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on the railway and developed 13 mph (21 km/h). The invention of the steam locomotive made the railway the most important of all means of transportation. Stephenson not only constructed the world's first steam locomotive but he was also the builder of the first public railway in England. That railway used both steam and horses as tractive power.

This railway was a success and Stephenson was asked to build another railway between Liverpool and Manchester. But there was the opposition to the building of the early railroads. Most people did not believe that it was possible to make locomotives suitable for service and did all in their power to stop railway construction. However, in 1824 the steam-powered railways were already in wide use in England.

The first steam locomotive in Russia was built by the Cherepanovs, father and son. Thanks to the Cherepanovs our country may be placed among the countries which were the first to use steam as tractive power.

7. Ответьте на вопрос: What invention made the railway the most important of all means of transportation?

Вариант 5

1. Определите время и залог глагола. Переведите предложения. Смотрите образец выполнения № 3.

1.I have been waiting for you for half an hour.

2.The experiment was being watched by the students.

3.The telegram will have been delivered by 9 o'clock next


4.This stadium was built last year.

5.We had finished our work by the end of the month.

6.This picture is always looked at.

7.Our problem must be settled as soon as possible. He will be translating his article into English at this time tomorrow.


2.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1.She said that she would take books from the library.

2.He thought the house was surrounded by a high wall.

3.We knew that you were working at your diploma project.

4.I hoped that you would meet us.

5.She said that she had visited the exhibition.

6.They said they wanted to buy a small house in the country.

3.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на тип усло-


1.If you told him to consult a doctor he would do it.

2.It I had not been so busy yesterday, I should have helped


3.If you did your morning exercises every day, our health would be much better.

4.He would not be so clever, if he didn't read so much.

5.If I got this book. I should be happy.

6.If you had written the test-paper successfully, you wouldn't have got a "two".

4.Переведите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты.

1.The problem is too difficult to solve it.

2.I am glad to be helped.

3.She wanted the children to be taken to the park.

4.He made me go to a rest-home.

5.A car was heard to stop near the house.

6.The book is said to be popular with both old and young.

5.Переведите предложения. Подчеркните причастие, герундий, независимый причастный оборот.

1.The books written by Dickens describe the events in England of the 19th century.

2.The students speaking good English must help their class-
