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Урок 16

1. Правильно прочитайте и вспомните значения слов.

the fault, the cause, to range, to switch off, to switch over, to result, to avoid, to damage, to include

2. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значений словообразовательных элементов.

action (n), activity (n), interaction (n), interactive (a), actively (adv.)

man (n), unmanned (a)

disturb (v), disturbance (n)

damage (n), damage (v), damageable (a)

3. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

system condition, disturbance conditions, disturbance effect, monitoring indication, diagnosis knowledge

4. Переведите предложения, учитывая значения глагола "to provide" и союза "provided".

  1. Provided they use the necessary instruments, the measurement will be always correct.

  2. Automation provided the control of not only individual machines, but also of whole shops and factories.

  3. Provided the motors and their servosystems are functioning properly, then it is possible to force the robot to make some programmed moves exclusively for diagnostic use.

  4. Diagnosis is based on the diagnostic information provided by the event trace at the time of abnormal behaviour.

  5. The recording of this tool wear is not so complicated or difficult provided there is sufficient illumination.

  6. Automatic sensing devices with visual displays are often provided in order to help operators in monitoring the complex process.

  7. Recommendations are provided on working methods for those who have to deal with robots.

5. Выпишите из словаря значения выделенных слов. Переведите предложения, учитывая эти значения.

  1. Since the forces depend on several factors, estimation of tool wear may be difficult.

  2. Cutting forces are the most common parameters measured in metal-cutting science.

  3. Great wear of tool diminishes the cutting force since the effective rake angle (угол наклона) is increased.

  4. The problem of detecting bad chip form is difficult since the space for chips is usually very small.

  5. Since the classification of surface according to standards is a rather complex procedure, industrial applications of this method have been poor.

  6. The science of automation had made great progress recently.

  7. Since the mid-1970s, the systems have developed and one can even speak of different generations.

6. Переведите предложения, учитывая разное значение слов "that", "those" (Приложение 2, табл. 15).

  1. In task level programming, the task, that the robot is required to carry out, is described in a very abstract way.

  2. The basic disadvantage of the call is that of the island (изолированный участок) of automation.

  3. These tools are used to replace those that have been worn or broken.

  4. The control hierarchy is often practically arranged according to organizational models similar to those outlined (описать) for the manufacturing facility.

  5. This scheme of representing the control activity in hierarchical control is similar to that outlined for the single level control activity.

  6. The constraints are generally those of timely and deterministic (детерминированный) operation.