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8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сравнительную конструкцию “the… the…” – «чем… тем…».

  1. The more heat a gas contains, the faster the molecules move. The faster they move, the more frequent and powerful are their collisions.

  2. The longer and thinner a piece of wire, the greater will be its resistance.

  3. The bigger the value of quality index, the higher the quality level.

9. Переведите предложения, учитывая разные функции глагола "to be" (Приложение 2, табл. 1).

  1. Diagnosis knowledge is a part of the automatic system.

  2. During the production phase, permanent automatic monitoring and diagnosis are required.

  3. The aim of automatic supervision is to ensure that the end product was obtained as quickly as possible.

  4. During the phases of the operation, the diagnosis routines are not to be component of the system.

  5. There are many kinds of disturbances.

10. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода причастий (Приложение 2, табл. 6).

  1. This type of control can be viewed as an intermediate class between discontinuous and linear control systems resulting in a compromise between advantages and drawbacks of both.

  2. Self-organizing controllers are a possible solution to this problem.

  3. Static measurements can only be performed using amplifiers having extremely high impedance (полное сопротивление).

  4. Some experimental devices utilizing lasers for dimensional measurements have been tested recently.

  5. Abnormalities in end-effect movements are first detected by the controller when the event trace observed does not confirm with the expected trace values.

  6. An expert system, when asked, must have a short response time.

11. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода независимого причастного оборота (Приложение 2, табл. 7).

  1. Other things being equal, the efficiency is less in irreversible cyclic processes.

  2. As the wavelength of such waves decreases they become more penetrating, gamma-rays being able to travel through as much as one foot of iron.

  3. There being no atmosphere, the lunar surface is exposed to direct sunlight.

  4. The main advantage of pieso-electric transducers is their sensitivity at high temperatures, the pieso-effect being lost at excessively high temperatures.

12. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Quality of product and quality of production

The level of supervision is strongly related to quality in manufacturing – both quality of product and quality of production processes.

In industry, demands for a high level of quality must be translated into specific requirements based on features that can be measured. The results of the measurements of physical quantities are used to calculate a measure of quality which is called “quality index” and designated by q. The bigger the value of quality index, the higher the quality level.

In manufacturing departments the quality of a product is still frequently reduced to conformance of the properties of the end product to technical specifications. In specific cases of dimensional accuracy this means that all dimensions of the workpiece after machining should be kept within prescribed tolerance ranges. This then leads to the simplest binary assessment of workpiece quality, as “good” or “bad”. The quality index q may have one of two values: q=1 (“good”) when the diameter is inside the permitted range; q=0 (“bad”) when the diameter is outside. The modern trend, set first by Japanese industry, is to increase the uniformity of workpieces in a batch and to narrow the dimensional tolerances required.

When considering the quality level of manufacturing processes two aspects may be distinguished: 1) quality assessment from the safety or break-down point of view; 2) quality assessment from the efficiency or cost-of-production point of view. In the first case, quality level is associated with a two-value quality index (“good”, “bad”), in the second, with a multi-value quality index.