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in glycolysis, 369, 434–435, 434f, 437–438, 437f, 439f, 725f hexokinase inhibited by, 434, 448–449

metabolism of, 152, 153, 369–371, 437, 437f

in pentose phosphate pathway, 370f, 371, 371f, 437, 543–550, 543f, 545f polarity and solubility of, 65, 66f

product inhibition by, 155 in red blood cells, 874 supply of, regulation of, 447

Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 549–550, 635, 721, 722f, 723, 729t, 874, 921 Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, 544–545, 549, 559–560, 563t, 890t Glucose–alanine cycle, 586, 586f, 756–757, 756f, 832, 832f

Glucose-dependent tissues, 34

Glucose homeostasis, 372, 376, 376f, 437

Glucose metabolism, 4–5, 27–28, 369–375. See also specific pathways and processes in adipose tissue, 28, 580f, 582f

ATP generation in, 4–5, 27–28, 369–375, 375 (See also Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation)

in basal (postabsorptive) state, 35, 36f

in brain and neural tissues, 27–28, 34, 444, 566, 579, 582f, 953, 968

in fasting, prolonged (starvation), 38, 39, 568f, 578, 579t, 583, 583f, 584, 584f in fasting state, 34, 35–40, 39f, 437, 526, 566, 568f, 578, 581–582, 584, 584f, 724– 726

in fed state, 24, 24f, 27–28, 437, 566, 568f, 579–581, 584, 584f, 720–723 GLP-1 and GIP in, 860–863, 862f, 862t

in glycolysis, 27, 28, 369–371, 375, 375f, 434–454, 922 anaerobic, 370f, 379, 403, 407, 407f, 434–435, 435f, 436 rate-limiting enzyme of, 434–435, 434f

substrate-level phosphorylation in, 434, 435f, 436 homeostasis in, 372, 376, 376f

intermediates of, 369, 370f in kidney, 569, 582f

in liver, 27, 34–38, 568–569, 579, 582f, 917–918, 921–922 major pathways of, 369f, 373f

in metabolic syndrome, 660–662

in muscle, 28, 28f, 580, 580f, 582f, 726, 942–945 AMP activation in, 942–943, 943f

in glycolysis/anaerobic glycolysis, 444, 938, 939, 942–945 in type IIb fast-twitch fibers, 942

neonatal, 526

in pentose phosphate pathway, 369, 370f, 371, 543–550, 543f

in red blood cells, 28, 34, 36, 575, 578–580, 582f, 843, 872–874, 873fin glycolysis, 444–445, 843, 869, 873–874, 873f

in pentose phosphate pathway, 548–549, 549f, 843, 869, 873f, 874 in tricarboxylic acid cycle, 369, 370f, 375

in various tissues, 38t, 579–580, 580f Glucose monitor, blood, 75

Glucose sparing, 38

Glucose tolerance, impaired, 56 “Glucose toxicity,” 991

Glucose transporters, 176, 382–383, 415, 425–428 blood–brain barrier and, 428, 429f, 957 cardiac, 939

cholera and, 430

deficiency of (GLUT 1), 957, 975t facilitative, 415, 426, 427f, 427t fructose, 440

galactose and fructose absorption through, 426–427 Na+-dependent, 415, 426, 427f, 430

tissue specificity of, 428, 428f Glucosidase, 530, 531t Glucuronate, 551–553, 551f, 552f Glucuronic acid, 68, 69f, 985f, 986

Glucuronides, 544, 551–553, 552f, 553t, 879 GLUT 1 transporter, 426, 427t, 428, 939, 957 GLUT 1 transporter deficiency, 957, 975t

GLUT 2 transporter, 382, 426, 427t, 428 GLUT 3 transporter, 426, 427t, 428, 957

GLUT 4 transporter, 426, 427t, 428, 428f, 726, 939 GLUT 5 transporter, 426, 427t, 440

Glutamate, 84f, 85t, 86, 966–967 α-ketoglutarate conversion to, 472, 760, 966–967

in amino acid nitrogen metabolism, 753–756, 753f, 754f, 755f, 756f amino acids related through, 755, 755f, 776–778, 777f

ammonia toxicity and, 762 deamination of, 754–755, 754f degradation of, 771, 771f, 776 excitotoxicity of, 953, 969 functions of, 769

GABA synthesis from, 967, 967f histidine conversion to, 771

as neurotransmitter, 834, 953, 958, 966–967 in sickle cell hemoglobin, 86, 87, 88 storage and release of, 967

synthesis of, 769, 770f, 776, 966–967, 967f TCA cycle intermediates and, 472, 970 transamination to, 753, 753f

transport of, 967

in urea cycle, 755–756, 756f

Glutamate dehydrogenase, 751, 754–756, 754f, 776, 966, 967f Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, 145f

Glutamate semialdehyde, 759, 759f, 777–778, 777f Glutaminase, 751, 755, 757, 757f, 762, 776, 777f Glutamine, 84f, 85t, 86

α-ketoglutarate conversion to, 472, 760 ammonia toxicity and, 762

deamination of, 755

degradation of, 771, 771f, 776, 777ffunctions of, 823, 827, 828t glutamate synthesis from, 967, 967f

glutamate transport in, 967 metabolism of

brain, 834, 834f

fasting state, 825–828, 826f hypercatabolic states, 836 muscle, 823, 827, 830–832 renal, 828–829, 828f, 829f

in sepsis and trauma, 823, 823f, 836 nitrogen transport by, 751, 756–757, 823 oxidation of, 751

in purine synthesis, 806, 806f, 807f, 808–811, 808f in pyrimidine synthesis, 813, 814f

synthesis of, 751, 757, 757f, 770f, 776, 777f and TCA cycle, 472

Glutamine phosphoribosylamidotransferase, 808, 808f, 810–811, 810f Glutamine synthase, 751, 755, 757, 757f

Glutamine synthetase, 776, 777f Glutathione

defense system, 505, 515–516, 516f, 543, 548–549, 549f hepatic usage of, 920–921

synthesis of, 746–747, 747f, 776, 919t Glutathione peroxidase, 505, 515–516, 516f Glutathione reductase, 515–516, 516f, 920–921 Glycation. See Glycosylation

Glycemic index, 425–426, 425t Glyceraldehyde, D- and L-forms of, 66–67, 67f

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 437, 438, 439f, 440–441, 440f, 543f, 544, 725f generation of ribose 5-phosphate from, 548, 548f

ribulose 5-phosphate conversion to, 546–547, 547f Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 438, 443, 452–453, 453f Glycerol, 62

cycling with glucose, 586, 586f

fasting state, 34, 36, 37, 582

for gluconeogenesis, 566, 570, 571, 571f, 575

as triacylglycerol backbone, 6, 6f, 70–71, 71f, 594, 595, 595f triacylglycerol release of, 632, 632f, 649–651, 650f

Glycerol 3-phosphate

in fatty acid storage, 649, 650f in gluconeogenesis, 568, 571f in glyceroneogenesis, 651

in glycerophospholipid synthesis, 632, 651–652 shuttle, in glycolysis, 434, 434f, 488, 488f in triacylglycerol synthesis, 632, 647f, 648

Glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT), 730 Glycerolipids, 651–656. See also Glycerophospholipids Glycerol kinase, 647f, 648

Glyceroneogenesis, 650–651 Glycerophospholipids, 591, 651–656 degradation of, 654–656, 655f ether, 632, 651, 652–654, 654f functions of, 651

interconversion among, 652, 653f metabolism of, 632, 651–656 structure of, 632, 633f

synthesis of, 632, 651–652, 652f, 653ftypes of, 651f Glycine, 83, 84f, 85t, 968

in bile salt conjugation, 676, 677f in collagen, 979, 993

in creatine synthesis, 940f, 941 degradation of, 770–771, 771f, 774, 774f disorders of, 786t

functions of, 769

in heme synthesis, 843, 869, 874–875, 875f as neurotransmitter, 834, 953, 958, 968

as one-carbon group recipient, 794, 795f, 795t

as one-carbon group source, 790, 790f, 794, 794f, 795t in osteogenesis imperfecta, 993

in purine synthesis, 806, 806f, 807f, 808, 809f synthesis of, 769, 770f, 772, 773f, 774, 774f, 953, 968 Glycine transaminase, 786t, 787t

Glycocalyx, 171f, 172, 174 Glycochenodeoxycholic acid, 919t Glycocholic acid, 676, 677f, 919t Glycogen, 3, 5, 5f, 7–8, 7t, 525–540, 719 anorexia nervosa and, 152

degradation of, 525–530, 528f, 530f (See also Glycogenolysis) as emergency fuel in glycolysis, 436–437, 527

fasting state, 34–38, 532–533, 532t, 533t, 566, 581, 724–726 fed state, 24, 24f, 532, 532t, 566, 720–723

function of, 527–528

glycosidic bonds of, 525, 525f, 529, 529f

hepatic metabolism of, 34–38, 526, 527, 531–537, 532t, 534f, 566, 720–723 blood glucose levels and, 535

calcium and, 535–536, 536f diabetes mellitus and, 535

epinephrine and, 534f, 535–537, 536f, 853, 854f

fasting state, 34–38, 532–533, 532t, 533t, 566, 581, 724–726 fed state, 720–723

glucagon in, 526, 531, 533–535, 534f, 845, 848 insulin in, 526, 531, 533, 535, 845, 847 mechanisms affecting, 720–723

nomenclature for enzymes in, 533 phosphorylation in, 533–534, 534f protein phosphatases in, 535

hepatic stores of, 7, 7t, 27, 371, 525, 527, 527f, 720 metabolic capacities of various tissues, 38t metabolic disorders of, 531, 531t

muscle metabolism of, 525–527, 527f, 532, 532t, 537–538, 537f, 726, 942–943 AMP activation of, 942–943, 943f

ATP availability and, 537 calcium and, 526, 532, 538 diabetes mellitus and, 535

epinephrine and, 526, 532, 853, 854f, 943, 944f muscle stores of, 7, 7t, 371, 525–526, 527, 527f, 943 neonatal stores of, 526, 536, 538–539

nonreducing ends of, 527, 529, 529f polymers and particles of, 527 structure of, 525, 525f, 527 synthesis of (See Glycogen synthesis) Glycogenin, 529

Glycogenolysis, 34–38, 152, 372, 372f, 376, 525–538, 528f, 530fdebranching enzyme in, 525, 528, 528f, 529–530, 530f

disorders of, 531, 531t epinephrine in, 526

gluconeogenesis activation with, 527 glucose 6-phosphate in, 437, 525, 527

in liver, 526, 527, 527f, 531–537, 532t, 534f blood glucose levels and, 535, 917–918 calcium and, 535–536, 536f

diabetes mellitus and, 535 epinephrine and, 534f, 535–537, 536f

fasting state, 34–38, 532–533, 532t, 533t, 566, 581, 724–726 glucagon and, 526, 531, 533–535, 534f, 845, 848

insulin and, 526, 531, 533, 535, 845, 847 nomenclature for enzymes in, 533 phosphorylation and, 533–534, 534f protein phosphatases and, 535

regulation of, 531–537, 532t

in muscle, 525–527, 527, 527f, 532, 532t, 537–538, 537f, 942–943 AMP activation of, 942–943, 943f

ATP availability and, 537 calcium and, 526, 532, 538 diabetes mellitus and, 535

epinephrine and, 526, 532, 943, 944f regulation of, 532, 532t, 537–538, 726 regulation of, 531–538

Glycogen phosphorylase, 525–526, 528f, 529, 530f, 531t, 729t covalent modification of, 533

disorders of, 530, 531, 531t in liver, 533–535, 534f

in muscle, 158–159, 159f, 160, 526, 538, 942–943, 943f protein phosphatases and, 535

Glycogen phosphorylase a, 533 Glycogen phosphorylase b, 533 Glycogen phosphorylase kinase, 159

Glycogen storage diseases, 531, 531t, 540t type II, 530

type III, 533, 534 type V, 531, 531t, 532 type VI, 531, 531t, 532

von Gierke disease, 531t, 535

Glycogen synthase, 144, 525, 528f, 529, 529f, 531t, 533–535, 721, 943 covalent modification of, 533

diabetes mellitus and, 535 inhibition of, 533–534, 534f, 539 muscle, 538

protein phosphatases and, 535 regulation of, 721, 721f, 729t Glycogen synthase a, 533 Glycogen synthase b, 533, 535

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), 539

Glycogen synthesis, 27, 371, 372f, 525–538, 528f, 529f

activated intermediates in, 400f, 401 branching enzyme in, 525, 528f, 529 energetics of, 400–403, 400f

Gibbs free energy change in, 400–401 glucose 6-phosphate in, 437, 525, 528, 528f

in liver, 34–38, 526, 527, 527f, 531–537, 532t, 534fblood glucose levels and, 535, 917–918

calcium and, 535–536, 536f diabetes mellitus and, 535

epinephrine and, 534f, 535–537, 536f

fasting state, 34–38, 532–533, 532t, 533t, 566, 581, 724–726 fed state, 720–723

glucagon in, 526, 531, 533–535, 534f, 845, 848 insulin in, 526, 531, 533, 535, 845, 847 mechanisms affecting, 720–723

nomenclature for enzymes in, 533 phosphorylation in, 533–534, 534f protein phosphatases in, 535

in muscle, 525–527, 527f, 532, 532t, 537–538, 537f ATP availability and, 537

calcium and, 526, 532, 538 diabetes mellitus and, 535 epinephrine and, 526, 532

phosphoglucomutase reaction in, 398, 398f, 402, 528, 528f phosphoryl transfer reactions in, 400–401, 401t regulation of, 527–528, 531–538

insulin/glucagon ratio in, 526, 531 in liver, 531–537, 532t

in muscle, 532, 532t, 537–538

UDP-glucose in, 371, 400f, 401, 525, 528–529, 528f, 529f Glycochenodeoxycholic acid, 676

Glycolipids, 62, 171f, 172, 558–559, 651f as cell recognition factors, 544 digestion of, 415

function of, 558

structure of, 558, 558f, 633f synthesis of, 371–372, 372f, 544, 633 sugar precursors for, 554, 554t, 556f

Glycolysis, 27, 28, 369–371, 375f, 434–454, 922 as anabolic pathway, 437

anaerobic (See Anaerobic glycolysis) anorexia nervosa and, 152

ATP generated in, 28, 369, 375, 407, 407f, 434, 434f, 489 ATP-generating phase of, 437, 437f

biosynthetic function of, 437, 446, 446f capacities of various tissues, 38t

for fatty acid synthesis, 635, 635f

functions other than ATP generation, 435, 446, 446f gluconeogenesis as reversal of, 566, 567f, 569–570, 572 glucose 6-P conversion to triose phosphates in, 438, 439f glucose conversion to glucose 6-P in, 437–438, 437f, 439f glycogen as emergency fuel in, 436–437, 527

hexokinase initiation of, 434, 434f high-energy bonds in, 438–440, 452–453 intermediates of

amino acids from, 769, 770–771, 772–776, 773f fructose conversion to, 435, 435f, 436, 440–441, 440f galactose conversion to, 435, 436, 442, 443f generation of ribose 5-phosphate from, 548, 548f

ribulose 5-phosphate conversion to, 546–547, 546f, 547f muscle, 449, 938

in cardiac muscle, 445, 450, 938, 939

in skeletal muscle, 444, 938, 939, 942–945overview of, 434, 434f oxidation in, 438–440, 439f

oxidative fates of pyruvate and NADH in, 443–444, 443f

pentose phosphate pathway and, 543–550, 543f preparative phase of, 437–438, 437f, 439f

pyruvate generated for fatty acid synthesis in, 435, 437, 446 rate-limiting enzyme in (PFK-1), 434–435, 434f, 438, 439f, 447, 449–450 reactions of, 437–440

in red blood cells, 843, 869, 873–874, 873f regulation of, 446–450, 724–726, 725f enzyme activity/amount in, 575, 576f, 577t isoenzymes in, 447–449

major sites of, 447, 448f

regulation of hexokinases, 448–449, 448f regulation of PFK-1, 448f, 449–450, 449f regulation of pyruvate kinase, 450

relationships among ATP, ADP, and AMP concentrations, 447, 448f shuttle systems in, 434, 434f, 443–444

substrate-level phosphorylation in, 375, 434, 435f, 436, 438–440, 439f summary of pathway, 440

TCA cycle link to, 457, 469, 471 Glycopeptide transpeptidase, 141f Glycophorin, 173f

Glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI) glycan anchor, 174, 174f Glycoprotein(s), 62, 69, 171f, 172, 556–558 distribution in body, 544

function of, 556

in hepatic fibrosis, 927–928

plasma, 894 (See also Plasma proteins) structure of, 556, 556f

synthesis of, 371–372, 372f, 544, 556–558, 919–920 dolichol phosphate in, 556–558, 557f

sugar precursors for, 554, 554t, 556f Glycoprotein Ia, 897

Glycoprotein Ib, 897 Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa, 897

Glycosaminoglycans, 69, 551f, 844, 978, 984–988 functions of, 986, 986t

repeating disaccharides of, 984–986, 985f types of, 986

Glycosidases, 179, 418, 419–421, 420t Glycosides, 69

Glycosidic bonds, 62, 69, 70f, 415, 416f α-1,4, in glycogen, 525, 525f, 529, 529f hydrolysis of, 415, 418

in interconversions of sugars, 550 Glycosphingolipids, 72, 172

Glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C), 27, 56, 101, 120, 122, 379, 570, 863 Glycosylated proteins, 119, 120f

Glycosylation, 92, 285, 585, 687 nonenzymatic, 119, 120f

Glycosyltransferases, 144, 544, 550–551, 551f, 986–987, 987f Glyoxylate, 774, 774f

Goiter, 859, 860 diffuse toxic, 481

Golgi complex, 169, 170f, 182

collagen synthesis in, 982–983, 983tHMG-CoA reductase regulation in, 673, 674f la

minin synthesis in, 984

protein targeting from, 274, 286–287, 286f proteoglycan synthesis in, 978

in receptor-mediated endocytosis, 179–180 sphingolipid production in, 559

VLDL processing in, 648, 650f

Gout, 63, 74, 75, 129, 143, 147t, 170, 185, 187t, 807, 818, 820t allopurinol for, 75, 129, 140–142, 142, 142f, 143, 170, 185, 807, 818 colchicine for, 75, 143, 170, 183, 185, 807

inflammatory response in, 74, 180, 185, 195


ukotrienes in, 195

purine nucleotides in, 817, 818

uric acid/urate crystals in, 74, 180, 818 gp41 protein, 269, 270f

gp120 protein, 269, 270f G-protein(s)

adrenergic receptors and, 388 heterotrimeric, 107, 190, 203–204, 204f, 204t monomeric, 150, 160–161, 161f

as oncogenes, 349–350, 350t Ras superfamily of, 161

G-protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs), 198, 198f Gram-negative bacteria, 214

Gram-positive bacteria, 214 Gram stain, 214 Granulocytes, 871

Granulomatous disease, chronic, 513, 522t Grapefruit juice, as CYP3A4 inhibitor, 915 Graves disease, 481, 499, 500t

Grb2 protein, 199, 199f

Group transfer reactions, 144, 145f Growth factor(s), 190, 195, 308 hematopoietic, 881–883 hematopoietic, recombinant, 334

in hepatic fibrosis, 928 oncogenic, 349, 350t, 351f

Growth-factor receptors, oncogenic, 349, 350t, 351f Growth hormone, 843, 846t, 849–853 counterregulation by, 843, 845, 846t

diabetogenic potential of, 847, 851, 864 effects of

on adipose tissue, 851 direct, 850

on energy metabolism, 851, 852f indirect, 850

on liver, 851–853 on muscle, 851 human

recombinant production of, 333 structure of, 849, 849f receptors of, 850

secretion of, regulation of, 850, 851f, 852f somatostatin and, 849, 850

tumors secreting

in acromegaly, 847, 849, 850, 851

diagnosis of, 864Growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone (GHRIH), 850, 851f, 852f Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), 850, 851f, 852f

Growth-suppressor genes, 212 GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), 206, 355 Guanase, 817

Guanidinoacetate, 940f, 941 Guanine, 74f, 215t degradation of, 817

in DNA, 213, 215–218, 215f, 215t, 217f pairing of, 216–218, 217f

Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), 199, 199f Guanosine, in mRNA, 251

Guanosine diphosphate (GDP)

in deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, 806 regulation of, 806

Guanosine monophosphate (GMP) degradation of, 817, 818f phosphorylation of, 810

in purine synthesis, 806, 807f, 809–811

synthesis of, 809, 810f Guanosine triphosphate (GTP)

in activated intermediate formation, 402 in AMP synthesis, 808–809, 809f proteins binding. See G-protein(s)

in protein synthesis, 274, 279–284 in purine synthesis, 807f, 808–809 as RNA precursor, 252

in tricarboxylic acid cycle, 457, 457f, 459, 460f, 461 tubulin binding of, 183

Guanylate cyclase, 968, 968f Guanylyl cyclase receptors, 207 Guide strand, of microRNAs, 312–313 Gums (dietary fiber), 424, 424t Gut (intestinal epithelium)

amino acid absorption in, 738

amino acid metabolism in, 751, 752f, 753, 754f, 832–833, 833f, 835, 835f cholesterol absorption in, 669

cholesterol metabolism in, 674–675 fiber metabolism in, 424

glucose metabolism in, 27

protein digestion in, 738, 739–741 sugar absorption in, 426–427 vitamin B12 absorption in, 797 xenobiotic biotransformation in, 914

Guthrie bacterial inhibition assay, 772 Gynecoid pattern, of fat storage, 30 HHA

ART, 246

Haber-Weiss reaction, 504, 506, 507f, 515 HaeIII restriction enzyme, 321t

Hairpin loop, 104, 104f Haploid cells, 221, 222f, 265 Haptocorrins, 797 Haptoglobin, 895t

Hartnup disease, 742, 743, 746, 748t

HDL. See High-density lipoproteinHealthy body weight, 10 Heart, 932, 934f, 935

bioenergetics of, 395, 402 fuel use in, 938–939 fatty acid, 624, 939

in ischemic conditions, 939 la

ctate, 939

in normal conditions, 939 glycolysis in, 445, 450, 938, 939 SERCA pump in, 948–949

Heart attack. See Myocardial infarction Heart failure

alcoholism and, 129, 143, 147t, 458, 474, 476t congestive, 409, 458, 476t

doxorubicin and, 482 le

ft ventricular, 395, 409

Heat, energy transformation to, 394, 403 Heat of fusion, water, 49

Heat production (thermogenesis), 403 adaptive, 403

definition of, 403 diet-induced, 8, 10 nonshivering, 494–496, 495f shivering, 403

thyroid hormone and, 859–860 Heat-shock proteins

in mitochondrial import, 180–181, 475, 475f

in protein folding, 117, 117f receptors associated with, 196–197 in steroid hormone binding, 305f, 306

Heavy (H) chains of immunoglobulins, 114–116, 115f Heavy-metal toxicity, 142–143

Hedgehog receptor, 350t, 355, 356f Height, 30

Height table, 12

Helicases, 230, 232, 232f, 238t Helix–loop–helix–leucine zipper, 673 Helix–loop–helix motif, 307f, 308 Helix–turn–helix motif, 307f, 308 Hematocrit, 436

Hematologic system, 843–844, 870. See also specific components Hematoma, 894, 904

Hematopoiesis, 843, 869, 880–883 cytokines and, 880–882

differentiation and hierarchy in, 880, 881f progenitor cells in, 880–881, 881f Hematopoietic growth factors, 881–883 Hematopoietic growth factors, recombinant, 334

Hematopoietic stem cells, 843, 869, 880–883, 881f Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, 362 Heme, 29, 874–879

in cytochromes, 485, 486f, 874 degradation of, 81, 598, 877–879, 878f disorders of, 843, 869, 875f, 876

and eukaryotic initiation factors, 281, 311, 311f iron oxidation state in, 486, 487

and oxygen binding, 110–111, 111fstructure of, 110, 111f, 874, 874f synthesis of, 843, 869, 874–875, 875f, 876f

drugs affecting, 877 regulation of, 877

TCA cycle intermediates and, 471f, 472 Heme synthase, 875, 875f Hemicelluloses, 422f, 424t Hemoglobin, 15, 843, 872–874

adult, 80, 90, 108

buffer function of, 47, 54–55, 55f carbon dioxide binding in, 114, 114f conformation changes in, 123–124, 123f degradation of, 877–879, 878f disorders of, 884–886

embryonic, 885–886 fetal (HbF), 80, 90

hereditary persistence of, 870, 885–889, 890t glycosylated (A1C), 27, 56, 101, 120, 122, 379, 570, 863 glycosylation of, 119, 120f, 121

heme component of, 486, 487 iron component of, 486, 487, 874 in iron-deficiency anemia, 295 measurement of, 252, 436 myoglobin as paralog of, 89, 90f normal values of, 872, 872t oxygen binding in, 109–114, 111f agents affecting, 112–114, 113f

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate and, 113, 113f cooperativity of, 112, 112f, 123–124, 123f proton binding (Bohr effect) and, 113–114, 113f oxygen saturation curve for, 110, 110f, 112 polymorphisms in, 80

structure–function relationships in, 109–114 structure of, 109–110, 110f

synthesis of, 869

in thalassemia, 252, 267, 268

turnover of, 743

Hemoglobin A1c, 27, 56, 101, 120, 122, 379, 570, 863 Hemoglobin C (HbC), 884, 890t

Hemoglobin H (HbH), 884–885 Hemoglobin M, 487 Hemoglobinopathies, 884–886 Hemoglobin S (HbS, sickle cell), 884 abnormal protein structure in, 112

amino acid substitution in, 86, 87, 88, 90, 884 genetics of, 80

Hemoglobin switching, 869, 885–889, 886f, 888f Hemolysis, 874

Hemolytic anemia, 843, 872, 879, 884, 886–887 Hemophilia, recombinant factor VIII for, 319, 334 Hemophilia A, 894, 904–905, 907t

Hemophilia B, 905, 907t

Hemosiderin, 877, 877f

Hemostasis, 843–844, 870, 893, 895–904. See also Coagulation Hemostatic plug, 893, 895–897

formation of, 896–897

secondary, 893Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 47, 52, 54 Henseleit, Kurt, 757

Heparin, 602, 903, 905, 985f, 986, 986t Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), 905, 964 Heparin sulfate, 844, 903, 986, 986t, 992 Hepatic artery, 910, 911, 911f, 913

Hepatic binding protein, 914 Hepatic dysmetabolism, 702

Hepatic encephalopathy, 757, 760, 764, 766t

Hepatic fibrosis, 713–714, 713t, 714f, 715t, 926–928 Hepatic parenchymal cells. See Hepatocytes

Hepatic portal vein, 27, 29, 910, 911, 911f, 913 Hepatic sclerosis, 713t

Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver), 185, 603, 649, 702, 708 Hepatic triacylglycerol lipase (HTGL), 680–681, 680f, 684, 925 Hepatitis

alcohol-induced, 710, 711f vaccines against, 319 viral, 753, 757, 764, 766t Hepatitis A, 753, 757, 764 Hepatitis B, 341t, 362

Hepatitis B vaccine, 320, 333, 335, 338, 362 Hepatobiliary transport, 910

Hepatocellular carcinoma, 362 Hepatocytes, 27, 911–912, 911f, 912 diagnostic agents for, 914 functions of, 912

protein synthesis in, 919 receiving and recycling in, 913–914 secretions of, 911

Hepatogenous diabetes, 927 Heptahelical receptors, 190, 198, 198f nomenclature for, 203 phosphatidylinositol signaling by, 205 signal transduction through, 203–205 Heptoses, 66

Herceptin (trastuzumab), 349 Hereditary anemias, 843, 869

Hereditary fructose intolerance, 435, 442, 451–452, 454t Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, 242, 247, 248t, 349, 363 Hereditary orotic aciduria, 816, 820t

Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), 870, 885–889, 890t Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), 362

Hers disease, 531, 531t, 532 Heterochromatin, 181f, 214, 301

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