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14. Заполните пропуски нужной глагольной формой (was reduced, involves, requires, are obtained, is recognized).

  1. Supervision of production ………… the study of all the disturbances.

  2. Complete automation of a production system ………… a complete automatic supervisory system.

  3. The end products ………… as quickly and cheaply as possible.

  4. The necessity of automation of production processes ………… more and more.

  5. The manufacturing equipment ………… by the automatic system.

15. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

The traditional methodologies used in the analysis of the organizations consider them as highly structured closed systems. Nevertheless, it is now important, due to the complexity of the existing relationships, to consider the organization as being made by an external environment and an internal system of interdependent relationships. In this way an organization is considered as a formal system influenced by the internal social structure and subjected to the pressure of the external institutional environment.

Урок 2

1. Вспомните основные правила чтения гласных букв в английском языке. (Приложение 1, часть 2). Прочитайте следующие слова и объясните их чтение.

related, produce, production, requirement, optimization, disturbance

2. Выпишите из словаря следующие слова с транскрипцией и переводом. Запомните их произношение и значение.

apply (v), batch (n), consider (v), demand (n), dimension (n), designate(v), level (n), mean (v), meaning (n), quality (n), property (n), tolerance (n)

3. Правильно прочитайте интернациональные слова и дайте их русский эквивалент. Посмотрите в словаре, выпишите с переводом и выучите подчёркнутые слова.

result [rɪ’zʌlt], associate [ə’səʊʃɪət], accuracy [‘ækjʊrəsɪ], diameter [daɪ’æmɪtə], calculate [‘kælkjʊleɪt], efficiency [ɪ’fɪʃənsɪ], uniformity [,ju:nɪ’fɔ:mɪtɪ]

4. От данных глаголов с помощью суффикса -ment образуйте существительные со значением названия действия или его результата. Переведите их.

require, measure, equip, develop, improve

5. Переведите следующие существительные, образованные с помощью суффикса -ance (-ence) и означающие название действия или его результата.

disturbance, tolerance, conformance, performance, resistance

6. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

tolerance range, quality level, signal level, error signature, safety point of view, break-down point of view, cost of production point of view, two-value quality index, multi-value quality index

7. Переведите предложения, учитывая значение сложных наречий (both… and… – и… и…; either… or… – или… или…; as well as – так же, как; as long as – пока; as soon as – как только).

  1. Automatic error recovery is today possible to do both with simple and complex errors.

  2. As long as known errors occur the system performs well.

  3. Supervision system corrects the errors on-line with either manual or automatic operations.

  4. Both with testing and observing, the results need to be compared.

  5. The monitoring and the diagnosis can be done either manually or completely automatically.

  6. The level of supervision is related to quality of products as well as quality of the production processes.

  7. As soon as the monitoring system has detected a functional disturbance, it is the task of diagnosis system to determine its location, type and cause.