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5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные глагольные формы.

  1. The quantitative relationships of the process being controlled are described by mathematical equations some of which are known and others are to be found.

  2. Automation has stepped up (выдвинуть) the machining of the most sophisticated items improving precision and quality of output, but it has demanded that auxiliary operations be precise and quick too.

  3. A digital computer is an electronic assembly consisting of thousands of electronic components each of which, when connected in combination with one another, can perform certain basic functions necessary to data processing.

  4. Being able to interface (связать) the command link to a microprocessor gives additional power and flexibility to the system.

  5. Providing an easy-to-use interactive graphic processor to collect the design data graphically for the simulation system seems to be a good approach to solve some problems.

6. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Decentralization of Planning and Control in a cellular flexible manufacturing system (3)

The functions of a cell controller are logically decomposed into three groups. These groups are: 1) factory level planning, 2) cell level planning, 3) cell level control.

Factory level planning. The interface modules in the cell controller request or accept input from CAD and business subsystem to trigger (запускать) functions in this group. It is noted that the functions in this group are not performed by an individual cell controller in isolation. This requires departing (отступление) from standard centralized formulation of the factory level planning functions.

Cell level planning. In this group a major task is to maintain status (состояние) information of the respective cell by acquiring real time information from cell interface modules (модуль всех ячеек). On the basis of strategic decision made by the previous level, the cell level planning functions are carried out. These functions require relatively less cooperation from other cell controllers.

Cell level control. This group of functions is for real time control of activities of machines within the cell. The various tasks include preparing processing steps, allocation of resources, monitoring of activities and reporting of status information.

The model presented by us is essentially a distributed real-time processing system with heterogeneous components. Realization of the above system imposes (налагать) special requirements on the software technology: distributed programming, distributed data bases, real-time programming. We have designed a distributed object oriented programming language. Its basic implementation is nearing completion (близок к завершению).

7. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. How are the functions of the cell controller decomposed?

  2. What does factory planning represent?

  3. What does cell level planning represent?

  4. What does cell level control represent?

  5. What model is presented by the researchers of the center?

  6. What are the characteristics of the software of the system presented?