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Square, the Volga River and many others. But Nizhny Novgorod region is rich in ancient cities – for example Gorodets, Semenov, Kstovo, Arzamas.

It is very important to explore the city's facilities from the point of view of tourism, assessing their significance for the development of tourism in the city and the region as a whole. Nizhny Novgorod region has a lot of attractive sights and great landmarks – it’s a very serious reason for tourism development.

Unfortunately, finances are not invested in tourism in Nizhny Novgorod region and tourism isn’t profitable for our region. First of all, we don’t have good infrastructure for visitors. Secondly, people aren’t interested in visiting some cities, because they don’t know anything about their history, culture, etc. In my paper I would like to highlight the main sights of the town of Arzamas, give a brief description of the most interesting objects, from my point of view, and assess the prospects for the development of tourism in the town. I would like to tell you about Arzamas, because this place is attractive for me and it can boast about places of interest for visitors.

First of all, Arzamas is the center of religious tourism. Lots of religious people visit this city, because in Arzamas there are lots of beautiful churches, temples, cathedrals, monasteries. Before the revolution in October 1917 there were thirty-three functional churches. People in Arzamas were very religious. It is hard to say how many churches were lost in Revolution. Most of them were destroyed and abandoned. Some cathedrals were used for the economic purposes such as stocks and granaries. Temples which had very rare icons, frescoes were absolutely destroyed. Only thanks to people a lot of churches have their own prerevolutionary look now. Since 90s many churches and temples have been restored. And it is a positive feature for the city, because these religious objects can show us the history of the city and its prerevolutionary appearance. It is of great importance to preserve the history of the country.

The largest and famous cathedral in Arzamas is The Host Resurrection Cathedral. That great building is located in the ancient center of the city. It was built in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War of 1812. The project was prepared by the talented and famous architect, Michael Corinfskiy. The pediments are decorated with murals on biblical subjects, for example, the resurrection of Christ, the covering of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Host Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ is famous for fourteen huge canvases, which depict the life of Jesus Christ. The figures are made of a man’s height. Masterpieces of the world western painting were taken for samples. In the main dome between the windows there are figures of twelve apostles and below there are four evangelists. The cathedral was opened in 1947, after the Second World War.

Arzamas is distinguished by a large number of old temples. A vivid example of this fact is the Transfiguration Monastery, which was built in 1555. It was after the monastery was opened that the spread of Christianity began on the Arzamas Territory. Over the time, the Arzamas Spassky Monastery


developed and became rich. The oldest and the very first stone church in Arzamas was a cathedral in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord of the Spassky Monastery, which has survived to this day. The construction began in 1638. For three centuries of its existence, the church has been rebuilt many times, now it is a two-storey dilapidated building.

By the beginning of the 20th century there was a shelter at the monastery. In 1927, the Transfiguration Monastery of the Savior was closed. After the closing, the garment factory was located in it, then up to the present time the branch of the State Archives of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

In addition to churches, the city has a large number of beautiful historical buildings. For example, the building of shopping arcades in Arzamas is located on Gostiny Dvina Street. The complex is more than a dozen of buildings, which date back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The latest building of the complex is the Muravin’s Shop with a hotel, built in 1903 by architect A.S. Plotnikov. The buildings are in good condition, restored. They are a historical and architectural landmark of Arzamas. They are also still used as objects of urban infrastructure.

The only well-preserved administrative building in the XVIII century is the Arzamas magistrate. Here there were held court sessions on civil cases. The two-storey building of the Magistrate, located on the main city square, is built in the Baroque style. This administrative building is unique for the province. Previously, the magistrate was a temple, but its bell tower was demolished. Now in the building of the Magistrate there is a museum of the patriarchate.

The Museum of Russian Patriarchate is the only museum in the world with the expositions entirely devoted to the life of the Russian Patriarchs.

The exposition of the Museum of the Russian Patriarchate is dedicated to the life and work of the Patriarchs of Moscow and All Russia, Nikon and Sergiy, born in Nizhny Novgorod land, as well as the Patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Here are presented modern replicas and authentic things of the Patriarchs.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that Arzamas has very special objects, which can attract a lot of tourists. No doubt that some sights are unique and history of some buildings is of great interest for people.





Ibragimova F.R., Fedotova E.M.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Two decades ago living in a city provided a lot more comfort than living in a private house. Everything has changed due to spreading autonomous engineering equipment, improving telecommunication technologies, arriving of new construction materials and increasing in welfare of the population.

Today comfort in a house is far higher than in an apartment. It has occurred due to eco-friendly environment, a plot of land, independence from municipal services. All these benefits seem to be obvious. But at the same time there are a lot of people who tend to live in a flat and there’s a strong growing demand for house building, particularly block of flats.

The paper dwells on the factors affecting people’s decision to buy a house or a flat, comparing pros and cons of living in these types of dwellings.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of these types of houses the authors focus on the fact that the choice between a house and a flat is based on different aspects: family priorities and its composition, income, opportunities and even psychological state.

The positive sides of living in a country house are the following:

more space and freedom than in a city dwelling.

ability for children and pets to move freely and make a noise

the lack of closest noisy neighbors

the piece of land for gardening and growing

a better ecological environment

A country house is considered to have its own negative points.

• any malfunction is repaired at own expense

•a bigger place also means additional maintenance

•the lack of central system of waste water treatment which leads to more unreasonable expanses and difficulties.

• poor transport links connecting a city and a country

•cleaning an area around a house is time -consuming and it is your responsibility

• infrastructure is not highly developed in comparison with a city

An apartment is a great accommodation. When making the decision whether to live in a flat or not it is important to take into consideration all the pros and cons. In terms of good points of living in a flat the following factors are essential:

living in a flat can be very beneficial if you want to walk to work, infrastructure is well developed

good transport links


the availability of several layers of added security, especially in a gated complex

it is easier to lease an apartment

However, living in a flat has a number of disadvantages as well.

high monthly payment for public utilities

space constraints

•overhearing neighbors is common: loud, crying kids and noisy arguments

shortage of parks and green areas

problems with parking

bad ecology

difficulty to keep a bigger pet

Obviously, there is no possible correct answer. It’s a very complex subject and it depends on a lot of different factors so, ultimately, it’s just a matter of personal preferences.

In conclusion, it all depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences. It would be wrong to place one option above the other, generally speaking. The decision should be thought properly and considered from each side of view.

Osinina D.I., Hisamova L.D., Patyaeva N.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



That is not a secret that 2018 is one of the most influential years in Russian modern history due to the fact of the FIFA World Cup hosting. There will be a lot of matches all over Russia, in such cities as: Moscow, SaintPetersburg, Sochi, Kazan and, of course, Nizhny Novgorod is not an exception. The stadium which is being built in our city will be named as «Stadium Nizhny Novgorod». It is expected to hold six matches, including 4 group stage matches, one eighth final match and a quarter final match.

All the features of the future stadium are already thought out: from the very beginningthe place of its location, to its internal and external design. There is no denying that one of the most amazing things is the place where stadium is situated - in the confluence of two rivers: the Oка and the Volga. To tell the truth, not many people know that the original place of construction was the Pechersky peninsula or Olgino village. But this project was cancelled because of a huge budget and territorial features. The main reason of choosing the final variant was the opportunity to notice stadium from the center of Nizhny Novgorod - our Kremlin. Also such aspects as presence of convenient traffic


junction and architectural masterpieces of Nizhny Novgorod nearby played a huge role in planning process.

For sure, one of the most breathtaking trait of the stadium is it’s architectural value. According to the plan of architects «Stadium Nizhny Novgorod» should be associated with water and wind themes, which characterize our local nature. From the scheme we can see how complicated the stadium is: main arena is situated behind a translucent frontage, which includes trihedral pillars all over the stadium. Tangential stairs will be placed round inside the stadium, to avoid spoiling the appearance by itself. In the nighttime this building will be illuminated to emphasize its beauty and greatness.

The stadium will contain 45 thousand seats, when all the matches finish their number will be reduced to 35 thousand. 900 of them are specially intended for disabled people with accompanying. Also there will be other infrastructure for them like special restrooms and access ramp. Viewers in wheelchairs will be able to visit the stadium through special entrances and exits to avoid having problems and inconveniences.

Stadium has already passed ecological certification called BREEM, which confirms high energy efficiency and proves that the level of using resources such as warmth, electricity and water, will be reduced.

As many other stadiums, ours also meets the standards and requirements of the FIFA: structure, mass media, ecology, transport and service. It has two independent energy sources, so if one of them will be unavailable, the second one will turn on immediately. Special attention in the design was devoted to planning traffic flows, throughput abilities of entrances and exits and roads leading to the stadium. For the convenience of visitors, the stadium is divided


into several separate stands, each of which has its own entrance, power point, state stewards.

At the moment it is finished the installation of the structures over the bleachers and lobby. Finishing works and arrangement of external walls and partitions, as well as installation of windows are under construction.

After the world Cup, the stadium will become the home arena for the football team, “Olympian", and other cultural events, open to family visits. Part of the premises will be leased.

Smirnova V.A., Sarkisyan T.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



All people, who lived before us, made their contribution to the global history of mankind. The experience of previous generations is a huge value, because it helps to solve problems in modern society. Nobody can become a harmonious person without knowledge of their roots. So, the most vivid expression of the life of people of every era is art. And architecture plays a special role in this situation. This is the most colossal and expensive kind of art, therefore it always expresses the most global ideas of society of a certain time. Of course, the preservation of architectural monuments is an important and difficult task for us and our contemporaries.

In the modern world, any activity cannot begin without a definite resonance in society. It is necessary to show people the importance of restoration to be able to solve this problem. This is a really complicated and expensive process. Even famous figures of architecture dealing with this problem cannot work without the support of the government and investors. Unfortunately, nowadays many architectural monuments are in disrepair and ordinary people do not often believe that it is right to invest great sums of money in their restoration. But recently more and more official organizations that deal with the protection of historical monuments are being created around the world. For example it is UNESCO World Heritage Centre; The International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage; International Council on Monuments and Sites and others. These organizations show the restoration of historical architecture as a state and public task.

But in some situations, attention to historical objects can have a negative impact on them. This is connected with non-professional specialists who are engaged in the restoration. Sometimes the city authorities set a goal just to make the appearance of historic buildings acceptable (for example before some


important events) and invite inexperienced restorers. But restoration requires a meaningful approach. It is necessary not only to make the destroyed facade beautiful, but also to take into consideration the original functions of the building, its significance and history. This is especially important in working with very old buildings. The Department of the Interior of the United States defined approaches to conservation in accordance with the condition of buildings:

Preservation, which involves just maintenance and care;

Rehabilitation, which involves replacement of many destroyed


Restoration, which seeks to preserve materials only of the most important periods;

Reconstruction, which just limits the ability to restore destroyed building elements.

Difficulties often arise after the analysis of original materials that require restoration. Almost all peoples had their own special construction technologies in different periods of time. Many of them can not be repeated in modern conditions for various reasons. It often cannot meet modern standards. But it is especially interesting that some ancient building technologies are unknown until now. For example, the Egyptian pyramids are still a mystery even for builders working with the latest building technologies. Architects should be particularly ingenious in such situations to find analogues for replacing materials and parts of buildings.

Sometimes constructions are turned into museums only after restoration, but the buildings are often restored for future use. In such cases they must comply with all modern construction requirements and regulations. Many old buildings do not even have basic communications. Installation of plumbing, wiring, heating and ventilating systems usually involves changes in many structural elements and the framework. The task of the restorers is to disguise all changes and preserve the historical appearance of the building.

The problem of combining historical and modern buildings in a single system of streets is common nowadays. Modern cities are often full of dissimilar architecture. Unfortunately, it creates chaos and effects on people’s state. It is always important to remember that architecture is, first of all, a harmonious and comfortable environment for people's lives. It is really difficult to perform the right restoration taking into consideration the new buildings around. Therefore, most modern houses are created in accordance with architectural monuments, which are located nearby. In any case, the viewer should be able to enjoy both individual buildings and the whole street panorama.

It would seem that the whole conservation ends after the first full restoration of all building elements. In fact, restoration and repair is only part of the work on preserving architectural monuments. Moreover, these actions


should be performed periodically. Taking care of architecture and protecting it from the effects of destructive factors is really a difficult task. And these facts do not include only the weather and climate, tourism has a significant impact on the condition of historical buildings. Each architect tries to create using his own solutions to these problems. And sometimes it is really unusual. But unfortunately, examples of really good restoration are not often found in typical cities. The importance of this action is obvious. Anyway, interest in this problem is increasing, providing a growth in funding. Modern architecture makes small but sure steps to maximize the preservation of the heritage of the ancestors. I want to hope that what we create now will be respected by our descendants.






Tokmakova E.V., Smirnova E.V., Patyaeva N.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


At present we can’t imagine our life without technology. Science doesn’t stand still. Now robotics is developing at great speed. Robots are used in many industries, such us medicine, space, entertainment, etc. Certainly the construction industry is not the exception. Robots-builders are actively introduced into production. And we are asking the question with interest or maybe even with fear: Can a robot replace a human?

In order to understand this question, you first need to know which robotbuilders are used today. They can be divided into two types depending on the principle: the first are using 3D printing to "print" houses, and the second are laying walls of bricks.

Robotic bricklayers work several times faster than a human. They can build a house in a few days. Australian company Fastbrick Robotics has created a robot bricklayer named Hadrian X. New robot Hadrian X is a 30-foot boom, mounted on a platform truck equipped with a manipulator, feeder, pump for mortar, and an additional tool. All its work is under control of the computer, which is pre-loaded with a model, prepared in a specialized program of computer-aided design. Based on this model, the computer calculates every single step of the robot's actions and starts working. The actual mechanism of the robot can lay 1000 bricks per hour, exposing some of them cutting and processing in order to keep the exact size of door and window openings, places


for wiring, piping and other elements of the future building. For comparison , a professional bricklayer lays so many bricks during a day. The authors claim the accuracy of laying is 0.5 mm, and the algorithms themselves are based on the loaded building model to determine the required number of elements and solution of complex assemblies.

The 3D press of houses have already been used actively in many countries. For example, there is the Chinese company WinSun which specializes in the houses built by 3D robots builders. The company has developed several prototypes of 3D houses that clients can visit: an affordable house, a waveshaped house or an ancient-style traditional Chinese house .This company takes the full advantage of the technology’s freedom of design. Winsun has advanced beyond prototyping and has sold more than 100 houses to date.

So, how does 3d printing happen? The electronic unit sprays the construction foam which forms the contour base of the structure. With each layer the construction robot builds an insulation material from the foam for subsequent filling with concrete and plastering. Also, the robot can print horizontally. Such a builder can create designs from pressed earth, sand and even ice. It will be necessary in those places where there will be a need to build buildings from other materials in conditions of a deficit of certain resources or an unconventional landscape. Such houses are more eco-friendly than usual and also their prime cost is many times less than the cost of houses built by a human.

So robot builders have a lot of advantages. Firstly is speed. Houses are built in record time. Secondly is the use of inexpensive materials, which greatly reduces the cost of the finished structures. Thirdly it is an environmentally friendly technology. Minimum waste is left after this construction on a site.

Of course, now these technologies are in a project stage. But in the near future these machines will make a huge competition to an ordinary worker. The


engineer robotics will become the most popular profession on a construction site.

Summarizing all the above things, we would like to say our subjective point of view. Studying this question, we came to the conclusion that replacing a person with a robot is inevitable in the future. If a robot performs manual work, the result will be better and more accurate and all in the shortest possible time. It seems to us that in the future the person will only need to press the button to start the robot off.

Lyulyukina E.V., Patyaeva N.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Nowadays civil engineering is widespread all over the world. It gives us a chance to improve, develop, learn something new and create the culture. Civil Engineering is one of the most important and influential spheres of our life. That's why people try to invent something new, unique and useful to make our life better and easier every day. One of such important developments and innovations became the technology of frame construction from metal profile which shows what people have achieved in construction.

Of course, frame construction, like most innovations, has advantages and disadvantages. The features of frame houses from metal profile are as follows:

lightweight frame, which reduces the weight of the whole structure very much;

speed of construction (it means that people don`t need tools such as level, metal square, plumb, drill and etc.);

it is used for construction of small buildings which are not higher than 4 floors.

Moreover, the construction is determined by reliability. Therefore, frame

construction from metal profile has as many positive factors as possible. It includes quality, strength and durability, an all-season construction, a fast construction, small heat loss, environmental friendliness, seismic resistance and fire safety.

There are 4 stages in the construction of metal frame houses. The first stage is the foundation. The lightweight structure of the frame and the light weight of the building make it possible to create a foundation that does not need exacting requirements for strength.

The second stage is the frame. It consists of such details as a horizontal frame; columns connecting the frame with the foundation; truss rafters; vertical


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