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columns (columns); welded beams; runs for covering the roof and fixing the wall panels to the frame.

The third stage is the roof. It includes stage-by-stage construction. In the beginning it is necessary to erect a rafter system; then make the crate and provide vapor barrier and water proofing; the final stage is laying the roof covering.

As a roofing material there can be used a wave slate, a metal tile, an ondulin and others. The choice depends on the slope of the roof, the design complexity and financial possibilities.

The final stages are warming and decoration of frame houses from metal profile.

Warming includes such layers as wall panels, a plaster, a plate of mineral wool, gypsum plasterboards, vapor barrier, Ecowool and waterproofing.

Recently heat-blocks are used for warming and external decoration. They are made of modern unique materials, which include a heater.

Decoration consists of only 3 layers. They are: a carrier layer, a warming layer, a facade layer.

The original solution of the decoration is a natural stone decoration. Also decoration with brick and siding are widespread.

Such step-by-step and understandable construction helps to quickly build a structure for different types of activities.

The price of a frame house with a metal profile includes the cost of a project, materials and constructional and mounting works.

Unfortunately, frame construction from metal profile isn’t widespread in Russia, especially with the use of steel foundations. However, many customers give positive opinions about it.

The task of builders is the development and application of useful and convenient inventions and technologies and their distribution throughout the world.


Ugolnikov M.V., Patyaeva N.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Each year we discover new information about advanced technologies in construction. We already know that houses can be built using 3-D printer, but not everybody knows that now it is being developed new and unique technology of creating homes that will be built from debris with the help of 3-D printer.

Not long ago Chinese architects invented a method of building cheap and affordable homes. Their main uniqueness is the huge 3-D printer that prints the property for different purposes right in front of the customers. But this would not be unusual, as we already know the technology of printing buildings. Their main secret is that they are made from the debris.

This project is being used by the company Winsun, whose experts want to solve two problems. One of the main challenges is to build inexpensive houses, as the cost of housing is very important nowadays. And the other task is to give the construction debris second life: This is very important because using construction waste in the right way, we will reduce the level of illegal dumps in the woods, on ranges and other places. The property of cheapness is understandable, since the purchase price for high-quality building material is very expensive and the price of the housing will be quite high. The purchase price of construction waste is significantly less, but the quality of the constructed buildings meets all safety requirements in operating areas.

Now let's talk about the technical characteristics of this device. This printer has a very impressive size 150*10*6 meters. The device is so powerful that can print 1 house a day. By the way consumables for the printer are components and substances that are made of construction waste. Their composition generally includes not only debris, but also some other binders. Its components are such as: cement, construction waste, waste of fiberglass and some other components. This results in a mixture that is not harmful to humans, and that makes the technology «green and clean». Moreover, the cost of each of these houses will not exceed 5 thousand dollars or 291500 thousand rubles. This is not a very large sum for such a property because the average cost per square meter of housing in Moscow – our capital, is about 220000 rubles.

The principle of machine operation is simple, clear and effective. A huge machine, which is loaded by special components as a consumable, constructs the exterior design, while the interior partitions are mounted manually. Thus, with the help of this technology it can be possible to solve the problem of affordable housing. Nowadays this technology is being very actively developed in China.


Fig.1. A house built from debris

Fig.2. The process of printing the internal and external walls

Fig.3. The construction of the frame house (top view)


However, in Russia in the near future it is only being planned to put this into operation as an experiment. Nevertheless, I hope that soon in our country there will be thousands of factories, which will produce consumables for 3-D printers in construction. This will make the cost of housing lower and their quality better than we have now.

Ukhanova D.A., Naumova M.V., Patyaeva N.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The question of energy efficiency has always been topical in construction. The task of using energy-efficient materials is put at the state level. The requirements of energy efficiency in housing construction constantly tighten. The largest heat loss is through the window openings. Before modern windows there are many tasks. The first is protection against weather conditions, the second is aesthetic appearance and the third is heat-insulating properties of windows.

Energy-saving glass has many advantages. With its help it is possible to create double-glazed windows, differing in quality and suitable for use in public buildings and in living quarters.


Energy-saving double-glazed windows are divided into three main types. The first type is double-glazed windows using k-glass. The technology of

glass production includes applying a thin layer of metal oxide to the molten glass. The coating has a thickness of up to 0.5 microns. This is sufficient for effective reflection the heat rays. The disadvantages of k- glass are high costs and uneven thickness of the metal layer which causes blinding glare.



The second type is double-glazed windows using i-glass. The technology of glass production is obtained by vacuum deposition of thin metal layers onto the prepared glass. The thickness of the metal is 0.08-0.012 microns. Heat reflective characteristics are great for this glass. Silver or titanium oxide is used as the heat-reflecting layer. I-glass is the most attractive in quality, cost and durability.


The third type - double-glazed windows with the use of glass with heatreflecting films. Films are glued to existing windows with double glazing or even ordinary glass. The multilayer film contains a metallic heat-reflecting layer


of silver, nickel or chromium. With such a glass it's easy to work. Ordinary people can use these films to improve the characteristics of balcony glass or old windows.

There are energy-saving ceramic films. This is a new type of heatreflective films. The heat reflection function is carried out by ceramic nanotubes. This kind has all the advantages of products with a metal layer. It promotes the growth of houseplants. This type of glass is often used in greenhouses. Longevity of film coatings is 15 years.

There are several ways to increase energy-efficient use of daylight.

The first way is to fill argon in the windows with double glazing. The characteristics of the thermal insulation can be increased when the inside of the window is filled with argon. The inert gas reduces the heat exchange between adjacent layers. The use of this method will benefit residents of regions with cold winters.


The second method is Reflex glass. Reflex glass acts as a reflector. It has a mirror surface. Reflex glass reduces the penetration of sunlight more than conventional energy-saving double-glazed windows. Modern technology regulates the degree of reflection. It is easy to make the glass transparent or completely mirror. Mirror glass has the additional advantage. It provides complete protection from viewing the interior of apartments from the street.

The third way is toning and reflective films. Decorative tinted films help to reduce the flow of sunlight. Different color options will help to supplement any interior of the house. More interesting are reflective mirror films. They are very similar to the reflector glass.

Using energy-saving windows with double glazing significantly improves the insulation of the premises.

Application of new technologies will allow more effective use of daylight.


Yunakova Y. P., Korneva O.N.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



Sleep is an amazing process, which always was shroud in riddles. Ancient people believed that during the sleep the soul leaves the body and travels to another worlds. But, what kind of process is it really?

Sleep (Latin somnus) is a natural physiological condition characterized by a lowered response to the surrounding world. It is inherent in mammals, birds, fish, and insects. Everybody knows that sleep is an important and integral part of our life. It is necessary for us to:

recovering of an organism

processing and storage of received information

to make up for energy

to improve immunity

Sleep phase

Sleep is divided on two phases: slow (Non-REM) and fast (REM)

Slow sleep. It comes immediately after falling asleep. The total duration

of the phase Non-REM is about 90 minutes. Breathing is calm, the pressure goes down, the brain is inactive, and the body is relaxed. You rest, restore physical strength.

Fast sleep. It follows the slow sleep and lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. The temperature and pressure rise, the heartbeats becomes more often. Eyeballs make rapid movements. The brain is actively working. You watch dreams.

Duration of sleep

The average duration of a person's sleep usually depends from numerous factors: starting from age, sex, lifestyle, nutrition and fatigue. A certain number of hours of sleep corresponds to a certain age. Newborns children sleep about 14 and 16 hours a day, adult only 7-8 hours


This is the most interesting part of sleep. The brain processes the received information, puts it on the shelves of our consciousness, sends important information to long-term memory, because of this we see bright images during the sleep. These people images called dreams. Dreamingis a subjective perception of images (visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory and olfactory) arising in the consciousness of a sleeping person.

Sleep Disorders

The somnology is a science, which studies sleep and its diseases. Modern medicine knows about 100 different diseases of sleep. Among the diseases of sleep, the widest spread type is insomnia.


Sleep impact to our studying and work. Everybody should have their own sleep regime. It supports mental and physical Activity. That's why we decided to make a research work. We tested 76 pupils of senior classes. The purposes were:

to set to relationship between regime to sleep and progress in


to compare regime of sleep

Prepared questions

1.When do you usually go to bed?

2.How fast do you fall asleep?

3.What time do you usually wake up?

4.Do you need an alarm clock in the morning?

5.Do you feel yourself tired after sleep?

6.What time do you the most energetic?

The results of the survey:

1. When do you usually go to bed?

21 PM – 1

22 PM – 4

23 PM – 11

00 AM – 19

01 AM – 21

02 AM – 17

03 M – 3

2. How fast do you fall asleep? Immediately (5-10 min) – 12 15-30 min – 23

30-45 min – 24

After an hour and more – 17

3.What time do you usually wake up?

05AM - 9

06AM - 25

07AM - 37

08AM - 5

4.Do you need an alarm clock in the morning? Yes – 65

No – 11

5.Do you feel yourself tired after sleep?

Yes - 37

No - 26 Sometimes -13

6. What time do you the most energetic? On the morning – 25

Day – 18

Night – 33


More than 50% of students have problems with sleep. Many schoolchildren go to bed after midnight and next morning they feel themselves tired. We also analyzed their progress in studying. The fact is pupils who have sleep disorders, have lower progress in studying in average.

We asked them to correct their regime of sleep. In a month we tested the same group again and result became much better. A month later 68 schoolchildren took part in the survey. 45 of them had sleep disorders.

1.When do you usually go to bed?

22PM – 9

23PM – 30

00AM – 20

01AM – 9

2.How fast do you fall asleep? Immediately (5-10 min) – 8

15-30 min – 48

30-45 min – 12

3.What time do you usually wake up?

05AM - 7

06AM - 40

07AM - 21

4.Do you need an alarm clock in the morning? Yes – 49

No – 19

5.Do you feel yourself tired after sleep? Yes - 8

No - 47 Sometimes -13

6.What time do you the most energetic? On the morning – 24

Day – 24 Night –20

This quiz showed pupils began to go to bed earlier and began to feel

themselves less tired and more energetic.

Sleep is very important for human being. If we sleep enough we have good progress in study and work during a day.

Good sleep helps to safe health and mental activity.


Dautova A.A., Korneva O.N.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The Russian Federation is а multinational country. There is an intensive cultural diffusion here, and also in the Tatarstan Republic. The region is interested in retaining the national character.

The capital of Tatarstan, the Kazan city is a big touristic center. It receives guests from different Russian regions and foreign countries. A national tatar costume gives the opportunity to feel the national flavor, that’s why we have to popularize it among the youth. Especially it is relevant in service sector, such as uniforms for airport, hotel and shop stuff. The traditional attire can be used in everyday life too, because it’s not only beautiful and comfortable, but also stylish and fashionable.

History of Tatar costume

From the ancient times tatar’s folk clothes has changed as much as their history did. The nomadic lifestyle had a great influence on it. Clothes must be comfortable for horse riding, warm for winter, but not hot and heavy for summer. Usually leather, fur, thin felt from camel or mutton wool and cloth were used for sewing clothes. Since ancient times, the Tatars' clothing has been known by its trapezoid shape, large size, and unusual brightness and wide variety of ornaments.

Traditional clothing contains wide trousers (“shtan”), a wide shirt (“kylmek”), a waisted outerwear of dark fabric (“kazakin”), a long warm outerwear of dark fabric (“bishmet”) and a waisted or straight-backed outerwear of the homespun (“chikmen“). Kazakin, bishmet and chikmen are varieties of caftans, they have different sleeves and collars. A robe or a caftan was put on top of the shirt. Men also used light knee-long outerwear without extra-layering

(“choba”), and women often used aprons and vests.

Over shirts men wore waisted kamzols, which were just higher than the knees, either sleeveless or with short, up to the elbows, sleeves. Men's outdoor clothes especially the straight-backed ones were belted with a long factory-made bilbau sash, which could be sewn from a fabric or knit from wool, brightened on the edges with braid.

A headgear of Tatar men was pretty simple. Tubetei scull-caps were made of the factory-made fabric, the dark one-colour fabric being often used. They were trimmed with embroidery (silks, gold and silver threads, beads). Scull-caps made of the dark velvet (kelepush), brocade or othet silks were not


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