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2 yроки 1-24 и грамматика нов.docx
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13. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What are the three types of the consequences of the disturbances?

  2. What is the main supervisory function in manufacturing?

  3. What are the supervisory functions in manufacturing if the failure cannot be prevented?

  4. What is the supervisory function if the disturbances lead to manufacturing unacceptable products?

  5. What is the role of supervision in the cases of successful production?

14. Заполните пропуски нужной глагольной формой (prevents, performs, belong, lead, includes).

  1. This class…………disturbances which…………to the production of rejects.

  2. Disturbances which…………to this class…………to the least serious consequences.

  3. The supervisory system…………failures.

  4. The supervision…………the production process.

15. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

Monitoring is on-line diagnosing of a system or of a process with the aim of recognizing malfunctioning or non-optimal functioning.

Supervision is control dealing with disturbances, in order to safeguard against a catastrophic failure, assure correct operation or achieve the best results of the supervised process.

Diagnose determines the situation from the point of view of the correct operation of the system (the machine) or the highest quality index of the process on the basis of observation of symptoms. Diagnosis may concern the present situation, the future situation or the cause of the breakdowns (or failures in operation which causes a stoppage of the process) which has already occurred.

Урок 5

1. Выпишите из словаря транскрипцию и перевод следующих слов. Запомните их произношение и значения.

ensure (v), send (v), carry out (v), establish (v), occur (v), determine (v), evaluate (v), record (n), (v), choose (v), chosen (a), gather (v), multifunction (n)

2. Правильно прочитайте интернациональные слова и дайте их русский эквивалент. Посмотрите в словаре, выпишите с переводом и выучите подчёркнутые слова.

maximize [‘mæksɪmaɪz], diagnose (v) [‘daɪəgnəʊz], diagnosis [,daɪəg’nəʊsɪs], diagnostic [,daɪəg’nəʊstɪk], symptom [‘sɪmptəm], scheme [ski:m], discrete [dɪs’kri:t], reagent [rɪ’eɪʤənt], confusion [kən’fju:ʒn], hypersensitive [‘haɪpə’sensɪtɪv], ultrasonic [‘ʌltrə’sɔnɪk].

3. С помощью суффикса -er (-or) от данных глаголов образуйте существительные со значением деятеля. Переведите их.

operate, sense, actuate, control, manipulate, record, transduce

4. С помощью суффикса -ly от данных прилагательных образуйте наречия. Переведите их.

simple, experimental, general, common, similar, rapid, relative, quick, cheap, full, probable, manual

5. Переведите слова, образованные префиксами, означающими избыточность, чрезмерность.

overload, superheated, hypersensitive, ultrasonic, extraordinary, multilateral, polynomial

6. Переведите слова, образованные префиксами, означающими недостаточность.

underestimate, subroutine, suboptimal

7. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значений словообразовательных элементов.

observe (v), observation (n), observer (n)

perform (v), performance (n)

equip (v), equipment (n)

machine (n), machining (n)

capable (a), capability (n)

signify (v), significant (a), significantly (adv)

determine (v), determination (n), determinative (a)

8. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

production equipment, control action, constraint comparison, operation scale, classification scheme, accuracy requirement, on-line diagnosis, time-length observation, machine tool operator, non-automatic cause detection, unit package level, finite element analysis

9. Переведите предложения, учитывая разные значения слова "cause".

  1. Disturbances are caused by internal errors and external errors.

  2. The detailed cause of a failure is frequently established later by a more complicated diagnosis process.

  3. The diagnosis system detects the causes of the functional disturbance by means of some information.

  4. For non-automatic cause detection, specialists are needed to carry out a manual diagnosis.

  5. The terms “monitoring” and “diagnosing” are frequently used in automatic supervision, sometimes interchangeably, and may cause confusion.