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develop natural immunity, but a small part of especially sensitive children can have a risk of leukemia. According to the hypothesis of Greaves, the cause of child ALL can be a variety of nonspecific pathogens (e.g. influenza viruses) that cause spontaneous mutations in B-cells of children who had little contact with pathogens at the age of 1 to 2 (for example, those who did not attend public nurseries).

Genetic predisposition – mutations that cause ALL with high penetrance, have not yet been detected. However, large-scale studies of the disease genome have revealed that some allelic variants of genes are associated with an increased risk of developing ALL. Such alleles have an additive effect. The products of these genes are involved in the differentiation and proliferation of blood cells. Also, the risk of developing ALL has dramatically increased concerning patients with Down's syndrome - about 40 times in childhood at the age of four

The clinical picture of ALL in childhood.

The clinical presentation of ALL in childhood is very variable and is caused by tumor infiltration and impaired function of the affected organs. The intoxication syndrome is manifested by asthenia, fever, malaise, weight loss and loss of psychomotor skills in early childhood.

Dysfunction of the bone marrow is manifested anemic syndrome: pallor, tachycardia, a decrease in exercise tolerance. Hemorrhagic syndrome can be caused by both thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy, and is manifested by purpura, nasal and gastrointestinal bleeding. Fever can be caused by leukemia or by the course of a bacterial, viral or fungal infection, especially with children suffering absolute neutropenia. Hyperplastic syndrome includes an increase in peripheral lymph nodes in the form of palpable dense, painless conglomerates.

Leukemia infiltration of the periosteum and articular capsule, bone marrow infarction and tumor increase in bone marrow volume lead to the development of pain in the bones. In this case, the radiographs show characteristic changes, especially in tubular bones, near large joints.

There are cases of significant increase in kidneys as a result of leukemia infiltration, while clinical symptoms of kidney damage may be absent. Rare complications are infiltration of the myocardium and exudate pericarditis during obstruction of the lymphatic drainage pathways between the endocardium and the epicardium.

Disturbances of respiration can be associated with an increase in lymph nodes, leading to the development of "upper mediastinum syndrome" - compression of the upper respiratory tract. Sometimes leukemic infiltration of the lung tissue can occur. The defeat of the eyes in ALL is manifested by loss of visual fields, associated with hemorrhage in the retina, infiltration of blood vessels. Blindness can develop with damage to the optic nerve. The defeat of the central nervous system is manifested by symptoms of intracranial hypertension: vomiting, headaches, as well as cranial nerve paresis.


Diagnosis of ALL.

The diagnosis of ALL is established if more than 25% of the lymphoblasts in the bone marrow are detected. A cytochemical study reveals a population of PAS-positive cells that are negative in response to myeloperoxidase. The central role in the diagnosis of ALL belongs to flow cytometry.

Modern diagnostics of ALL should include cytogenetic and moleculargenetic research, as well as the determination of a DNA index, a cytometric index that reflects quantitative chromosomal abnormalities in tumor cells. An extensive cytogenetic study of ALL is an extremely time-consuming process, which is not available at every clinic.

Treatment of ALL in children.

The most successful programs are based on intensive chemotherapy. The frequency of clinical-hematologic remission in the group of patients of the first year of life is 89-94%, which is only slightly lower than that for ALL patients in general, however, the high frequency of early relapses and their resistance to second-line therapy worsen the long-term results of treatment. The reasons for the ineffectiveness of standard chemotherapy are the features of the biology of the disease, manifested by primary resistance to a number of chemotherapeutics, as well as the peculiarities of the metabolism of medicinal substances in childhood, which can lead to both insufficient exposure to chemotherapy drugs and their excessive toxicity.

The methods of treatment have made great progress in the last three decades and the chances of the child to fully recover have greatly increased. Modern diagnostic methods and standardized protocols of combined chemotherapy have resulted in the recovery of about 90% of children and adolescents who are suffering from ALL. If the child has lived after treatment for 5 years without relapse, he is considered to be healthy.

ALL is one of the most important and urgent problems of medicine and society. The disease, as shown in statistics, affects mainly children, thus causing serious harm to society, besides this is a huge personal tragedy for the child and his parents. Taking into account the statistical data, recently there has been an increase in the incidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia among children. But modern science is developing and leukemia is treated. You definitely shouldn’t be afraid of this diagnosis or lose faith. The main thing is to apply to a doctor in time and to conduct proper examination.


1.Менткевич Г.Л. Лейкозы у детей. Практическая медицина.

2009. – 384 с.

2.Абдулкадыров К.М. Гематология: Новейший справочник. —

М.: Эксмо; СПб.: Сова, 2004. — 928 с.

3.Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Access mode:



Deryabina A.I.1, Belous Е.А.2

1«Gymnasium №13» of Nizhny Novgorod,

2 Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



The research is entitled «The construction of the Palace of Children’s Crafts» is devoted to the study of the history of the building.

The relevance of the work is great as the Palace is one of the most beautiful buildings in Nizhny Novgorod and it is worth our attention. It is necessary to consider the history because it harbors beauty. It serves as the most vital evidence in our modern world to figure out why the past should be valued and preserved for the future generations. The object of the research is the Palace of Children’s Crafts in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Palace of Children’s Crafts is familiar to the residents of Nizhny

Novgorod. But at first this construction was built for Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Peasants’ land bank.

The Peasants' Land Bank was founded during the reign of Tsar Alexander III, by the Minister of Finance, Nikolai Bunge. The main goal of the Bank was to help peasants purchase their own farms in 1883. Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Peasants' Land Bank opened on 16 January, 1897 and was located in the commercial apartment house in B. Pokrovskaya Street. On 4 June, 1913, Bank directors asked the Ministry of Finance to allow the construction of its own building. Soon the site for the construction was ready. It was in the centre of the city, on the corner of Malaya Pecherskaya (now Piskunova Street) and Tikhonovskaya Street (now Ulyanov Street). The project of the new building was made by the architect from Simbirsk, Fedor Osipovich Livchak. By that time he had already built banks in Tambov (1911) (Fig.1) and in Kursk (1913) (Fig.2).

Fig.1. Tambov

Fig.2. Kursk

The conceptual idea of the design was the personification of the bank in the form of a colossal hut with a common gabled roof. The construction of the


bank began during the reign of the mayor, Dmitry Vasilievich Sirotkin and he provided financial support. The project manager was P.V. Kikin. The best materials, constructions and technologies were chosen by tender. Though the construction work was done during war time everything was conducted at a very high level. The up to date equipment was installed: steam boilers for heating, bronze taps, American blinds, water supply system and a telephone. In 1917 the new building was occupied by the Bank. However, it was closed in1918. And the Council of National Economy was placed there in 1920.

Fig.3. The Palace of Pioneers

In 1937 the government made the property over to the Palace of Pioneers. A lot of CAS (creativity, action, service) activities were opened there, the first swimming pool for children in Russia and the Club of young cynologists. During the Great Patriotic War the building was occupied by the orphanage. Since 1946 the building has been used as a youth centre (Fig.3).

The facades of the building have completely preserved their architectural appearance. The building is constructed in Neo-Russian style. The Old Russian architectural forms were used as decorations on the building frontage. The structural arrangement of the Palace was made in modern architectural style. The historical elements of the interior decorations were also protected, including wooden window bindings, a grand staircase, oak walls of corridors and a meeting room.

In conclusion it is important to emphasize that the Palace of Children’s

Crafts is one of the most beautiful buildings in Nizhny Novgorod. It is like a piece of fairytale in our modern world. It is the current generation’s responsibility to leave it for the future’s generations.


A.D. Serov¹, D.A. Loshkareva²

¹MAOU "School №45", N. Novgorod,

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



The article is entitled” Types of Bears and their habitats on the planet“. The theme was chosen due to the great love and respect for the bear, the symbol of Russia. Not only is it strong and beautiful, it is also clever and has its own important place in the nature.

The object of the research is the bear and its kinds.

The aim of the work is to dwell on the species diversity of the bears. Some questions were put in for consideration.

Firstly, it is important to describe the species of the bear living on the planet. Secondly it is vital, point to the problems of their living. Thirdly it is necessary, to tell how people interact with the animal and how they try to restore the bear population.

Despite the fact that the bear is a dangerous beast and meeting with the animal may have a dramatic effect for a man. But imagine you live in the world where there are no wild animals - tigers, lions, crocodiles, bears. Nothing will threaten you. Nothing can be dangerous for your living. Then can other animals and plants exist in this case? The answer is "no ". The bear is one part in the sacred chain of all the living on the planet.

I bet you know very little about the bear, its types and habitats. A lot of people have never heard of some species of this animal. Bears belong to a big group of the mammals. There are eight types of them: the Brown Bear, the Polar Bear, the Black Bear, the Himalayan Bear, the Malayan Bear, the Big Panda, the Spectacled Bear and the Sloth Bear, in other words, the Bear-Gubatch.

The most popular and recognized type is the Brown Bear. It is widely spread in Europe, Asia and North America.

The Polar Bear is the biggest one among the other species. They are called the symbol of the Arctic and attract travelers by its beauty. People like to watch it moving on the snow, swimming and diving in the water.

The Black Bear can be seen only in North America. When meeting with an American bear it is not recommended to pretend still or dead (like in case with the Brown Bear). There is sense to make a loud noise to avoid attack.

The Himalayan Bear is a kind of a mountain animal. On its chest there is a white spot in the form of ‘V’.

The Malayan Bear represents the smallest type and lives in the peninsular Indo - China. In captivity the bears are kept and bred on farms using the extraction of the bear bile. This species is listed in the international Red Book


and included in Appendix 1.of the Convention on the International Trade of the Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Their exact number of the Malayan Bear is unknown.

The Spectacled Bear is the only representative of the bear family in South America. As their areal Spectacled Bears prefer mountain forests on the Western slopes of the Andes, but often appear on the open meadow slopes and low-lying savannas.

The Giant Panda is the most peculiar species. For a long time there were a lot of debates among scholars on in what family the giant Panda should be included. It is a mammal animal of original black-and-white coloring fur and some signs of the Raccoon. Giant Pandas have their home - place in Central China - Sichuan and Tibet. Since the second half of the XXh century Panda has become a kind of the national emblem of China. The Chinese name ‘Pinyin’ means ‘bear-cat’. Its Western name comes from the small Panda. Earlier it was also called the Spotted Bear.

Considering the problems bears encounter, the following crucial changes of the nature were mentioned in the work: global warming, caused by the greenhouse effect, activities of people, nuclear explosions, wars, fires, gas pollution. Besides, a lot of species have cruelly been killing what damages the nature and destroys its balance.

The fact that the planet is in danger nowadays is common knowledge for all thinking people. Mankind must do the best to cope with the situation. That is why most species of bears are included in the Red Book. National parks and reserves are built. People establish special laws, restrict hunting and create other favorable conditions for their living.

No doubt, the relationship ‘man – bear’ requires constant special attention of scientists. It deserves their detailed study to keep safe everything that is given to us by the nature.


1.Дежкин В. В. В мире заповедной природы. — М.: Сов. Россия,

1989. — 256 с.: ил. — С. 181—182.

2.Соединенные Штаты Америки: Общегеографическая карта / сост. и подгот. к изд. ПКО «Картография» в 2005 г.; гл. ред. Г. В. Поздняк; ред. Г.

Ф. Кравченко. — 1:6 000 000, 60 км в 1 см. — М., 2005 (М.: ПКО

«Картография»). —ISBN 5-85120-228-9. — 200 экз.

3.Запад США // Атлас мира/ сост. и подгот. к изд. ПКО «Картография» в 1999 г.; отв. Ред.: Т. Г. Новикова, Т.М. Воробьёва.— 3-е изд., стер., отпеч. В 2002г. С диапоз. 1999 г. — М. : Роскартография, 2002.

— С. 238—239.— ISBN 5-85120-055-3.


Kokotkina D.M.¹, Aleshugina E.A.²

¹MAOU "School №19", N. Novgorod,

²Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The article is devoted to Franchesko Bartolomeo Rastrelli – a famous Italian architect who contributed a lot to construction in Saint Petersburg. He lived in the 18th century.

Let us start with the fact that tsar Peter the First was obsessed with the idea to build a new Russian capital on the Neva River near the Baltic Sea. This new capital had to resemble European cities. So, hardly had he founded Saint Petersburg when skilled and experienced designers, artists, architects were hired to work in Saint Petersburg. B.K. Rastrelli (1675-1744) was among invited artists. He was a sculptor from Paris. He was father of F. B. Rastrelli. In 1715 B.K.Rastrelli signed an agreement to serve Peter, make statues for him, design houses and create artificial colored marbles for Saint Petersburg. F.B. Rastrelli was 16 at that time and he helped his father in his work from the first day. The boy was fascinated by the greatest construction site of that time. He started to love Saint Petersburg with all his heart and devoted his life to it.

In 5 decades F.B. Rastrelli became the most important person in architecture of the 18th century. The first work of his was the construction of a palace in Million Street. The palace was his first one but scientists say that it was very talented. Between 1727 and 1730 F.B. Rastrelli created a project of brick palace with a garden for prince Dolgoruky and Arsenal building in Moscow. In 1730 F.B. Rastrelli started to construct a wooden palace in Moscow

Kremlin which was later transmitted to the tsar’s residence in the Yauza.

F.B. Rastrelli had fame as a master of great architectural forms. Thus, tsarina Anna Ioanovna ordered him to build a winter house for her in Moscow Kremlin, a summer house in Moscow in Lefortovo and a winter palace in Saint Petersburg. Unfortunately, none of them survived till our time. The tsarina was so impressed with the palaces that her favorite duke Biron wanted F.B. Rastrelli to build two palaces for him in Kurlandia. Building these palaces F.B. Rastrelli was in search of new architectural forms and styles. For these works F.B. Rastrelli was awarded a title of the chief architect of the country in 1738.

When he returned to Saint Petersburg he had to build a new summer palace in the place where Mikhailovsky palace is now. After the foundation was laid the power in Russia changed. Some nobles wanted F.B. Rastrelli to leave Russia because he reminded them about the previous emperor. But tsarina Elizabeth wanted to have many wonderful palaces. The monumentality and rich


decoration of them had to show the power and strength of Russia. F.B. Rastrelli was the only architect of that time who was able to fulfill this task. In 1747 he started to construct a palace in Petergof (pic.1). A very beautiful building faces the sea. A. Benua was so delighted to see it that he wrote “it looks as if Petergof was born from the sea foam”.

Then the tsarina ordered to construct a palace in Tsarskoe selo. It took the architect 5 years to build the most wonderful out-of-city palace for Russian tsars. The palace is 740m long. Also he constructed some beautiful pavilions nearby. The stunning ensemble in Tsarskoe Selo is the pearl of Russian Barocco. The architect decorated all the facades and used a lot of color. He was rich in decorative details. His style was known as Barocco of Rastrelli. This style became fashionable very fast and all rich nobles wanted to decorate their palaces in the same way. Even today we can admire some of them. In 1750-s Rastrelli started to design the Strelna palace and the new Winter Palace (pic.2). It was a long and difficult work but millions of people admire them now. The Winter

Palace was the last greatest work of the architect. He was awarded by St Anna’s medal for it. F.B. Rastrelli was a great architect, his palaces are alive today and gladden our hearts. The square in front of Smolny bears his name.

Pic. 1. Palace in Petergof

Pic. 2. Winter Palace


From architectural point of view all Rastrelli’s works are very interesting for research. To decorate the buildings the famous architect uses colourful veneer, plasterwork, columns, bar reliefs, sculpture and windows of special form. The style of Palace buildings of Rastrelli is characterized by a wide use of polychrome facades of the semicircular ends of the windows and half collected, usually in bunches and pairs. The exterior columns and pilasters do not play a constructive role, but rather they are of tectonic decor. Large halls cover the entire depth of the floor, when interior decoration avoids curve linears, typical of the most radical manifestations of the Baroque aesthetics.

Rastrelli was not fond of surround contrasts in the total mass of the Palace buildings. Nevertheless his palaces look solemn and festive. In order to avoid monotony Rastrelli sought to "saturate the plastic facade game columns, pilasters, rustication, variety of frames and windows, as well as wealth colors.

It is known that Rastrelli, as a rule, did not do a traditional strip foundations, and created a powerful platform-a raft of natural stone and brick on pile foundations. This enabled him, when necessary, partly to redistribute the load. We can say that this is a distinctive feature of the architect Rastrelli as an outstanding engineer who knew perfectly well how the need to erect constructions on weak soils in terms of St. Petersburg. In the cult buildings Rastrelli combined elements of European Baroque, learned in his youth during his visits to Europe, with Russian architectural traditions, partly gleaned from the repertoire of the Naryshkin style - the shape of the onion domes, contrasting color scheme.

Undoubtedly, F.B. Rastrelli is one of the most outstanding architects who contributed a lot to the beauty and glory of Saint Petersburg.


1.Микишатьев М.Н. Прогулки по Центральному району. От Дворцовой до Фонтанки. [Электронный ресурс]. 2010. 605с. https://yadi.sk/i/YMzd-knJsnUJR



Ponomarev P.V.1, Kalina O.V.2, Aleshugina E.A.2

1«School №91 with in-depth study of specific subjects»,

2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Against the background of the emerald greenery and the blue sky, the fairy-tale building in the picturesque Argyllshire, on the shores of Loch Fain Lake is a harmonious and majestic building. It is called Inverary castle.


The unique architecture of Inverary Castle is an incredibly successful combination of three architectural solutions - Baroque, Gothic and Knight's Fortress. It took a long time to build the castle, so the history of its appearance is surrounded by secrets and legends. It is called a castle from a fairy tale and a secret treasure of Scotland.

For many centuries the castle belonged to the Campbell family, the Dukes of Argyll, being their family estate.

Thus, the design of the castle began in 1720, when Sir John Vanbrugh began drawing sketches of the future palace. After the death of the chief designer of the castle, the construction was transferred to other architects, Roger Morris (Roger Morris) and William Adam (William Adam), who set to work on the construction of the palace in 1746.

It was completed by order of Archibald Campbell, the third Duke of Argyll (Archibald Campbell the third Duke of Argyll) in 1771 [1].

Light, built of a bluish-green stone, with round towers, it seems to come out of a fairy tale, storing the unsolved stories of the Campbell family (Fig. 1).

The Norman style of Inverary is somewhat similar to Howard Castle and Blenheim Palace, but still belongs to the ideas of different architects who lived in the same era, by the way, the stone from which the castle was built is found only in western Scotland.

Fig.1 Inverary Castle

Scottish castles-palaces of the XVII century combine the severity of mountain fortresses, the elegance of French chateaux, the refinement of the baroque style and the loftiness of the Gothic. But hardly in all of Britain there is a more romantic castle than the castle of Inveray. There is no doubt that in the thick walls of the castle secret passages and secret rooms are hidden.

Like every other ancient castle, the castle of Inverary has several ghosts. One of them, in the manner of the Baskervilles dog - a ghostly rook, is the only representatives of the Argyll family, its appearance means the imminent death of one of the members of the genus. The second is the ghost of a harpist girl killed in these places in the middle of the 17th century. She comes to women and many of them claim to hear the sad sounds of playing the harp in the castle. Other


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