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10. Переведите предложения, учитывая значения слова "result".

  1. Friction (трение) results in a loss of velocity when water flows through pipes.

  2. Not all water that falls as rain or that results from the melting (таять) ice and snow runs off.

  3. The flow of electrons in one direction results in an electric current.

  4. An uncontrollable condition may result if no effective reactions are programmed.

  5. The disturbances may be the result of an environmental influence, such as sunlight.

11. Переведите предложения, учитывая значения местоимения “it” (Приложение 2, табл. 16).

  1. When a circuit is switched on, current will flow through it. When it is switched off, it becomes an open circuit and the flow of current is stopped.

  2. When the current flows through a conductor, it may heat the conductor. The temperature of the conductor rises. A practical use of it is in electric heaters.

  3. Adaptability may be a natural feature of the manufacturing system, or it can be built into it.

  4. It is necessary to enter these data into the memory.

12. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода независимого причастного оборота (Приложение 2, табл. 7).

  1. Personal computers being used for many purposes, scientists go on improving their characteristics.

  2. Microprocessors being programmable logic devices, they can be adopted to serve a variety of job functions.

  3. Robotic manipulators being relatively complex mechanical systems, their dynamics and control must be carefully studied.

  4. It is necessary to study fuzzy control, this type of control appearing as a natural extension of multilevel discontinuous control.

  5. The control schemes consist of two control loops, one of them including a basic position + velocity controller and the other one a model of the system.

  6. The expert system conducts the diagnosis experiments in steps, each step refining the diagnosis information obtained in the previous step.

13. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода герундия (Приложение 2, табл. 8).

  1. Carrying out experiments is necessary for every scientist.

  2. The two basic tasks of the control system are: following the desired trajectory on the one hand and reducing the effect of disturbances on the other hand.

  3. These robot axes give the manipulator more flexibility in adapting its own configuration to a particular task.

  4. In designing a well-developed supervision system, the desire to measure certain parameters is greater than the ability to do so.

  5. The environmental sensitivity of those transducers sometimes diminishes the possibility of using them in machine tools.

14. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Disturbances, adaptation and supervision

Any unplanned influence on the quality index should be treated as a disturbance. There are many kinds of disturbances. Some arise inside a manufacturing system (wear of tool, improper operation of a motor etc.). Others enter a manufacturing system by different material ways (energy input or information input). They may even be the result of an environmental influence, such as sunlight.

The influence of certain types of disturbances may be reduced or even eliminated by an appropriate design of the manufacturing system. This is achieved either by lowering its sensitivity to the particular types of disturbances or by building adaptability into the manufacturing system. Use of materials with a low coefficient of thermal expansion for machine tool elements demonstrates a good example where sensitivity to thermal deformations is lowered.

Another way of reducing disturbances is to use an adaptable manufacturing system. Adaptability is the characteristic feature of a manufacturing system that enables it to reduce the influence of disturbances on the quality index by means of changes in the functioning of the system. Adaptability may be a natural feature of the manufacturing system. Or it can be built into it through the adaptive functions of the control system.

Because of different characteristics of various types of possible disturbances and their diversified influences on manufacturing processes, there is a need for many different supervisory functions and systems.