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6. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода слова "one" (Приложение 2, табл. 14).

  1. CAD software is divided into general system software and applied (special) software. The first one is used for organizing technical facility functioning.

  2. In this type of circuit one transistor complements the other: when one is turned on, the other is turned off.

  3. The personal computer market can be divided into 4 segments: business, home, science and education. The business segment is becoming the largest one.

  4. Building circuits that are testable, as well as ones that are self-testing, are two solutions to the problem of testing of very large scale integration devices.

  5. In some of robotic tasks one has to control contact forces between the robot-end-effector and the robot environment.

  6. As one would expect, there has been a significant research effort to generate robot level programs for motion control.

7. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Processcontrol

In flexible automatic assembly, the programming tasks are made up of data handling. Up to 95% of the programming requirements consist of data handling and manipulation tasks. Only between 5% and 10% of the programming is dedicated to robot motion. This is a very important aspect of automatic assembly and it greatly affects the way in which the user corrects for robot motion inaccuracies.

One can therefore separate the assembly process into two main areas: process control and motion control. An assembly process is simple in its logic but requires the handling of large amount of complex data. Consider a flexible automatic assembly system which assembles two types of motors, of which there are 43 variants; we will have to monitor the assembly of 86 different products which can be assembled at varying time intervals, quantities and product sequences. Each product variant will have its own delivery time, quality levels etc.

Everything that has to be externally controlled within the assembly process should be carefully studied and planned before the programming.

By process control we mean task scheduling, product priority, materials flow etc. Product priority is a time-based scale that informs the system which product to start to assemble. A current product assembly can be stopped in favour of another product assembly, if it is required.

Task scheduling works hand-by-hand with the above. This is a more long-term plan of the various products to be assembled, material flow, which tools they will require, which programs they will need access to, etc.

The above process control tasks are only selected examples. An operator must be able to update and add new items to those control structures at any time. This type of flexibility is not often found in industry but it is now beginning to reach the market. A rule-based system, linked to several databases seems to be the best suited method for such applications.

It is very important to make the process control mechanism very stable. In other words, disturbances must not complicate the execution of the process. Strategic disturbances are easily incorporated into software control system and other, such as power fluctuations, are best handled by hardware systems.