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8. Подберите термины (downtime; expert system; adaptability of manufacturing system) к следующим определениям.

  1. Ability of manufacturing system to eliminate or to diminish the influence of disturbances by appropriate changes in its operation.

  2. Structured knowledge memory with conclusion rules.

  3. Time of interruption in machining caused by a failure (break-down).

9. Найдите в тексте слова того же корня, что и следующие. Переведите их.

the association, the execution, the findings, to approach, the fulfillment, extreme, the existence, the representation, to know, to help

10. Переведите текст письменно со словарем.

The Integrated Service Digital Network operates quickly. It supplies the user at the basic telephone connection with two so-called B-channels and a D-channel. The two B-channels are line-connected and form useful channels which are independent of each other and can be used simultaneously: they transmit language, text, pictures and data. The D-channel transmits information for controlling and supervising purposes.

With the introduction of the ISDN an efficient new network became available, which, for functional as well as for financial reasons, is especially suitable for setting up teleservice systems.

Урок 22

1. Правильно прочитайте и вспомните значения слов.

to accomplish, to focus, to consider, to consist, to contain, major, inherent, the schedule

2. Прочитайте ряды однокоренных слов. Переведите их, исходя из значения словообразовательных элементов.

cell (n), cellular (a)

decide (v), decision (n)

depend (v), dependent (a), independent (a), independently (adv.)

address (n), address (v), addressable (a)

major (a), majority (n)

change (v), exchange (v)

3. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания.

cellular flexible manufacturing system, factory operation function, information processing/decision making function, decision propagation, transportation subsystem, manufacturing planning, cell level scheduling

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные предлоги.

  1. This makes this method less reliable for industrial application.

  2. In the supervision systems used in industrial applications, most factors are evaluated by indirect measurement methods.

  3. Among the quantities which can be measured and detected during the process in a machining system in order to make performance (определить характеристику) of the system are tool wear, tool failure etc.

  4. The reason for behaviour of the tool is that when the tool collapses (ломаться), no actual cutting takes place for a short period of time.

  5. The tool starts to function after an interval of usually some hundred milliseconds.

  6. The control system has to react fast enough in order to prevent further cutting after the force drop.

  7. This state of the control may be reached during the program testing prior to production.

5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова. Выпишите их значения.

  1. A wide variety of industrial processes are controlled by means of telemetry.

  2. “Telemetry” is a combination of Greek and Latin words and means "measurements at a distance".

  3. For this experiment you must take the mean value of several temperature measurements.

  4. The computer's ability to do simple work by simple means explains its wide use.

  5. For normal tool wear detection, the force F1 is evaluated by means of a sliding (скользящий) mean value F2.

  6. Tool failure means that the tool has been completely worn out or broken.

  7. The main disadvantage of piezo-electric transducers is their sensitivity at high temperatures, meaning that the piezo effect will be lost at excessively high temperatures.