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strange phenomena are the pictures on passing clouds over the castle. It is believed that there you can see the "reflection" of the great battles fought in these places.

The castle is still inhabited by its owners - the family of the 13th Duke of Argyll, therefore only a part of the premises is open to view. But even this small part is admirable. After all, it the most beautiful room in Europe is located in the castle - a dining hall decorated with luxurious and complex paintings (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Dining room of Inverary Castle

For most of this splendor, the castle owes to the Vth Duke, in which the castle was filled with interior decoration. On many parts of the room there is an imprint and his trips to France. The walls are decorated with grisaille made by French craftsmen, and the chairs are covered with an elegant tapestry in the traditional French manner. On the table are decorations in the form of ships, which are called naves. If you look closely at them, you can consider engraved emblems of the Argyll dukes on sails. Above the fireplace there is a portrait of the 4th Duke Argyll.

Another unusual place of the castle is the Armory room. This is the highest room in Scotland. The height of its ceilings reaches 21 meters. Light falls from high window arches, crossing the room in different directions (Fig.3).

At the height of the second floor there is a balcony that encircles the room. They say that the piper of the clan every morning wakes up the duke's family with the mournful sound of his instrument even these days. Inside the hall there is a magnificent collection of ancient weapons.


Fig.3 Armory room of Inverary Castle

The castle of Inverari saw the fire in 1877 and was restored. During the works, the exterior of the castle acquired two towers - the main feature of Inverayi today.

The construction of fortifications is a necessary condition for survival in mountainous Scotland, where wars with neighboring countries and between neighboring clans did not cease throughout history. The first stone towersbrooches were built here still by the Picts. Similar structures are found only in Scotland. Medieval castles-fortresses, (they are called tower-houses) are severe and unapproachable, like the Scottish mountains themselves.

But the appearance of Inverary is different from the majority of the medieval castles in Scotland, by combining the severity of mountain fortresses and romantic weightlessness and remains the architectural magic of the castles of Scotland to this day.


1.Lisitsyn A. S., castles of Europe/Anna Lisitsyna, Vitaly oleynichenko. - 2nd edition. -M.: Eksmo,2013. -304 p. - (the gift edition. The mysteries of our planet).

2.Cristina Gambaro. Castles Of Scotland. History and sightseeing /TRANS.with ang.-M:BMM AO,2004.-136 p.: Il-(series "Cities and countries").


4. http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/elena15629/post392005340/


Kuznetsov А.А.¹, Aleshugina Е.А.²

¹ Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship, UNN SPO, 2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The relevance of the topic can be explained by the following. Nowadays more and more people are in for sports. Some of them prefer to take up sports professionally, others are in for amateur sport. Many people watch competitions on TV. The public interest in sports has risen. Hockey has always been popular with the spectators as it has been played for more than 250 years. Due to such long history different variations of hockey have emerged. However, there is not enough research into their differences, similarities, conditions and rules.

Thus, the object of the research is hockey, to be exact two types of it: traditional ice hockey and field hockey. The subject of the research is similarities and differences between these two types of the game. The aims of the research are to:

-study the history of both games and the reasons for their emergence;

-analyze the rules, equipment needed and draw parallels between them;

-provide examples of famous teams and remarkable hockey clubs and players.

It is very essential to trace the history of both types of games. The History of Ice Hockey is one of the most dubious in the history of sport games. Traditionally Canada is considered to be the birthplace of it. Though, the research revealed that some Dutch paintings of the XVI century depict a lot of people playing a game resembling Ice Hockey. They do it on the frozen canal. However, the contemporary sport of Ice Hockey was developed in Canada, most notably in Montreal, where the first indoor hockey game was played in 1875. As for field hockey it is one of the most ancient sports. On the wall of one of the pyramids in Egypt two players with clubs fighting for the ball are depicted. This suggests that field hockey was played in 2 Millennium BC. Later, several historical papers say that games similar to field hockey were in ancient Japan and Mexico. Acropolis preserves a bas-relief of a group of six people with sticks, two of whom introduced the ball in play. The modern name of the game of field hockey was probably derived from the Old French hoke – a shepherd's crook with a hook: many historians agree that the ancestors of field hockey are shepherds, killing the time by this game in summer pastures. Thus, it is necessary to emphasize that both types of hockey have old history, loved by players in many countries and underwent changes throughout centuries.

The analysis on the equipment and rules is necessary for both types of hockey. Ice hockey is played in a special ice hockey rink. The demands to the


rink and its organization are given in the paper. The duration of the ice hockey match equals 60 minutes – 3 periods for 20 minutes with 15 minutes’ breaks between the periods. In case of a draw at the end of three periods extra time (overtime) can be assigned. The need for overtime as well as its duration and the number of bullets are discussed individually in the rules of each game. Usually 5 players from one team are chosen for a match. As for the field hockey it also has special rules how to arrange the field. The slide shows you a typical field hockey rink. The game is played between two teams. Eleven players are permitted to be on the field at any time unlike in ice hockey. Rules include: no foot to ball contact, no use of hands and no obstructing other players.

Both types of hockey can be proud of famous people. There are a lot of remarkable players in both types of hockey. The format of the paper does not allow introducing them all. V.A. Tretyak and J. Quick were chosen to be spoken about due to their outstanding achievement in ice hockey and my personal preferences.

V. Tretyak is known to be the best goalkeeper in the world of the 20th century. He became internationally famous after his outstanding performance in 1972. V.A. Tretyak does not play professional hockey any more, but still he does a lot for the development of Russian Ice Hockey. In 2014 he lit the Olympic flame in Sochi together with Irina Rodnina, a famous Russian figure skater. Another ice hockey player who should be mentioned is J. Quick. Jonathan Douglas Quick is an American professional ice hockey goaltender currently playing for the Los Angeles Kings in NHL. He was a silver medalist with the United States at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Field hockey also knows a lot of distinguished players. Their Names are represented in the slide. Among them are Dhyan Chand, Prince Andrew, Henry Gidney, Dieter Freise and others. However, in comparison with ice hockey field hockey is not so popular and does not have a lot of remarkable players. The diagram shows the results of the survey made by one sports magazine in 2014. The recipients were asked what type of hockey they favoured. 95% gave their preferences to ice hockey while the rest 5 % enjoyed field hockey.

Moreover, there are a lot of famous teams both in Ice Hockey and in Field Hockey in a lot of counties. For example, one of the most remarkable ice hockey teams is Chicago Blackhawks. However, there are no teams in field hockey which are known all over the world. Hopefully, field hockey will receive its development and popularity in future.

Special attention is devoted to Russian Hockey Federation. There are three professional and two youth ice hockey leagues in our country. Besides, amateur ice hockey is also very developed. Due to the political and economical situation in Russia in 1990-s many successful players started to work for prosperous foreign clubs. As a result Russian hockey lost some of its best players. Now the majority of them are the leaders of their new clubs including NHL. Nowadays the best hockey centers are located in the following cities. In


comparison with ice hockey field hockey is not so developed. Nevertheless, there are field hockey teams in different cities shown in the map. Russia also has some field hockey women teams. Russian field hockey team participated in European championships in 1999, 2003 and 2011.

To sum up it is necessary to emphasize that the analysis revealed that ice hockey is more developed in Russia than field hockey. There are more famous players in ice hockey than in field hockey; the majority of them are world famous. The number of competitions exceeds and the number of prize places in ice hockey is much bigger than in field hockey. Nevertheless, it would be unfair to admit that field hockey is less demanded and not so important for the development of the world sport. This game also deserves special attention and it is worth participating in and watching. There is hope that someday it will gain more popularity.


1.The Hockey News Magazine. Chicago. №3. 2014

2.Dryden K. The Game. Montreal. 2011. 127p.

3.Khan S. How to Play Field Hockey. E-book. HowExperts Press. 2011. ISBN: 9781458167781



Galkina O.A.¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

¹MAOU "School №19", N. Novgorod,

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



The article is devoted to the Golden Ratio. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that it be found almost everywhere in nature (both in flora and fauna) and in the objects created by people (architectural monuments, paintings, pictures, sculpture).

The aim of the research is to study the notion “the Golden Ration” and find it in the surrounding world. The subject of the research is the form and construction of the objects with the Golden Ratio. The object is the implementation of it in the world.

The hyposesis is that beauty and harmony in the world makes the law of the Golden ratio. The tasks of the research are the following:

-to study scientific literature on the topic;

-to describe “Geometrical” sense of the Golden Ratio;

-to trace historical periods of forming the notion of the Golden Ratio;


-to research practical implementation of the Golden Ratio in various spheres of art and science.

The founders of the theory about the Golden ratio are believed to be famous scientists, mathematicians, architects, artists such as Pythagoras, Euclid, Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, Goethe and others.

It is believed that Pythagoras introduced the notion the Golden ratio in the 6th century B.C. But some scientists believe that he borrowed it from ancient Egyptians and Babylon as the proportions of Egypt Pyramids are based on the Golden ratio.

German professor A. Zeising measured 2000 human bodies and drew a conclusion that the Golden ratio expresses the average statistical law. Proportions of male body are closer to the Golden ration than female. They are in 13 : 8 = 1,625. The shoulder length, hands and fingers have the Golden ratio proportions. A. Zeising also studied Greek sculptures, vases, architectural monuments, animals, plants, musical tones and verses.

With the development of design and technology the rule of the Golden ratio was used in furniture and machine construction. A pentagram is a perfect example of the Golden ratio. It is a regular Pentagon – convex and star-shaped. The pentagram is a well of Golden proportions! From the similarity of triangles ACD and ABE you can display a known proportion [picture 1].

Pic.1 The similarity of triangles

The Golden ratio can be found in nature. If you look at the plant called

“chicory” you will notice that the impulses of its growth are based on the

Golden ratio rule. Many species of butterflies have the Golden ratio of chest and abdominal parts of the body [Picture 2].


Pic.2 Chicory and the Golden Ratio

Dragonfly is also created under the laws of the Golden proportion: the ratio of the lengths of tail and body equal to the ratio of overall length to the length of the tail. The lizard’s length of its tail refers to the length of the rest of the body, such as 62 to 38 [Picture 3].

In architecture the brightest example of the Golden ratio is the Parthenon in Athens. The ratio of the building height to its length is equal to 0.618. If you make the division of the Parthenon by the “Golden ratio”, you will get those or other projections of facade. Well-known Russian architect M. Kazakov widely used the “Golden section” in his work. For example, the “Golden ratio” can be found in the architecture of the Senate building in the Kremlin. Another architectural masterpiece of Moscow is Pashkov house. It is one of the most perfect works of architect V. Bazhenov. In painting the Golden ratio is widely found in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. Portrait of Mona Lisa for many years attracted the attention of researchers, who found that the composition of the drawing is based on the Golden triangles that are part of the proper star-shaped Pentagon [Picture 4].

Pic.3 The Golden Proportion in Human Body


Pic.4 Golden ration in Architecture

In the next slide you can see some problems which contain the Golden


In conclusion it is necessary to say that the Golden ratio is a part of our live and in nature.


1.Васютинский Н.А. Золотая пропорция. М.: Молодая гвардия,


2.Волошинов А.В. Математика и искусство. М.: Просвещение,


3.Коробко В.И., Примак Г.Н. Человек и золотая пропорция. Ставрополь, Кавказская библиотека, 1991. 174 c.

4.Ковалев Ф.В. Золотое сечение в живописи: Высшая школа, 1989.

32 с.

5.Шевелѐв И.Ш. Принцип пропорции в архитектуре. М.: Стройиздат, 1986.431c.

6.Вергазова О.Б. Золотая пропорция: от древнерусских саженей до современного дизайна // Математика в школе. М.: «Школа-Пресс», – 2007.

№8. – 96 с.


Leskin I.V.¹, Leskina I.N.², Aleshugina E.A.³

¹MBOU School №3 of Kulebaki,

²Nizhny Novgorod Institute of education development,

³Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




In the conditions of the information society, the formation of the communicative skills "digital aborigines" ("digital") is actively carried out through the channels of mass communication. The mass media are daily sources of news on various topics: politics, events in the country and in the international scene, news in the field of economics.

At the same time, the number of texts produced and transmitted through the media channels is constantly increasing, reflecting not only the development of our country, but also the development of domestic journalism as the most widespread form of modern language existence.

The need to resolve the revealed contradictions led to the formulation of the problem of our research: how to form effectively the communicative and speech competence of a schoolboy in the conditions of active development of domestic journalism?

The relevance of the problem lies in the fact that journalistic style is today the most popular and promising resource for reflecting the development of social relations through mass communications, including school media.

The aim of the research is to investigate the formation of the journalistic style as an important resource for reflecting the interaction of subjects of social relations in the context of different periods of Russian history and to determine the prospects for the development of publicity style genres in the modern information society.

In our research we operated the notion of "journalistic style" as a reflection of the history of the development of Russian society. We consider the genres of the publicist and the features of their application on the example of the school media, since my life experience is connected with the magazines "Firefly" and "Photon +" Lyceum №3 in Kulebaki where I took part as a correspondent.

The hypothesis of our study is that the practical application of skills to create texts of journalistic style within the framework of school media projects allows a modern student to take the position not of a consumer of information but of a creator who has his own life beliefs, who can distinguish reliable information from unreliable information, capable of conveying an important information.


The study of the peculiarities of the formation of the publicity style in the context of different periods of the history of Russia made it possible to understand the causes of the emergence of different types of national journalism. "Digital natives", receiving daily a huge amount of information on television, the Internet, the radio, hardly recalls the "The Word About the Regiment Of Igor’s" - a work reflecting the origins of the appearance of journalistic style in the 9th century or "Instruction "Vladimir Monomakh - a sample of journalism of the 12th century.

In the history of ancient Russia, many thinkers were concerned with such social problems as justice, honor, the preservation of compassion in people, the manifestation of patriotism and national identity. Reasoning about these problems is presented in the early works of journalistic style in the form of genres of words and teachings.

Discussion of the themes of patriotism and religion later took place through the use of the genre of conversation.

In the 18th century, analysis and criticism of Peter's numerous reforms were reflected in new genres: a critical article, a review.

In the 20-21 centuries with the development of journalism, the emergence of numerous news organizations and the emergence and widespread use of such genres of journalism as a note, an interview.

In general, it should be noted that every period of Russian history contributed to the emergence of new types of genres of journalism. Society was developing, technologies were being improved, and in this connection new methods were needed not only to reflect and critically analyze reality but also to influence the masses.

Thus, in the development of journalism three groups of genres were identified: information, analytical, artistic and journalistic.

Information genres are more inherent in the function of communication, they usually report facts, may contain assumptions, estimates, regulatory information, recommendations.

The purpose of analytical genres is the analysis of a socially significant actual problem, the current state of affairs, events from the author's point of view, and the impact on the audience through various lexical meansby the journalist.

Artistic-publicity genres give the reader the opportunity to perceive the problem in a figurative form. This is most clearly manifested in the essay.

As part of our study, we examined the features of using the genres presented in the school media.

In Nizhny Novgorod region the process of development of school media was widely developed at the end of the 20th century, and at first the direction of printed school editions was actively developed, and in 2013 the number of electronic school media began to grow.


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