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In 2008, the network community "School Media of Nizhny Novgorod Region" was organized with the support and scientific guidance of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for Educational Development. "Support is provided by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (a branch in Nizhny Novgorod region), the editorial board of the regional newspaper Zemlya Nizhegorodskaya and editorial offices of regional newspapers.

Representatives of professional media regularly hold master classes for schoolchildren, form skills in working with different genres of journalism.

Within the framework of our research, together with the Department of Information Technologies of N. Novgorod Institute of Educational Development, a survey of school press center managers was conducted.

1)the newspapers are dominated by information and analytical genresin the almanacs and magazines - artistic journalism;

2)while printed types of school editions predominate, but there is a tendency to increase Internet newspapers. And school television is still an underdeveloped area of school press centers.

Participation in the process of creating school media allows the student to prepare for the transition to the adult world. Besides, he learns to express his life position through various genres of journalism.

Participation in the creation of school media is one of their actual ways of effective development of the communicative and speech competence of the student, which in turn is the key to the development of social relations of the subjects of the hyper-information space.








Abramov A.M.1, Belous Е.А.2

1«School №18» of Nizhny Novgorod,

2 Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The research is entitled «The unique fate of PriklonskykhRukovishnikovykh estate» is devoted to the study of the history of the estate. Its history was rich and interesting.

The relevance of the work is considerable as the estate is the masterpiece of Nizhny Novgorod region. Yet it is in rather poor condition. It is necessary to study the history in order to preserve the estate for the future generations. The object of the research is Priklonskykh-Rukovishnikovykh estate in Nizhny Novgorod region.

The history of the fortifications in Podviazye goes back to the 14th-15th centuries. During that period of time robbers used that construction as a hidingplace. In 1608 the territory was acquired by the commander of Marksman Troops. His name was Vladimir Onichkov and he joined the all-Russian volunteer army gathered by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin. At the end of the 18th century, the owner of Podviazye became the Director of Moscow University Mikhail Vasilyevich Priklonsky. He started the reconstruction work in the patrimony. Thus a huge seigniorial house, an outbuilding and household buildings were constructed. Also a beautiful garden was laid out with currant, apple, cherry and plum trees. Then a semicircular building was erected. It is a small copy of Admiralteyskaya square in St. Petersburg.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the owner of the estate Andrei Bogdanovich Priklonsky built an unusual Orthodox Church, Host Resurrection Church (Fig.1). It was constructed in memory of the victory over Napoleon. This magnificent structure is surrounded by columns; it also has a rotunda and a dome, decorated with a spire. There is a nearby campanile, designed in the form of a triumphal arch. According to the paper, the church has the same substructure and the building above ground level. All church’s windows were made of Viennese glass and ruby glass was used in stained-glass windows. In the mid-40’s of the 20th century, the temple was ransacked of its valuables and turned into a vegetable store.


Fig.1. Host Resurrection Church

At the end of the 19th century the owner of the estate was Praskovia Andreevna Kozlova. She was the last person who had the name of Priklonsky as she had buried the husband and the only daughter. The estate began to decline. In 1877 a young merchant Sergei Mikhailovich Rukavishnikov came to Podviazye. The purpose of his visit was to buy the mansion at any cost. Unfortunately, the old woman refused to sell the estate saying that the mansion would only belong to the grandee. However, two years later after the owner’s death Rukavishnikov managed to acquire the estate.

Rukavishnikov decided to get rid of the Priklonskys’ legacy, so the appearance of the estate was drastically changed. Firstly, the new owner ordered to cover the territory up with a three-meter layer of soil, as a result, the first floors of the buildings got underground. The exterior of the mansion was completely modified, the fretwork was knocked down and the walls were covered with cement (it was fashionable in those days). Red brick was used for smithies and stables, a centralized copper water supply, electricity and steam heating made the life more comfortable, greenhouses with pineapples and peaches yielded fruits even in winter. The Priklonskys’ family crypt was walled up which used to be in the basement of Host Ressurrection Church. The main entrance was bricked up and a new one appeared on the other side. It made the guests go round the house, which was extremely uncomfortable, but it was the owner’s will.

There are large river gateways in the estate (Fig.2). The road to them goes under the arch of a semi-circular structure which was built by the Priklonskys. It was a cobblestoned road. It was fortified by the iron rails. The end of the road is decorated with gothic river gateways, which were made in the form of a twostoreyed tower, resembling a medieval castle.


Fig.2. The river gateways

In 40 years the estate was transformed into an exemplary farming complex for breeding horses. The farmyards were constructed of stone. There were about 150 trotters in the stables. In 1889 the owner began to breed cows. Rukavishnikov was the only supplier of fresh unsalted butter in Nizhny Novgorod, which was packed in zinc bottles and daily delivered by steamships from his own loading dock on the Oka River. The integral part of the Rukavishnikov’s estate is the park with a central lime avenue that remembers the steps of strolling owners.

After the revolution the estate was destroyed. In the 90’s of the last century J. Potravko became the keeper of the complex. She is a wonderful guide. The estate is visited by a lot of tourists. The territory and the park were cleared away. Some buildings were partly restored. In 2016 11 out of 27 buildings were transferred to Nizhny Novgorod eparchy.

In conclusion it is necessary to say that the government should pay more attention to the unique estate. The history and memory of civilization is built into buildings, and only when we stop to consider them we can truly learn from our history. It is essential to learn the history of PriklonskykhRukovishnikovykh estate because it shows us who we are and where we came from.


Shmeleva Y.A.¹, Latipova E.M. ¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

1«Gymnasium №2» of Nizhny Novgorod,

2 Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



There are a lot of countries in the world where people speak English as their official language. However, this article is devoted to the study of the countries of the English-speaking world which are rather unusual due to their culture, traditions and national way of life.

The relevance of the work is that usually researches study developed and well-known countries where the population speak English. Such countries are the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. On the other hand there are a lot of small countries – former colonies of Great Britain – whose history, way of life, traditions and customs are of great interest. Among them are Swaziland, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea which are under analysis.

Thus, the object of the research is unusual countries of the EnglishSpeaking world, in particular Swaziland, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea. The subject of the research is their national peculiarities. The goals of the research are to study geographical location; history; national languages and national way of life.

At first we studied the location of the countries. They are located in different parts of the world. For example, Swaziland is in East Africa. The country has a king Mswati. Also information about their climate, population and capitals was under research. Besides, history and national languages in the countries were studied. It is necessary to emphasize that all three countries have ancient history, survived many hardships, were colonized and now they are among the poorest countries in the world.

As for language policy, English is spoken in all three countries but they have national languages as well. It is obvious from the studied data that language “situation” is very interesting and unusual in these countries. Apart from English people speak a lot of their national languages which not even familiar to European people. Tanzania's various ethnic groups typically speak their mother tongues within their own communities. According to the official national linguistic policy announced in 1984, Swahili is the language of the social and political sphere as well as primary and adult education, whereas English is the language of secondary education, universities, technology, and higher courts. The government announced in 2015 that it would discontinue the use of English as a language of education as part of an overhaul of the Tanzanian schools system.


At last the national way of life was studied. It includes traditions, national holidays, food and houses. The countries have a lot of interesting traditions. In Papua New Guinea, for example, boys become crocodile men at 18. In Swaziland tribes still participate in medieval ceremonies in order “to keep the evil out”. They dig a big pit put a man dressed in a long white cloak into the pit.

His face is covered with special written symbols. The rest of the tribe dance around the pit with the man calling out some spells. If they “see” that the evil is still “inside” the man they dig him in the pit or throw stones into him to kill.

There are many unusual (for Europeans) holidays, food is made of meat in most cases and the conditions in which people live are not satisfactory.

In conclusion it is necessary to say that the research work showed that Swaziland, Tanzania and Papua and New Guinea are wonderful countries with rich culture, history and traditions. They are not usual for European people, throughout their history their populations had to struggle for independence, better life and human rights.

The languages spoken in these countries are very diverse but English serves as the language of politics and education.

The conditions of life are poor. I hope that the countries will reach high level of life. The present-day level of life in these countries are very low, people suffer from famine, low incomes and diseases. The research revealed that people still live in huts and children of all age groups attend the same class in schools with no education facilities at all.

However, people have a lot of celebrations most of them are colorful and bright. They attract a lot of tourists to watch them.

There is still hope that someday Swaziland, Tanzania and Papua and New Guinea will reach high level of life and people in these countries will not suffer at all.


1.Balows S. Tales from Tanzania: A mostly true story / Amazon books com. 2004. – 220p.

2.Matsebula J.S.M. A History of Swaziland / 2nd addition. Maskew Miller Longman Pty.Ltd. 1988 – 100p.

3.Corazza I., Ropa G. The Last Men: Journey among the Tribes of New Guinea / Maskew Miller Longman Pty.Ltd. 2005 – 167p.





A.R. Mamrukova, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The theme of my article is the development of an information system for applied purposes using the example of a doubly-linked list of methods and functions for sorting, reading, writing and deleting from a text file. It consists of the name of the piece of music, the artist's name and the year of release.

In the modern world, people constantly use various gadgets, computers and mobile phones that are designed to simplify their lives. Therefore, it is considered that the activity connected with IT is the most developing and extremely profitable. Thus, considering the relevance of the topic the object of the research is C language.

C language, created by Denis Ritchie in the early 1970s in the Bell Laboratory of the American corporation AT & T, is one of the universal programming languages. C language is considered the language of system programming, although it is also convenient for writing application programs.

A program written in the C language consists of operators. Each statement causes execution of some actions at the corresponding step of the program execution. During the writing of operators, Latin capital and lowercase letters, numbers and special signs are used.

In a personal computer, the symbols are stored as codes. The correspondence between each symbol and its code is specified by a special code


Technical tasks are the following:


1) To save information to a file, to read data from a text file, to search

according tospecified criteria (sorting), to delete [Img. 3.]; 2)A program developed in C ++;

3) Time I spent on development is 10 hours. I would have hired 3 programmers. The labor intensity is 4 points out of 5;

4)I used the operating method of writing a program;

5)URL chart. [Img. 1.]


Img. 1. URL chart with two users and their possible actions

In conclusion it is necesssary to emphasize the advantage of the language c is the ability to use templates, maintaining various styles and technologies, and efficiency.




Vdovina O.G.¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

¹National Research University «High School of Econimics»,

² Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Nowadays predominating majority of educated people have been preoccupied with popularization of cryptocurrency which has been spreading rapidly all around the world during the past decade. Hardly had anybody heard such terms as “mining” and “faucet” when he wanted to immediately try it. That is why the trade is booming with students who try to earn some bitcoins playing computer games, businessmen buying up hundreds of mining hardware, traders investing billions in cryptocurrency. But is it really worth it or this global phenomenon is a new financial bubble?

Before making assumptions and conclusions, let us understand the basic concepts of cryptocurrencies.


Historically, when it comes to transacting money or anything of value, people and businesses have relied heavily on intermediaries like banks and governments to ensure trust and certainty. Cryptocurrency makes it possible to act without these intermediaries and, consequently saves your money. Sounds amazing, is not it? So what is needed to make this system work? Let us understand the mechanism on the example of Bitcoins.

Bitcoin was invented as a peer-to-peer system for online payments that does not require a trusted central authority. Since anything digital can be copied over and over again, the hard part about implementing a digital payment system is making sure that nobody spends the same money more than once, so the system is programmed in such a way that Bitcoins are non-reversible, the accounts cannot be frozen, and transaction fees are much lower. So how this money is created? Some users put their computers to work verifying transactions in the peer-to-peer network. These users are rewarded with new bitcoins proportional to the amount of computing power they donate to the network. Consequently, the more powerful computers you have the money you will earn. Roughly speaking, anyone who has a computer can go in for making digital money. However, the question arises: is not it a new financial bubble and is it worth investing in? As cryptocurrency is a hot topic nowadays, the world has largely divided itself into supporters and sceptics on the matter of this new financial technology. Let us consider both sides of the problem.

Some experts claim that cryptocurrencies and the bubble of Internet companies in the late nineties have many similar features. They say only the scale differs: much more money was involved in that bubble. But then, as it is now, there was awareness that the new technology will radically change the foundations of the economy. Many public people openly declare their distrust to the cryptocurrency. Among such people there is JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon.

It is a “fraud”, he said. “It’s worse than tulip bulbs … it will be the emperor with no clothes”.

Interestingly, the distrust is shown not only by individuals but also by a whole country. The Chinese government’s decision to order several Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies exchanges to close shows how much of a threat they are perceived to be to financial stability and social order in China. Not less important to mention, that it is almost impossible to earn coins at home without having huge computing powers. Nowadays there are hundreds of whole factories with billions of powerful computers in it which specialize on mining and it is useless to compete with them.

However, despite these negative sides the trade is booming and the value of cryptocurrency is dramatically increasing. In recent months, warning voices have grown louder as the digital assets known as cryptocurrencies have attained record valuations. Take into account the example of motioned above Bitcoin. It has soared this year, from $969 to more than $5,000 in September and it is continuing to grow. Another advantage of this cryptocurrency is that no central


power controls it. Central banks could indirectly manipulate cryptocurrencies but this will not change bitcoin’s value. Moreover, it is limited. There will only be 21 million bitcoins created, and 80% of this number has already been created. Also, encryption and decentralization make the system secure.

It should be noted that the main engine of cryptocurrency is no longer trade in prohibited goods. It is a well-known fact that such type of currency was widely spread in crime transactions, drug selling and so on. However the researchers from the central bank of Germany, University College London and the University of Wisconsin-Madison made a report which claimed that bitcoin has passed through three distinct phases of growth as a distributed payment system, the most recent and current of which they assert is driven by "legitimate payments, commerce and services". "Our results suggest that some recent concerns regarding the use of bitcoin for illegal transactions at the present time might be overstated, and that whatever such transactions may exist could further diminish as the bitcoin economy continues to mature." – it is said in the paper.

In conclusion it is possible to outline that cryptocurrency is undoubtedly a phenomenon of our century. It is hard to make any predictions about it. Nevertheless, I adhere to the point of view that it is likely not to be a financial bubble, but an outstanding creation of our generation. However, there are always pros and cons to any situation in life. To be able to make a good decision, you need to weigh the good and bad thoroughly before finalizing your choice. And if you finally decided to invest your money in cryptocurrency you should be constantly informed and aware what is going on with it as it is a highly risky asset and should be treated extremely careful.

Krotova M.A., Sarkisyan T.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Tourism is very important in the life of modern people. Every year millions of people leave their homes and go on journey. Tourism can offer an amazing range of opportunities for people. They can learn new cultures and traditions, develop themselves, and communicate with people from different countries.

Tourism in a modern society is very profitable. In some European countries it is a very important part of economy. Tourism invested by state money is becoming more and more popular with people.

Nizhny Novgorod is the one of largest cities in Russia. There are a lot of fantastic places of interest. In fact, some of them are really famous around the country. Needles to say about The Kremlin, the Pokrovka street, the Gorky


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