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ceteris paribus have been populated more densely than the mountainous, river valleys, as well-drained areas and movement paths (often chosen by the people for living than dry river or wetlands areas). The most common group and the system of settlements in the world is riverines, piedmonts and ports. That is where the terrain and hydrography were allowed to produce products exchange them. Almost all the capitals of the world are located on the banks of the rivers or seashores.

The historical factor played an important role in the process of population ressetlment.The concentration of population in the cities has been happening throughout the history. Thus, speaking about the distribution of population and forms of settlement, it is impossible to forget about the world the process of urbanization. New towns will have to be built to house the population of those areas which have spilled over [4]. To concretize the thesis you can compare the Eastern and Western hemispheres (respectively 80 and 20% of the population), the Northern and southern hemisphere (90 and 10%). It is possible to allocate the least and the most populated areas of the Earth. The first one includes almost all of the highlands, a large part of the huge deserts of the Central and South West Asia and North Africa, some arrays of the tropical forests, Antarctica and Greenland. The main population clusters we consider East, South and SouthEast Asia, Western Europe and the North-Eastern United States [5].

Fig.1. The population of the countries of the world

The next factor is reproduction. Reproduction of the population is the most characteristic of a population which deals with demography studies. Under the reproduction of the population we understand its constant renewal as a result of the processes of fertility and mortality, which characterize the natural movement of the population, i.e. its increase or decrease. A very important issue about the factors of fertility has been studied by many demographers. Even though their views vary, they all agree that the factors influencing fertility can be formed into several groups.


Firstly, it is natural-biological factors for example, different times to peak sexual maturity in countries with hot and cold climate (it increases or reduces the duration of fertile cycle of women). Secondly, it is demographic factors. These include sex structure of the population, which may be either proportional or severely deformed with a large preponderance of one sex. Even greater impact on fertility rates has age structure of the population. Thirdly, socioeconomic, cultural and psychological factors that play a crucial role in population reproduction. One of them usually related to the overall well-being, the improvement of which increases the life expectancy of people and the "aging" of the population as a whole with the resultant demographic consequences. It is necessary to keep in mind that a high level of welfare usually implies a high level of education. The fertility rate is almost always reduced in cases when a woman has the opportunity to get an education, and increases when she is deprived of it. Among the socio-economic factors influencing fertility dynamics are considered the level of urbanization. It has long been observed that urban fertility is lower than rural residents, where the children assist in agricultural work, firewood, performing many household chores; by some estimates, the difference in birth rate among these groups is approximately 1/3[2].

In conclusion, it should be stressed that, peculiarities of population resettlement is the result of many factors: natural, historical and socio-economic. According to experts the main reason is economic reason, i.e. the natural desire of people to either find a job or get a better payed job. At the heart of such population shift there are certain economic laws. They are influenced by the uneven nature of the global socio-economic development. Along with economic, external migration political reasons should be considered. Among the other reasons of external migrations social, family, national, racial, religious can be called. In the modern world labour migration has a dominant role.


1.Percik, E. N. Cities in the world. Geography of world urbanization [Text] / E. N. Percik. – M.: International relations, 2004. – 413 S.

2.Biryukov, P. N. Demographic statistics, population and composition of population [Text] : uchebn. manual. / R.N. Biryukova. – M., 1970. - 21 S.

3.Iontsev, V. A. International population migration. Russia and the modern world [Text] / V. A. Iontsev. – M: Dialogue, 1999. – 296 p.

4.Шмонина М.А., Смирнова Е.В. Миграционные процессы населения // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2017. – № 4-10.; URL: http://www.eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=17765 (дата обращения: 20.10.2017).

5.Аветисян С.M., Смирнова Е.В. Влияние современных

экологических проблем на здоровье человека // Международный


студенческий научный вестник. – 2017. – № 4-9.;URL: http://www.eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=17691 (дата обращения:


Sautkina E.N., Aleshugina E.A., Loshkareva D.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Nowadays information is considered to be one of the most significant resources and IT-technologies involve almost every human field of activity. At this time, we can hardly imagine any organization not using computer technologies. Therefore, IS arouses special interest, as long as they serve as a necessary tool everywhere.

Information system (IS) - is an organized system for collecting, storing and providing information. The development of the information systems creates additional sources which people use to collect, process and distribute data.

The purpose of this work is to develop and create an application-oriented information system that processes information about different music bands in a C++ programming language.

The system is intended for people who are interested in music and not indifferent to it.

The system must include the following parameters:

Reading a file

Data input from a keyboard

Writing to a file

Deleting from a file

Searching data by different criteria

Having a familiar menu

The information system was written based on these criteria in the development environment: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. The system is intended for people who are interested in music and not indifferent to it.

In pictures 1, 2, 3 you can see the screenshots of the program. Picture 1 is the main menu of the program. The main menu has 4 items: search, concert for luck, editing, exit. If we select item №1, the program will offer several options, depending on the criteria for which we want to find a concert or a music group [Pictures1- 2]. Lucky concert is a random choice of any concert from all available in the database. This item is intended for the user, who finds it difficult


to choose a concert and allows the program to make this choice for him. Editing of the database of concerts and musical groups can also be done on several points. Here [Picture 3] you can add a new concert or delete an existing concert. From any menu item in the program, you can exit to the main menu or close the program, which allows the user to navigate conveniently through the menu items. Thus, all the tasks were accomplished.

Pic. 1. Main menu

Pic. 2. Search menu

Pic. 3. Edit menu

The result of the work is a developed information system and its console application.

As examples of prospects for the further development of the system, we may speak about enhancements of functionality and process automation.

In conclusion, I want to say that information systems connected with processing and providing data are currently more and more relevant, gaining a greater importance in social life.





Boriskina E.S., Kovalenko O.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Nowadays the progress is not standing still. Human society is developing actively: people increase their knowledge multiplying their capabilities. They calculate, develop, design and build. As a result of this evolution villages turn into urban-type settlements, urban-type settlements to cities, and cities into metropolises. Every year the number of buildings and constructions increases, hitting with its scope. However, along with great success there are great defeats.

No matter how are unique, accurate and useful modern machines and equipment, a large part of the design and construction of the building depends on the human factor. Machines are accurate and reduce probability of errors to a minimum but people can not only make mistakes but also learn from them. This distinguishes and exalts it above the machines. Around the world tens and hundreds of thousands of professionals are preparing in the design and construction of buildings and structures. This work shows existing failures of engineering and teaches to learn from the mistakes of others.

Everything built by a man is used in a particular area of his life. The number of these regions is directly proportional to the number of types of buildings in settlement where he was wrong. In other words, history knows failures in the construction of houses as well as of bridges, windmills, libraries, arenas, etc. Despite the variety of structures, you can find some patterns in errors in their design.

The most common type of errors in the design of the building is that the engineer forgets to consider some of the circumstances in which the construction occurs. Usually they forget to take into account natural phenomena, such as precipitations or the direction and force of the wind. For example, in the 80s of the twentieth century in the United States many indoor stadiums with a roof made of fiberglass were built. Such roofs kept its shape only by internal pressure created by the special fans inside the stadium. This fabric is a cheap alternative to other building materials and therefore were so popular. These stadiums were built across the country and even in the Northern cities such as Minneapolis. Engineers did not realize that in such cities average annual rainfall is higher. As a result, in 2010 in Minneapolis at the Metrodome at first, sagged and then broke the roof under the weight of lying snow. It happened in the morning so nobody was hurt. The roof was later replaced with a new one. Another natural factor that was not considered by builders is a wind. A similar miscalculation has happened in England, in Yorkshire. They built office skyscraper, which was the tallest building in Yorkshire, and had held this record since being topped out in


September 2005. In chase of design and height, the architects did not consider that the building's shape accelerates winds in its vicinity knocking over pedestrians and even vehicles. Many people suffered from this artificial disaster and were injured. These winds led to the fact that the roads nearby should be closed to vehicles when wind speeds exceeded 45 mph (72 km/h; 20 m/s). To correct this engineering error decided to install large wind deflector in perimeter threat side of the building. The safety problems caused by the building has had an impact on proposals for other high-rise developments in the city. In August 2016 while submitting plans for Bridge Street, the developers stated that extensive wind tests were being undertaken to avoid ‘another Bridgewater Place’. The most popular example of not taking into account wind is Tacoma

Narrows Bridge. During the construction the builders nicknamed it "Galloping Gertie" because of the fact that in windy weather the road swung hard (because of the small height of the beam rigidity). On 7th of November in 1940 at 11:00 local time with wind speed of about 65 km/h the accident occurred which led to the destruction of the Central span of the bridge. The true cause was aeroelastic flutter (dynamic torsional oscillations) due to the underestimation of the wind loads when designing structures.

The building design is a complex process that involves many aspects. No less important are the geological survey. The following type of error is poorly conducting soil analysis. The most famous example is the Leaning tower of Pisa. The author of the project Bonnano Pisano did not consider the combination of a small three-meter Foundation and soft soil. This led to the fact that after the construction of the third floor (1178) the tower inclined. The soil was strengthened and in 1198 the unfinished building temporarily was opened. Now this tower is one of the main attractions of Italy. The most modern example of poor analysis of the soil in the construction of a residential building in Dzerzhinsk. During construction engineers did not do enough sampling on karst education. Given that the formation of karst failures is a frequent occurrence in the city, the builders also did not take measures of protection. Early morning residents of the building heard a suspicious crash, the walls went crack, the front door of several apartments was blocked. People got out through the open windows and a three-knee stairs rescuers. Currently the building is without power and gas. No casualties were reported.

An equally important step of designing is the selection of construction materials. In this field, engineers and architects made mistakes too. For example, In Denmark as the result of the economic crisis it was decided to switch to renewable energy sources. In a result, a huge number of wind turbines were installed right in the middle of the sea. However, in their design was made one error because of which all the plans were under threat. Almost 80% of all wind turbines installed in the so-called monofundamental post and the main section of the generator set from the top. The joints were secured with cement. Later it turned out that the cement began to crack that was the threat of collapse of wind


turbines in the sea. At the moment steps to fix this problem have been taken and the economy of Denmark develops further. Such failures have happened over the years to the present. In the ancient city Fidena near Rome a wooden amphitheater was built. In 27 ad, on Gladiator fights a lot of people came and the structure collapsed. There were killed 20 thousand people. This case served as a lesson for architects. Since then, in the preparation of projects the weight and material that can withstand the object are calculated.

Errors happened because of human factor too. For example, incorrect laying of the building of the barracks of the interior Ministry in Omsk, the crash of restaurant in Jerusalem due to improper alterations, collapse of the shopping center "maxima" in Riga due to improper storage of tools on the roof, etc.

Thus, many of the buildings at the planning stage look perfect but during construction something can go wrong. A small error in the calculation or carelessness in the choice of materials can lead to the fact that the building will become a rival to the Learning tower of Pisa or simply will not sustain its own weight. In this paper the main errors of engineers and architects in planning buildings and structures were observed. Some of them became the impetus in the development of science and some claimed dozens of lives. Anyway, every error committed has found its solution. It remains only to remember those occasions as an example of how not to do and learn from the mistakes of others.

Predtechenskaya M.A., Mitkina K.N., Aleshugina E.A., Loshkareva D.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Egypt Architecture is considered as a very important stage in the development of the world architecture. So, the subject of the article is the architectural sights of ancient Egypt.

This topic is relevant, because the ancient buildings of Egypt still attract attention not only tourists, but also scientists, as with further in-depth study of buildings, scientists find in them something amazing and unusual for Ancient Egypt. The relevance of Egyptian architecture is that with the help of its study, it is possible to determine the development of society in the prehistoric period. Thus, the object of the research is Architecture of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian civilization developed in a very long and narrow valley of the Nile, which is surrounded by а desert on both sides.

The tsar was at the head of the state. He was considered the son of the sun god and heir of the god of the underworld of Osiris. The further King was called Pharaoh


The tribes of Lower and Upper Egypt created separately the basis of a peculiar architecture. Its development is sometimes divided into several large time periods.

It is supposed that during the prehistoric period (up to 3200 BC) fortified settlements with dwelling houses made of short-lived materials were built and tombs were built.

In the period of the Old Kingdom, (in 2700-2200 BC), the construction of monumental temple structures began.

During the Middle Kingdom (2200-1500 BC), when the capital was the city of Thebes, semi-cave temples appeared.

During the New Kingdom (1500-1100 BC), all outstanding temple structures were located in Karnack and Luxor. In later period, foreign elements began to penetrate Egyptian architecture.

The main features of architecture were:The stone was the main building material. The Egyptians carved tall, slender stone blocks-the obelisks, which were the symbols of the sun-the great Ra, as well as huge pillars and columns as high as a five-story house. Separate carefully hewn stone blocks were fitted to each other perfectly, dry, without mortar.

The weight of the heavy beams of the ceiling was carried by walls, pylons and columns. The Egyptians did not use vaults but they knew this design. On the beams were laid stone slabs overlaps. The supports were very diverse. Sometimes it was monolithic stone pillars of a simple square section, in other cases - columns consisting of a base, a trunk and capitals.

Simple trunks had a square cross-section, more complex ones represented polyhedral and often represented bundles of papyrus stems. The trunks sometimes had flutes (vertical grooves).

Egyptian architecture was characterized by a peculiar form of capitals in the shape of a flower of papyrus, lotus or palm leaves. In some cases, images of the head of the goddess of fertility. Hathor were carved on the capitals.

Temples of Egypt play a special role and have sacred meaning.

Temple of Ramses 2. They were built in about twenty years. Like all Egyptian temples, there are two central halls leading to the sanctuary and several small side rooms. The ceiling of the central halls are keeped by columns some of which are made in the form of statues depicting the pharaoh [Picture 1].

Mastaba is a Ancient Egyptian tomb in the form of a playing be am with inclined to the center walls. Mastaba consists of two parts. They are a ground part and an underground part. In the underground part there is a funerary chamber with a mummy. And in the ground there is a serdab - a chapel with a statue into which, according to the Egyptians, the soul of the deceased could will move if the mummy is spoiled [Picture 2].


Pic. 1. Inside the Temple

Pic.2 Construction of Mastaba

The funerary temple of Amenhotep 3 is a magnificent structure. In the temple a large number of statues and steles were found such as statues of the goddess Sekhmet, sphinxes with crocodile bodies, sphinxes with the heads of Anubis and statues of hippos.

Palaces of Egypt are also of special interest. The palaces of the pharaohs and nobles in Ancient Egypt were built mainly of clay bricks which were dried in the sun. Unlike the temples, which were built of bricks, to worship the gods constantly and at all times, each of the pharaohs built the new palace himself after the coronation. The abandoned buildings quickly decayed and destroyed, and so, as a rule, there were not remains of the palaces of the pharaohs. At best, in the place of magnificent palaces you can find the remains of walls and broken tiles. It is assumed that the appearance of the palace of the pharaoh, its facade, repeated the forms of architecture of the ancient royal tombs of that time. The tomb was the house of the deceased in his afterlife, it is logical to assume, that it was like on his home when he was alive. Based on this


assumption, the wall of the palace could be divided by ledges with figured battlements on the top. A few extant images of the palaces of the pharaohs indicate that walls of the palace were decorated with bas-reliefs and ornaments. The facade of the palace can be seen on the famous palette of the pharaoh Narmer.

The victories, the name and title of the pharaoh are depicted on his background. From this image we learn that the territory of the palace, having the shape of a quadrangle, was surrounded by a fortified wall with towers. On the pallet the line of the foundation of the building is marked .A similar palace facade is depicted on the tomb of the pharaoh Jet: there are three high towers, decorated with three vertical lines -BLADES on a rectangular area on the wall. Between the towers you can see two deepening that look like a gate. A huge sarcophagi from basalt or limestone tell us about the palace architecture of the ancient Egyptians. Their carved ornaments on each of the four sides depict the facades of the royal palace.

In conclusion, after a while most of the monuments of Egyptian architecture were destroyed. Students have the opportunity to see such religious buildings as tombs and temples. Over time, the funeral royal temples are transformed into independent monumental structures with massive pylons and avenues of sphinxes. Even after a long time the theme of the architecture of ancient Egypt remains actual and interesting to people of all ages.


1.Дмитриева Н. А. Краткая история искусств. т. 1-2. М., 1996.-

323 с.

2.Популярная художественная энциклопедия: В 2-х т. М., 1995.-

940 с.

3.Матье М.Э. Искусство Древнего Египта. Очерки истории и теории изобразительных искусств. М., 1958.-







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