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Invitation des architectes étrangères et connus à l’ENSAG, organisation des cours ouverts ;

La structure développée d’associations des étudiants à l’ENSAG

(plus de 6 collectives) ;

Intégration de service des ressources immobilières, mobilières et techniques dans processus d’étude ;

La soutenance obligatoire des projets a l’orale a l’ENSAG, jour inter studio – l’echange collectif d’expirience.

Dotsenko E. S., Ugodchikova N.F.

L’Université d’État d’Architecture et de Génie Civil de Nizhny Novgorod


En Europe et dans d’autres pays du monde on paie une grande attention aux problèmes liés à l’impacte des odeurs sur la santé de la population.

La présence de substances mal sentantes dans l’air entraîne toutes sortes de maladies, même parfois l’incapacité qui mène aux pertes financières.

Aujourd’hui dans presque tous les pays le règlement sanitaire de qualité d’air et de l’hygiène est mis en place car il est convenu que ce problème influt la santé de la population. Pour ce moment la concentration de ces odeurs dans l’air de grandes villes est énorme. Cependant en Russie le système de règlement des odeurs nuisibles dans l’air n’existe pas. Les plaintes interminables des habitants de grandes villes aux odeurs qui sont parfois insupportables restent sans réponse.

Dans la ville de Nijni Novgorod l’usine qui nuit à l’air le plus c’est l’usine produisant le beurre et la graisse et se trouve à 3 kilomètres du centre-ville. Au fil du temps les habitants des quartiers voisins sont forcés de respirer cet air car la pésence des odeurs malhodorantes ne dépasse pas la norme accéptée et surveillée par les organisations qui contrôllent l’état de l’air.

Une des methodes les plus prometteuses pour l’instant est celle de dégagement des odeurs nuisibles par la voie catalytique qui consiste en traitement de l’air avec les rayons infrarouges.

L’ensemble des methodes et des processuses permet d’assurer une purification de qualité d’air afin de se débarasser de telles composantes comme le sulfure d’hydrogène, toutes sortes de mercaptans, ammoniacs ainsi que des composés organiques volatifs.

Les premiers résultats ont été obtenu par l’entreprise Vodokanal de SaintPetersbourg et à Moscou sur Mosvodokanal.

Le shéma ne comprenant qu’une seule étape de purification de l’air a pu assurer le dégagement des substances mal sentantes des émissions de ventilation et l’air n’est plus mal sentant à la sortie.


En conclusion je voudrais dire que l’élimination des odeurs mal sentantes est un objectif multidimensionel et très chèr. Toutefois il y a des études en cours partout dans le monde . Ces odeurs mal sentantes sont maintenant traitées comme un facteur qui nuit à l’environement en général ce qui exige un traitement spécial comprenant la création des normes au niveau gouvernemental pour arriver à la réduction du niveau de l’émission des substances mal sentantes.

Pankstianova M. S., Kiselyova E. V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


1950S - 1970S

The research entitled “Architectural typology of housing in Gorky in the mid 1950s – mid 1970s” is devoted to the study of the architecture of residential houses in the city of Nizhny Novgorod in the Soviet modernism period. The aim of the research is to create the typology of residential buildings in Gorky of that time.

Since the mid-1950s a new important stage in the city development has begun. The stage is associated with the transition to mass industrial construction.

After the decree in 1955, which called for the elimination of excessive architectural decoration, the main design objective was to create utilitarian, lowend housing units for individual families. [1] There was taken a course for industrialization, standardization and the maximum amount of housing in the shortest time possible.

The decree of July 1957 on the further development of housing construction in the USSR laid the ground for mass construction of standardized residential buildings in the country. Sustainable development was based on creating microrayons of 4, 5 and later 9-storey mass panel, brick and block houses. (Microrayons—vast, state-funded housing estates built in the Soviet era).

The implementation of mass housing program allowed to ease the urgency of housing problem. [1] The period of the late 1950s – mid 1960s became a turning point in housing construction in the USSR. Not only the living space per person increased, but also one’s idea of the family “living environment” changed - from a communal flat and barracks to individual small apartments. The living conditions of Soviet citizens greatly improved.

The topic is worth researching because we continue living in the postSoviet urban space, being surrounded by buildings which represent Soviet architectural heritage. Most people in Russia and Nizhny Novgorod in particular


still live in mass-production houses of standardised design. Today we can study the architecture of this period not only from political and ideological points of view, we can look at it through the prism of modern architecture as well.

The research will help to create a system of knowledge in the history of architecture (including its late modernist period). The period of Soviet modernism can be regarded as a link between a fairly well-studied avant-garde architecture and modern architecture periods in the history of Russia. [3]

Housing policy and housing supply have been the most urgent problem throughout the history of the country. The analysis of the historical experience allows us to develop optimal housing strategies today. The Soviet experience in housing is unique and its problematic character has both negative and positive sides. We need to understand and accurately evaluate the housing policy and architecture of that period in order to understand and to solve housing policy problems that Russia is facing today. [2]

The city’s housing stock in the mid-1950s:

1.Pre-revolution stage (before 1917): - private houses (2-4 floors);

- apartment buildings (up to 6-8 floors).

2.Socialist stage (the stage of “Stalinist architecture”) (1930-1950s): - low-rise houses of individual design;

- large multi-family apartment buildings in the “Soviet Empire” style;

- standardized brick 3, 5, 9 storied houses in working class districts; - communal flats (shared apartments).

The city’s population continued to increase with lots of people coming to

the city from villages. People lived in barracks and communal flats in poor housing conditions . The situation required urgent reforms in the housing sector.

The study examined different type of houses built in Gorky, in the mid 1950s – 1970s. The houses were divided into the following categories:


-standardized 4,5-9 storied panel-built houses;

-standardized 4,5-9 storied brick-built houses;

-experimental 2-5 storied block houses;

-2-3 storied houses built collectively by factory personnel (“narodnaya stroika”);

2.By periods of mass construction (Fig. 1):

-the first generation of houses (“khrushchevkas”) (1958 – 1964). The series of houses: Т1, Т3, Т4, 1-408, 1-440, 1-300, 1-446С, 1-605А, 1-464, 1- 464А (the first generation), 1-447, 1-447С (the first generation);

-the second generation (“improved” houses) (1965 - 1970). The series of houses: 1-464А (the second generation), 1-447С (the second generation), II-29, II-18;

-the third generation (a “new” series of houses) (1971-1980s). The series of houses: 1-464Д, 1-464Н, Э-93, 1-528КП-41/42/43.


The main differences between these houses are: the number of stories; the material of the external walls; the arrangement of load-bearing construction elements; the elevator availability, garbage disposals, attics; the size of the rooms; the availability of utility spaces such as closets, balconies and loggias (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. The series of houses

The first generation of houses didn’t have elevators, attics and garbage disposals. They had limited number of stories (5 stories – the possible maximum to be built without elevators), external load-bearing construction elements. The walls of “narodnaya stroika” houses were made of cinder blocks, other houses – of silicate bricks and later concrete panels. The houses were built either with or without balconies. Room and utility spaces areas were minimal. The average


bedroom area was 6-9 sq. m, kitchen area - up to 6 sq. m. Given the fact that it was a single-family unit the adjacent rooms were made interconnected which was economically justified.

During the second stage of mass construction the standardized projects were corrected. The houses were built according to the improved plans: the total area of apartment was increased, the rooms were often isolated. They changed the height of the structures. Since 1965 they started to build 9, 12 and even 14 storied single-sectioned and later multi-sectioned houses. The kitchens were still small (5 - 7,5 sq. m) but the flats had built-in closets with shelves, the second balcony or loggia.

During the third stage, new standardized houses with high level of comfort were designed. The houses were built using block—sectioned method of construction which allowed more complex residential buildings geometry.

Fig. 2. Plans of the standardized houses.

In conclusion, the research is based on the analysis of architectural style through form, planning scheme, method of construction, building materials and regional character; comparative characteristics of spatial designs and layouts; trends in housing development and architecture of residential buildings related to the specific period of time.


1. Gorlov, V.N. Revolution in house-building: from communal to economical apartments for families in Moscow in 1950-s / V.N. Gorlov // Bulletin MSRU. - 2014. - № 3. - С. 125-132.


2.Korostin, S.A. Historical experience of solving the problem of improving the quality of housing in social and economic policy of Russia (Volgograd, Russia) / S.A. Korostin // The problems of the modern economy. - 2014. - №4 (52) - С. 387-391.

3.Fachrutdinova I.A. Public architecture of the soviet modernism period as a topical issue for research of regional architectural heritage (60-80-ies of the 20th century) / I.A. Fachrutdinova, D.D. Efimov // News of the KSUAE. - 2016.

-№2 (36). - С. 64-71.

Ablesimov A. N., Kiselyova H. V.

Nizhniy Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The problem I’m trying to solve in my work is the interaction of modern and historical architecture in a historic part of the old city. I consider cultural centers as a new typology of public architectural objects which can organically fit into the context.

Pic. 1. Design-site

My topic is worth researching because there remain fewer and fewer places with historical buildings in our city. The historical environment is being rapidly destroyed. The current regulations and laws can’t protect the environment from degradation. We can observe unregulated appearance of new buildings. In this regard, proper and appropriate development of such places in Nizhny Novgorod is becoming an acute problem.


The territory that I’ve chosen as the object of my research, is located in Pochaina ravine, it includes Ludilny Lane, delimited by Dobrolyubov Street and Architect Kharitonov Street (pic. 1).

My suggestion is to create a cultural and recreational center in this place to explore various options for interaction of old and new in architecture.

The aim of my work is to develop specific examples and to test certain territory assessment principles so that to preserve the uniqueness of the urban environment and to prevent its degradation.

In my work, I propose five levels for the territory assessment to determine the "genius loci", which will set the vector for evolutionary development of the territory.

History of the place – the event-history context of the place;

Accessibility – pedestrian and transport accessibility;

Structure – planning structure of the territory development (development pattern);

Scale – size of the environment elements;

Morphology – architectural features of buildings.

Table 1. Territory assessment

History of the




















History of the place

The area was formed not far from the river Pochaina, near the marketplace. Tradesmen and artisans initially settled here. In 1885 the river was diverted into the sewer tunnels, the Lykov Dam was constructed, so the residential area

became isolated from the main streets.

Today the design site is occupied by garages, a tire service, a recording studio, etc. The area is loosing its residential function little by little. People from dilapidated houses are being relocated.

The creation of a cultural and recreational center will turn this territory into a structural part of the city, its new public functions will revive the place, save the environment from degradation.


Neighborhoods with good transit capability as well as closeness of Bolshaya Pokrovskaya pedestrian street cause the need to increase pedestrian


accessibility of the area in order to connect Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street and Zapochainye.

The project also envisages the park alley in the ravine connecting the new residential area with the cultural center, planned by TMA Pestov and Popov.

The site is located at an equal distance from three tram stops. In future it is planned to create a road down in the ravine.


The structure of the territory was formed in several stages:

Formation of the manor buildings system, on difficult terrain (mid-XIX century).

Formation of Kuznechny Lane general building lines (end of XIX century).

Destruction of the manor structure, industrial construction (XX century).

The new structure should continue the evolutionary environmental formation from the manor to the district.

Scale, Morphology

The buildings of Ludilny Lane are very different: brick two-storey houses and wooden one-storey houses (late XIX - early XX centuries); industrial warehouses of the pre-war period; a residential building of the early 2000s; utility premises, technical structures and installations, garages.

The height of the buildings varies from one to three storeys. The extensive facade of house number 2, going deep into the site, as well as outbuildings in the yard, create the effect of a closed structure within the boundaries of the former estate and allow you to design a large complex structure in this place that could be in harmony with the surrounding environment.

The houses of the 19th century are stylistically eclectic. A more detailed study of artistic features of facades makes it possible to include them, after their reconstruction, in the new structure of the territory. It will also ensure more accurate adaptation of new objects towards the environment.

On the basis of the analysis, there’ve been created schemes and plans allowing us to carry out a really meaningful project in the historical part of the city, preserving the identity of the historic urban environment.


Mikhailov M.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The theme of the paper is infobox design in Nizhny Novgorod. Infobox is a temporary object which purpose is to provide citizens with the information on future significant projects. Building such objects becomes more and more popular in the context of rapid evolution and urbanization of the cities. The idea of the infobox design appeared with the realization of global renovation projects in the centres of European cities: Berlin and Hamburg. Such experience demonstrated that with the help of the infobox people could not only obtain information about future projects but receive remarkable and attractive architectural space in the city. Architectural character of the infobox is always bright and memorable and always fills up the city structure with a new public space, during the construction period, which is always inconvenient for citizens [1]. All in all the main tasks of the infobox are: to turn construction site into a friendly architectural space, to inform people and to involve them into the process of city renovation.

Nowadays Nizhny Novgorod is changing rapidly due to the holding the World Football Cup 2018 and preparation for the 800th anniversary of the city foundation. Significant architectural renovation is carried out in important streets, squares and river banks of the city. So, the problem of qualitative informing of citizens about forthcoming events has appeared. Designing of infobox can help to solve this important problem. That is why the theme «Infobox in Nizhny Novgorod» is urgent. The main aim of the research is to create an infobox in Nizhny Novgorod that will form a significant space in the city providing people with essential information.

Proceeding from the aim the tasks of the research are: firstly, to analyze native and foreign experience of the infobox design; secondly, to form principles of infobox design that are connected with Russian norms; thirdly, to create program-task for infobox design. The result of the research will be an architectural project of the infobox in Nizhny Novgorod.

To begin with it is important to get acquainted with fundamental examples of infoboxes. Such objects were built in Berlin and Hamburg in Germany at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries.

During the reconstruction of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin one of the first infoboxes in the world was built. The box became a point of attraction for a great number of citizens, a place of interest both for young people and for families.

Another important information object in Berlin is Humboldt Box that is connected with the reconstruction of Palace Square. The futuristic box is a


temporary exhibition space and viewing platform for citizens. It has become not only a place of interest for people but a bright mark in the historical structure of the city [1].

Renovation of the historical part Hafen City in Hamburg faced another approach in the infobox design. The government of the city created a system of pavilions that demonstrated people information on future projects. This practice shows us complex method of informing people about changes in the city. Hafen City Infocentre is situated in an old industrial house dating from 1886. Scale model of the renovation meets visitors inside the historical building. Other infoboxes has been built rather recently. The first one is dedicated to sustainable urban development and another box is a central information point for Hamburg residents and visitors in the heart of Hafen City. The other part of the system is Elbphilharmony Pavillion which has been dismantled today because the opera house in Hafen City has already been built [2].

Architectural practice of the infobox design based on German experience is being spread rapidly all over the world. Today there are many famous information blocks in America, Asia, in many European countries including Russian Federation. For the last years architectural requirements for the infoboxes have been formed rather precisely.

To sum it up, infobox designing in Nizhny Novgorod is an urgent and important theme for contemporary city development.


1.Gel’fond A.L. The role of an info-box in the formation of public space

(the case of Berlin) / Gel’fond A.L. // Privolshskii nauchnii zhournal. - 2014. -

№1 - p. 76 – 79.

2.Official homepage of HafenCity


Trunina E.I., Kiseleva E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Modern day construction intensively moves to historic urban areas which undergo reconstruction. The purpose of the reconstruction is to improve the standard of living in the urban environment and to show respect for the historical heritage. The whole thing gives rise to a controversial issue deriving from the combination of old and new in architecture.


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