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Module 2. Grammar topic 2.2 the participle placement test

I. Using the verbs in brackets, supply the appropriate form of the participle.

  1. While (translate) ___ the article, he came across certain difficulties.

  2. (translate) ___ the article, he handed it to the teacher.

  3. (translate) ____ very carelessly, the article was difficult to read.

  4. (translate) ___ the article was sent to the editor.

  5. The girl (translate) ____ the article at the table, turned round and asked for help.

  6. The articles (translate) ____ by our students will soon be published.

  7. The article (translate) ___ now will appear in the papers tomorrow.

  8. He wants to have this article (translate) ___ by 5 o’clock.

II. Translate from Russian (a)/Ukrainian (b) into English, using participles if possible.


  1. Студенты, обсуждающие статью, очень волнуются и шумят.

  2. Студенты, обсуждавшие статью, были очень возбуждены.

  3. Студенты, обсуждавшие статью, уже ушли.

  4. Студенты, обсудившие статью, приняли решение опубликовать ее.

  5. Обсудив статью, студенты решили опубликовать ее.

  6. Статья, которую обсуждают сейчас, очень интересная.


  1. Студенты, які обговорюють статтю, дуже хвилюються та шумлять.

  2. Студенты, які обговорювали статтю, були дуже збуджені.

  3. Студенты, які обговорювали статтю, вже пішли.

  4. Студенты, які обговорили статтю, прийняли рішення надрукувати її.

  5. Обговоривши статтю, студенти вирішили її надрукувати.

  6. Стаття, яку обговорюють зараз, є дуже цікавою.

Task 1. Point out the participles and comment on their form and function.

  1. While listening to the lecture Bill fell asleep.

  2. I heard someone crying upstairs in the locked room.

  3. Laughing and shouting, the children ran out of the room.

  4. His written test is far from being acceptable.

  5. Having received an invitation, I had to go to the party.

  6. Not knowing that John hadn’t got her letter, she waited for his arrival.

  7. He stood looking at the burning house, not being able to move.

  8. Bidding Mr. Pickwick good night, the maid left him alone.

  9. Happiness is being busy with some unimportant things.

  10. She lives in the house built in the nineteenth century.

  11. The poor girl standing at his elbow asked him for a glass of water.

  12. Things seen are mightier than things heard.

  13. Having moved to the cellar I found a wooden box filled with old nails, bolts and rusty skates.

  14. He stood watching her across the room, dancing with a stranger.

  15. I sat there listening to them and wondering what they were up to.

Task 2. Decide if the following statements about the participle are true or false. Correct false statements. Use examples from Task 1 to illustrate your answer.

  1. There are two participles in English./ T

  2. Both participles have categories of voice, aspect and correlation. /T

  3. Like the gerund, participle I can be preceded by a preposition./F

  4. The forms of the Participle coincide with the forms of the Gerund./T

  5. Participle I can be followed by direct, indirect and prepositional object./T

  6. Participle II in the function of an attribute can be used only after the noun it modifies./F

  7. Both present and past participles are used as adjectives./T

Task 3. Choose the correct form (- ing or –ed) of the words in parenthesis.

  1. Don’t bother to read this book. It is (bored, boring).

  2. The students are (interesting, interested) in learning more about the subject.

  3. Mr. Green doesn’t explain the things well. The students are (confusing, confused).

  4. Have you heard the latest news? It’s (exciting, excited).

  5. I’m (boring, bored). Let’s do something.

  6. Mr. Ball fascinates me. I think he is a (fascinating, fascinated) person.

  7. Emily is (exciting, excited) about going on that trip.

  8. It was a (shocking, shocked) scandal.

  9. The news was (depressing, depressed).

  10. Nancy’s parents were (embarrassing, embarrassed) by her behavior.

Task 4. Use the participle instead of the subordinate clause

  1. As he is very ill, he can’t attend classes.

  2. When she heard me mention her name, she turned red.

  3. As I had known about her illness, I was not surprised when I was informed of her critical condition.

  4. He was on the verge of despair because he had lost the job.

  5. As the room had been cleaned in the morning, it looked tidy.

  6. When she was talking to the man she remembered that she had seen him before.

  7. When he entered the house, he went up the short flight of stairs to his room.

  8. If he is offered this job, I am sure he will take it.

  9. When I came up to the front door, I found her waiting for me on the steps.

  10. If we suppose it is true, what are we to do then?