore heavy makeup, and he said that they painted their faces so much because their complexions

( цвет лица) were so dark and rough.

George Tuberville also thought very little of the Russian houses, which, he said, were not so good as the houses he was used to in England. They were built of wood and the windows had no glass in them. Their beds had no soft mattresses and pillows. Tuberville thought that the Russians were afraid of soft beds and pillows for fear that, if they got accustomed ( привыкнуть) to such comforts, they would never be able to endure their harsh and rough climate. He noticed that in winter the

poor people brought their cattle into their own houses to protect them from bitter cold.

Task 1. Choose the statement that is not true to the text:

a)English merchants were asked by their Queen to go to Russia to decide if it was possible to trade with that unknown country.

b)George Tuberville sent many messages to England telling about wild habits of Russians.

c)According to Tuberville, common Russians were not allowed to speak to strangers from abroad.

d)According to the text, Russian houses were so good that one could hardly compare them with the houses in England.

e)Tuberville did not like Russian women because they used too much of makeup.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer to the following question:

Why were the Russians afraid of soft beds and pillows?

a)They did not find these things to be comfortable enough for them.

b)They thought that such comforts could make people living in severe climatic conditions , more evil than good.

c)They were too poor to buy them.

d)The materials for mattresses and pillows were not available in Russia at those times.

Task 3. Choose the correct ending for the following sentence, according to the contents of the text:

In winter one could see the cattle in houses of poor people because …..

a)… the animals could be eaten by wolves;

b)… they used them as soft mattresses and pillows;

c)… it was dangerous to stay all the time in cold, the animals could die of frost.


1.Л. П. Христорождественская. Basic English in Practice. Минск. - 2001

2.Learning English: В 4 ч. Ч.3 – М: АО «Буклет». - 1993

3.American Streamline. B. Hartley & P. Viney Departures. Oxford University Press. - 1995

4.L. G. Alexander. Longman English Grammar Practice for intermediate students.

– Longman. - 1997

5.English for International Tourism. A Course-book. Cambridge. - 2001

6.Практика устной речи (коммуникативное обучение). Методическое пособие для студентов 1 курса. Ч. 1 и 2. – Институт иностранных языков УрГПУ. Екатеринбург. - 2005

7.First Class. English for Tourism. – Trish Stott & Roger Holt. Oxford University Press. - 1995

Лопатина Татьяна Яковлевна


Сборник тем и упражнений для развития устной речи студентов 1 курса

всех специальностей (темы «Семья», «Университет», «Российская Федерация»,


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