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The Marata Embankment is located on the left bank of the Oka River in the Canavinsky District of Nizhny Novgorod. The aim of my project is to recommend the best concepts, to produce draft guidelines for the effective, harmonious functioning of the classic and contemporary architecture in the historic coastal area of Nizhny Novgorod. The project involves the construction of a new building, but in the traditional, time-proven forms and dimensions. This approach will give a chance to develop the territory preserving buildings of the XIX century. It is proposed to restore monuments and historical buildings with the conservation of their historical initial outlook. While planning a residential complex, they will take into account the limited number of storeys and the historic exterior of the buildings. It will allow creating one integral architectural ensemble.

Currently the embankment obviously requires improvement. Today the embankment is untidy, unmanaged, overgrown with bushes, has no footpaths and therefore has no recreational space. The architectural style of the embankment is broken by abandoned and dilapidated buildings. There aren’t enough roads and parking lots.

Today the place is mainly occupied by mid-rise residential buildings with small administrative premises. The building density in this area is average, favorable for the urban environment. There are local roads here but no city highways.

In this regard, the Marata embankment can be divided into the following functional areas:

-Recreational zone (parks, squares, local roads, parking lots, sport fields to create favorable ecological situation in the urban environment)

-Residential area (with the focus on linkage between residential area and water area that has a positive effect on psychological and physical health)

It is noteworthy that they will solve many city problems by developing the coastal zone. The embankment gives the right shape to the bank of the river, strengthens it, protects it from flooding and erosion. Besides, the embankment protects the river from pollution caused by stormwater.

Despite the variety of regulations for coastal zone development, the construction of embankments is based on the following principles:

-Maximum access to the water area, creating a comfortable and safe environment.

-Functional use of adjacent territories, liaison to other functional areas.

-Accordance with the architectural layout of the entire urban area.

-The use of landscape values in the formation of the coastal zone, highlighting natural advantages of the territory.

-Taking account of climatic and natural conditions.

Guided by these principles, we could examine the volumetric composition of the Marata waterfront draft. The embankment space is fully pedestrian with a wide green grass-plot, viewing platforms, green and leisure areas. The height of


the slopes allows to create a two-tier embankment which could be very attractive and aesthetically-pleasing. It will give a special charm to the coastline and will make the place more functional. The architecture of the area is largely determined by the history of the area and interacts with the old buildings.

In the proposed concept, the parks of Marata Street will be merged by the embankment, namely the main promenade. The development of recreational areas is going to be the focus of my concept. The concept involves two level waterfront.

The upper level restores the atmosphere of the past – historic environment, the lower level is modern. The aim is to preserve existing buildings, as well as already existing landscaped site in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Circus and Planetarium. It is supposed to install the art object in the center of the promenade. symbolizing the world football championship 2018. There will be all kinds of bike paths and pedestrian walkways on both levels of the promenade. What is more there will be a picnic spot, a special street art center and the sports and spa facilities, the alleys – walking area, the open air cinema and fountains coming out of the ground, which is very refreshing on a hot summer day. It is planned to use natural eco-friendly materials and to save natural diversity. Green areas will contribute to the ecological framework of the city. It is important to observe the historic features such as pitched roofs, there should be adequate combination of antique and modern elements.

The embankment must correspond to the whole architectural ensemble of buildings, as a planning component as well as a voluminous construction. Apart from standard functions, organization of the coastal zone and reinforcement of the river banks, the embankments also have a decorative function. Proceeding from this, it is necessary to treat the city embankment as a construction, as a volume-planning solution, which should be closely related to the surrounding buildings and planning of the adjacent territories.


1.Vavilonskaya T.V. The methodological aspect of preservation and renovation of the architectural and historical environment of a large city (on the example of the city Samara) / T.V. Vavilonskaya // Industrial and civil construction. - 2011. - No. 5. - P. 44-46.

2.Gorokhov V.A. The Green Nature of the City: Textbook. manual for universities / V.A. Gorokhov. - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 2003. - 528 p.

3.Kaydalova E.V. Architectural appearance of modern commercial housing in the historical center of Nizhny Novgorod / E.V. Kaydalova // Collected works of graduate students and undergraduates. Architecture. Geoecology. Economics. / Nizhegorod. state. architects.-builds, un-t. - M. Novgorod 2005. - P. 54-59.


4. Central Research and Design Institute for Typical and Experimental Design of Housing. Ways to improve architectural and artistic expressiveness of residential development: Sat. sci. tr. / Central Research Institute for Housing; Ed. V.A. Kossakovsky. - M .: Central Research Institute of Housing, 1985.-95 p

Mitkina N.N., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Today there is a phenomenal breakthrough of digital technologies in all the spheres of the human`s life. There is a widespread research interest in the field of communication and information technologies. They are crucially significant for the sustainable development.

The necessity of getting high-accuracy data about the Earth's surface, requirements to solve the issues of the engineering constructions design and arrangement of the mineral deposits settlements is steadily growing. In a technology-driven world, getting information quickly is relevant for the sender and receiver. Search and distribution of the information is a must in the modern society.

Photogrammetry is the technical science studying the methods for determining metric characteristics and the allocation of the objects in two or three dimensional space from photographs received with use of special survey systems [1].

In 1839 the Frenchman Louis Daguerre invented the photograph, which served as the technical basis for the formation of the photogrammetry. In 1840 the French geodesist Dominique Arago was the first proposed to apply photos in order to create topographic maps [3]. Today photogrammetry uses digital methods of processing the results of aerial survey and space survey which are based on many branches of knowledge, such as analytical photogrammetry, theory of computer vision, computer graphics and pattern recognition, computational geometry and many others.

This science can be applied in various types of human`s activity, such as:

creation of topographic maps;

geological survey;

environmental protection (for example, studying glaciers and snow cover, as well as the erosion processes, monitoring changes in vegetation layer);

design and construction of the buildings;


archaeological excavations;

forestry and agriculture;

fuel and energy industry

There are 5 main objectives of photogrammetry:

studying aerospace survey methods;

air-photo interpretation;

concentration of reference geodetic networks by the means of photogrammetric methods;

digital terrain models design (fig. 1);

creation and updating plans and maps [4].

Fig.1. Digital terrain model

There are three main directions of the research in photogrammetry. The first one studies and develops the methods of mapping the earth's surface by the pictures (fig. 2). It is called "phototopography". The second is the solution of the applied problems in various fields of science and technology – "applied photogrammetry". The third direction deals with the technologies for obtaining information about the Earth objects, the Moon and the planets of the solar system with the help of the equipment installed on the space crafts.

The subjects of the study in photogrammetry are the geometric and physical characteristics of the images, the ways of their receiving and use to define quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the photographed objects and also the devices and software products used in their processing [2].



Fig.2. Low altitude aerial photograph

Characteristics of the studied object are received according to its image in the single picture - this method is called photogrammetric; or using a pair of overlapping images obtained from different points in space - а stereo photogrammetric method.

The main advantages of photogrammetric and stereo photogrammetric methods are:

high accuracy of the images, obtained through the use of digital cameras and strict methods of processing images;

high efficiency of the works due to the measurements of not the objects themselves, but their images; it allows to provide automation process of measurements and the subsequent calculations;

objectivity and authenticity of information and retry features;

possibility of obtaining information about the status of the object and its parts in a short period of time;

safety works for the person as the object is shot by remote method;

possibility of studying moving objects and fast processes.

The disadvantages of the considered methods are:

dependence of photographic surveys from weather conditions;

necessity to perform field surveying to control all the technological processes [2].

The imaging systems used in photogrammetry to obtain pictures are classified in different groups. Considering altitude media imaging equipment, they can be air and space.

Aircraft air systems have altitude of no more than 10 km (fig. 3), and the space ones from 200 km to 36,000 km and more. The type of fixed radiated energy shooting systems is divided into passive and active.


Fig.3 The process of photographing the earth’s surface

According to the method and date of delivery information they can be operational and non-operational. Also there are imaging systems operating in the optical or radio range. In single-zone systems, the surveys are performed in one zone of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation but in multi-zone systems in several zones of the spectrum. By the method of obtaining images, the systems are divided into photographic and non-photographic [1].

Photogrammetry uses the methods and techniques of various disciplines, based mainly from optics and projective geometry.

There are 4 main types of data used in the photogrammetric works.

The 3-D co-ordinates define the locations of the object points in the 3-D dimension.

The image co-ordinates define the locations of the object points' images on the film or an electronic imaging device.

The exterior orientation of a camera defines its location in space and its view direction.

The inner orientation defines the geometric parameters of the imaging process [5].

Photogrammetry is closely connected with accurate sciences such as physics and mathematics, some achievements of radio electronics, computer technology, instrumentation and photography as well as geodesy, topography and cartography.

In the modern world wide application of photogrammetric methods allows the professionals to increase high productivity of their works in order to create a topographical basis of the field and to reduce the time of the survey works.


1. Obiralov A. I., Limonov A.N. , Gavrilova L. A. Photogrammetry and remote sensing. - Moscow: ColosS, 2006. - 334 p


2.Karmanov A.G Photogrammetry; St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2012 - 171s. - (Tutorial)



5.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Photogrammetry

Krylasova E.A., Lyubimov A.A., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Balakovo is a city in Saratov Oblast, Russia, located on the left bank of the Volga River. It was granted town status in 1913.

Balakovo is the only city in five all-Union shock construction projects of the USSR. Balakovo is one of the two cities in Russia with 3 types of power plants: hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear. The other city is Volgodonsk.

Balakovo has developed chemical, textile, construction industries, as well as machine-building and wood processing.

The chemical industry is the main one in Balakovo, about 33% of the industry accounts for chemical industry enterprises, 22% – for metallurgical, machine-building and metalworking production. The industry in the town is represented by the following companies:

Saratov Hydroelectric Power Station

Enterprise "Balakovskie mineralnye udobreniya"

Balakovo Passenger Car Factory

Metallurgical Plant "Severstal - Grading Plant Balakovo"

Production company "ЕМК"

Balakovo Oil Extraction Plant

Maminsky Volzhsky Diesel Plant

Plant of wiring structures "Gidroelektromontazh"

Other industrial companies and their hazard class are shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Chemical industry of Balakovo









SPZ, м

SPZ, м


Balakovo CHPP-4





Saratovskaya HPP





Balakovo NPP




Chemical industry

Balakovo oil depot





Llc «Balakovo Carbon












Balakovo fiber materials plant





“Argon” Plant (production of





carbon fiber)







Enterprise "Balakovskie





mineralnye udobreniya"






Balakovo mineral fillers plant





Garbage recycling complex











Enterprise «Balakovo











Maminsky Volzhsky Diesel










Metallurgical, machine-

Wagon works




building and

Production of auto parts





Balakovo Passenger Car











Metallurgical Plant "Severstal





- Grading Plant Balakovo"






Plant of wiring structures















Textile industry

Balakovo fiber materials plant




The construction

Balakovo mortar-concrete










Combine of building materials









Wood processing

Production company "ЕМК"




Food industry

Bread factory





Dairy factory










Balakovo Oil Extraction Plant




Balakovo is officially recognized as one of the most polluted cities in Russia, where the index of pollution of the atmosphere is high or very high. The


anthropogenic load considerably exceeds the established standards and a critical situation develops, at which significant changes in the landscape occur, the natural resources are depleted, and the living conditions of the population deteriorate. The actual problem is also the preservation of the fertility of soils and lands [2].

The territory of the municipal district is located in the northern part of the left bank of the Saratov region. The source of water supply in Balakovo is the Volga River, underground waters of alluvial deposits, urban water intake below the Balakovo NPP. An accident may deprive the city of the source of water supply. The quality of tap water reduces every year due to the deterioration of water supply networks (50-70% of water samples in municipal and departmental water supply systems do not correspond to the norm). Among the industries, large consumers of water are the enterprises of the power industry of the TPP, the Saratov HPP, the Balakovo NPP, the chemical industry (ОАО «Balakovo fibers»). As a result, imperfections in technology and leaks in water supply systems in the process of industrial production are losing significant amounts of water.

The area of the city and the region is the place for the development of such negative processes as flooding of lands, pollution by industrial toxicants, cluttering and disturbance of lands. Reducing agriculture contributes to the progression agrogenic erosion and gully formation, reducing the formation of humus and the main elements of plant nutrition, increased acidity of the soil, etc.

The lands are significantly polluted with industrial and domestic wastes, heavy metals, especially in the city and in the industrial zone. Millions tons of phosphogypsum and cinder, mineral fertilizers are located in the territory of the district. This is all the waste of the plant for the production of mineral fertilizers, which for many years exceeded the TLV (threshold limit value) for hydrogen fluoride and still emits this pollutant.

The NPP industrial site contains a dangerous amount of waste containing radionuclides: special storage for SRW (solid radioactive waste), LRW (liquid radioactive waste) spent nuclear fuel storage pools, where it is stored for 3 years after each loading of fresh fuel, storage for steam generators that did not survive the warranty period. All this, except for spent fuel, is intended for perpetual storage

here, right on the bank of the Volga, only 8 km. from the city with a population of 226 thousand people. The territory of the area is dangerously flooded with groundwater and retaining water of the reservoir, Hydroengineering protection was not built during the construction and launching of HPP.

As a consequence of environmental problems, Balakovo has a high incidence (70%) and mortality (14.1 per 1000 people). In 2007, mortality increased by 2% compared with 2006. The adult population is predominantly ill


with oncological, cardiovascular diseases and blood diseases, as well as injuries. The state of children's health in Balakovo causes particular concern. Children's doctors practice began to meet more often with prolonged recurrent acute respiratory infections, because the toxic effects of viruses and bacteria accumulates toxic environmental action. About 60% of the diseases are respiratory organs. Diseases of the urine, the reproductive system, as well as diseases of the organs of vision, are the second. Allergic diseases are growing - pollinosis, bronchial asthma, allergic dermatosis. The latest data from the independent institute of sociological research in Balakovo show that 80.2% of the residents of Balakovo are aware of the ecological condition of the city.

Sources of environmental pollution in Balakovo region are registered. This work includes the preparation of the State Register and the regional inventory of production and consumption waste.

Sources of environmental pollution of the Balakovo district are registered. This work includes the preparation of the State Register and the regional inventory of production and consumption waste.

In connection with this, quarterly monitoring of action plans is carried out. In the first half of 2016 the State spent 199, 794 million rubles on environmental measures, including: – protection of atmospheric air – 87, 085 million rubles; – rational and environmentally effective waste treatment – 9.826 million. rub; – protection of water resources, objects of flora and fauna and habitat – 17,599 million rubles; - monitoring and control of the environment – 1,807 million rubles; - other events (environmental education and payment for Negative impact on the environment) – 83.477 million rubles [1].

Monitoring of the environment is carried out by the Laboratory for Monitoring of Pollution "Lake Station", which consists of three stationary stations.

The degree of atmospheric air pollution is estimated by the environment index for five priority impurities: carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, phenol, formaldehyde and benzapyrene.

The conducted monitoring revealed "an increased level of pollution", although an analysis of the dynamics of the pollution index for five years shows that from 2011 to 2015 there is a tendency to reduction the atmospheric pollution index in the city.


1.За год на экологическое благополучие в Балаково тратится около 400 миллионов рублей [Электронный ресурс]: Cайт города Балаково / Новости – Электронные текстовые данные. – Режим доступа URL: http://www.go64.ru/news/1402300, свободный.


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